
Black Friday!!


そして、今日、サンクス・ギビングの次の日はBlack Friday(黒い金曜日)と呼ばれて、あちらこちらでビックセールが行われるらしいのです。朝5時〜とか目玉商品が激安で手に入るらしい。テレビとか。私たちは朝5時から行くのは断念しましたが、スーパーで思わぬBlack Fridayセールを発見!!

Did you have happy Thanksgiving day? :) We went to the party of the church, The church prepared foods for university students or small young families like us and the elderly people. What a nice people!!! We appreciated them so much, because I don't know how to cook a Turkey and another traditional Thanksgiving dinner and Brit was lazy to do it. We ate lots lots of foods there, I worked yesterday, so I showed up there late, so people almost done to eat, and lots of foods still left. I was really full.



Black Friday!!!

We didn't want something special, but I always like big sale ;) So, I just want to see what's going on the Black Friday. Anyway, we have to get quarts for our laundry, so we went to the Albertson in this morning. And we found 75% off fresh whole turkey!!!!!! These were only 5~6 bucks each!!!! (29cents for 1LB)We had no choice but to buy them. Brit was excited about it, so he decided to buy two. For me, actually for freezer, they are too much, but he said he would take care of them, so we bought them. In addition, we get 1 big dayold chocolate cake and turkey cup cakes ( Yukine chose it). Now we have lots lots of foods in this house.
Brit was carving one of them while I worked today, He did very well!I think we won't need to buy poultry for a while ;)

そしてDay oldといって、まぁ見切り品ですな。どでかいケーキ20ドルがなぜか2ドルだったのでこれも、(私はあんまりチョコ好きじゃないし、買ってみたものの甘すぎてやっぱりあまり食べられないけど)安さについ買ってしまいました。笑


奏大くんはぶり豚の今行っている大学のトレーナーを着てます。こっちには大学ごとの子供用のトレーナーとかTシャツとか売っていてすごくかわいいの。今、私らはUW(University of Washington)のトレーナー集めにハマってます。といっても古着ですがね^^

Kanata was sooo nice smile in this picture huh? :) Kanata likes taken picture, actually, he likes watch the camera, maybe. Anyway, I took the picture because Kanata wore the UW sweatshirt and Brit wore the Aggies rugby shirt :) We are trying to collect UW closes, and we have my and Kanata's sweat, and Brit's T shirts, so we have to look for Yukine's one.




Here you are, Melon bread again :p
But I haven't made melon bread for a while. It's sometimes too much for me, but today was my friend's son's birthday, so I wanted to give them to him as BD present :)
Yukine also helped me, actually, she halped me lots! she is getting better at cooking recently, and she is enjoying cooking. It is good for her!

賑やかな週 (Fun week)


We had lots friends in our place last week and this week. It was really fun!

ぶり豚の小学校からの友達Jimとその彼女Val. 彼らが再会するのは実に7年ぶり!?それまでほぼ連絡0だけど、親友で昨日の話の続きという感じでめっちゃしゃべっておりました。

Maybe some people know him, right? Of course, this is the first time for me, I knew the many stories about him tho ;) This is one of Brit's best friends, Jim. He is living in DC, but he and his fiancee came visit to his parents who live in (kinda?) next city of Seattle for Thanksgiving, so they made a little side trip to our place. Brit and Jim haven't contacted each other for several years besides just one or two emails :o But they talked sound as if they met yesterday:) Brit seemed to be really happy to see him again.
We did Temaki sushi party (Sushi by yourself) We bought the seafood from my sushi place. Jim and Val liked sushi, so I was glad that.

喜音はこのケーキが何よりも目当て。寿司もほぼ食べずケーキのための胃袋を用意していた誰よりも計算高い奴。^^:ケーキ入刀 笑

Yukine's most exciting part was "cake"!! , so she didn't eat sushi so much, she made her room for cake :p She never forget about sweets!!


And our friend Chiaki and her friend Keiko came visit us from Vancouver. They stayed overnight in our place :) It was fun!! Chiaki has been working at hotel there, and she decided to move back to Japan and will work at the Hotel in Japan from January, so she came to see us before she move back. We had really good time, Yukine and Kanata enjoyed to play with them so much, and especially, Yukine got lots presents from early Santa, she was really happy :) We didn't do something special like go to some exciting place or sight-seeing something like that, but we (I and my kids at least :p) had good time :)
Thank you sooo much, Chiaki and Keiko!


On the next day of my BD, Brit's friend of UW came over here. She is working on PhD!
Anyway, I made Chinese steam meat buns. She enjoyed my food, so I was happy :) She was really cool person, we had good time with her.


So, that was our last and this week events :) Right now, our apartment is very quiet... little bit too quiet. Yukine seemed to be excited too much, she has had a little bit of fever since last night. I hope she will be better tomorrow. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving holiday, we will go to the party of the church we hope.

have a happy thanksgiving, everyone!


誕生日 My Birthday

普通の日だったし、ちょっと私も風邪を引いていてとくに大きいことをしなかった今年の私の誕生日当日。でも夜にぶり豚がGyoroというピタパンにメィメィ(羊 私の大好物!!)のお肉とか野菜とハマスという豆のペーストが挟まっているサンドのテイクアウトを買ってきてくれた。久しぶりの寿司以外の(笑)外食(今とても貧乏生活ですので。)日本だったらケバブっていうのかな?中東の食べ物です。日本でも最近知られてきていますよね。あれです。おいしかった〜♪


My birthday is weekday, and I had a cold, so we didn't do something so special, but Brit brought Gyro (which is one of my favorite American? food) to home and missionaries came over just right time, they didn' t know about my BD tho, and they gave me good messages from the bible. They were really sweet birthday presents I thought. AND, after we finished the dinner, Yukine suggested Brit making the birthday cake for me and they did it :) Actually, I made half process of it tho, still it made me so happy! So I had a good happy birthday, and also, my family in America and many many friends send me birthday messages, I'm a really lucky person having great family and friends, Thanks and lots of love from me!!


Picture Tag

1. Go to the fourth picture in the fourth folder
2. Post it and blog about it
3. tag four people

1 4番めのフォルダーの4番めの写真に行って

2 その写真をアップしてそれについてブログを書く。

3 4人に回す。

OK, my friend, Angela tagged me on her blog, so I do it!
Now, I don't have all of my pics in my PC because old ones are still in the backup hard disc, so this picture was taken very recently, so not so much pictures in this PC right now. Anyway, just in time, I didn't post it, so that's good :)

I took the picture when I came back from work. We went to the thrift store's big sale before I went to work that day, and I got Yukine's winter pajama because we will go visit to seriously cold Idaho in the churistmas holiday! Yukine liked this pajama, even though here is too hot for it and she gets sweats, so she wore it all day long, and According to Brit, she was suddenly quiet, and when he saw her, she fell asleep like this :p


笑 あまりに変な格好と大の字がかわいくて写真を撮りました。^^

Ok, I'm tagging.... Akemi, Ayami,Hazuki, and Eri Kitano!

あけみさん、 あやみさん、 葉月さん、きたのえり ^^




奏大さま、階段を登る。Kanata is getting bigger.

Hey, what's up? :D

Recently Kanata's favorite things to do are "Climbing" "Diving" "Waving goodbye" and "FOOD!!!"(It's not recently. )
He loves to climb up the stairs. When I use the stairs instead of the elevator, He wants to get down and climb the stairs by himself. And he also loves to dive to the sofa, bed, and us. It kinda hurts though. And he, recently do "bye bye" when we are going to out! He says "ba-ba-! and waves his hands. I was surprised when I saw it, and I knew he knows lots of things in this world. And it's really cute too :D


I forgot to write on the healthy records of them by medical canter of UW, so, I don't remember exactly,but I write down it.

奏大 Kanata75cm(About2'6) 9.5Kg
喜音 Yukine 96cm (About 3'1) 15.3kg


All of people in there thought that Kanata was big, but he was very average size. He wasn't over 10kg (22 lb)! I bet it pretty surely, but he wasn't. We were surprised it! Anyway, Both of kids are very healthy :)

アップルパイは別です。笑 (このアップルパイおいしかった〜♪アメリカのお菓子甘くてあまり口に合わないけど、パイはうまいな〜♪)

And this picture was taken on last sunday, I got 3 packs of Sushi and 2 packs of Sashimi that day because the market is remodeling right now, and we couldn't use the cooler, so the boss gave us t left over sushi. Yukine was sooo happy (You can see her face,huh?? ;) ) , she is waiting for my left over stuffs everytime, so she never brush her teeth before I come back. This time is really special. These were worth 30 dollars :D yeah!! Apple pie was ,of course, not free, but day-old ;) We love day-old!


止まらない不運。。 My bad days keep going :(




ジャブジャブ、ゴト!「ゴト!?!?」 はっ!!!!!!やばい!!!携帯!!!







I've been soooo bad week since last week. All of my faults though, but that's sooo bad....

First, I broke the dish washer last week. I didn't notice that I pushed the stuff like a propeller, and then I started it, so it melted :O and , next night, when I used the dish washer, it had a leak much, now, it's fine because we called the apt's manager, and person who takes care of the things like that came our place, and he fixed it :) I'm sooo glad the very quickly work, but I don't know we have to pay for it or not.

Anyway, that's the first bad thing. Next, when I picked Yukine up form the preschool, I slipped on the grass, and fall down with Kanata(!!!!) Fortunately, he was fine tho, My pants were covered with mud, so I hurry to home, and then I washed my pants.....
Oh, my god! I washed my cell phone together X( As soon as I took it, I dried it with the heir dryer, and I can use it for now, but kinda something wrong with it, so I may have to buy new one ;(
That's not all. I misunderstood the job time on last Saturday, so I made round trip to there in rain twice in the day.
And, after this week started, while I made bread, Kanata dropped my Pyrex plate,and it was broken.(I know, I should have removed it upper. oh,well.) It's really my fault, but still I'm sooooo sad about it, because it was sooo nice stuff ;(
And today, I made bread again, and I raised bread in the oven, and I wanted to preheat a little bit, but I did too much, so I wanted to know how temperature is it inside, so I put the regular thermometer in the oven, and I totally forgot it, and I preheat 400F!!!!!! Of course, it melted.

What's next??????????
I kinda worry about my life when it comes to this...I hope that I wouldn't have any bike accidents or something like that.


ひとり立ち 奏大 Standing Kanata!



He is becoming like Human more and more recently :)
He can stand up by himself for about 20 seconds!
What a big our boy, Kanata! :D


See? He starts having his teeth too! He has two teeth for now.
And nice double-chin huh??? :p


大統領選挙 Vote day




The historical vote day finished. I couldn't vote though, I was really interesting in this moment because it depends on whether we can live in here for a long time or not who become the next president of the united states. We, Brit and I are Obama side, I thought that McCain is also cool man and he really thinks about American's future seriously when I listened his speech after the campaign.
I was so worried Obama would be assassinated by someone when Obama made his speech, but not. Every time I listened his speech, I thought his words have a strong power. I expect him a lot of something good result in the coming four years, I know it's very short for changing the country though.

Anyway, we just believe Obama's " Yes,We can!" I hope that this country and the world would be better and peace.


サマータイム Daylight Saving Time

サマータイムが終わって昨日からまた普通の?時間に戻りました。私にとってはすごく不思議。朝起きたら、一時間遅くなってるわけ。携帯とか、ケーブルテレビのチューナー、パソコンはサマータイム対応になっていて、自動的に変更していて、それまたハイテクを感じる私。笑 昨日は、お昼だったのに、今日はまだ11時で今食べたらブランチ。

ちなみにアメリカ人はサマータイムとは言わないらしいです。 Daylight Saving Time 略してDSTだそうです。 へーー!!!!

It has changed time since 2days ago because Daylight Saving time finished, hasn't is ? It is kinda strange for me because we Japanese don't have this system. I still not gotten used to it a little. I mean my body not gotten used to it. I awake at 6:30 am, and I become be hungry at 11am like that :p
I was surprised that the clocks of the cable TV' s tuner and the cell phone and the PC was changed time by themselves! How high technology they are!! :o
Anyway, Kanata hasn't been used to it either, so he didn't sleep well last night, in addition, he woke up at 6am in this morning, so I'm really sleepy right now, so I gonna go to bed early tonight. Good night!


Happy Halloween!!!!

ハロウィン当日です!どこもかしこも仮装だらけ。どこにいってもパーティしてる、そんな状態のシアトルでした。喜音は、幼稚園でもハロウィンパーティ。そこで、フェイスペインティングをしてもらったみたい。そして、夜は、モールといって大型のショッピングセンターに行ってきました!ほとんどのお店が「Trick or Treat」をしていて、店先で子供たちに配っているんです^^

Did you enjoy your Halloween?? We did!! We went to the Northgate Mall for " trick or treat" :) This time, Yukine was a leopard girl ;) My friend lent them to her! I was soooo excited to American Halloween! All of kids disguised as something everywhere, it was sooooo cute!!!! Not only kids, but lots of Adults also wore their costumes, they were sooo creative!

See's 有名なチョコレート屋さん。ここも然り。これは親のために貰ってきてというスポット笑
See's did "trick or treat" too! Brit and I are happy that Yukine got see's chocolates:p


Here is Elmo :)


←Mr.インクレディブル 笑
Here is Mr. Incredible


Pingu???? I don't know.

”Trick or Treat!"

”Trick or Treat!!"

喜音の幼稚園。最後にこうやって、みんなで丸くなって帰りの会みたいなのをするのが、おきまり。今回は、Trick or Treatでもらったお菓子を配ったりしてました。(ちなみにお菓子は親が人数分用意するんです。私は全然知らなくて、朝行ってお母さんたちが持ってきてるのを見て、びっくり!!慌てて百均で風船を買って入れました。みんなお菓子くれるし、たまにもお菓子じゃないものもいいかな?と^^)ちょっとしたカルチャーショックな朝でした。こっちでは子供の誕生日にはカップケーキを焼いて、差し入れして、みんなでお祝いするってのもちょっとした決まりなんですよね〜!


Yukine's preschool also had the Halloween party. She got facepainting on her face :)

By the way, Parents should prepare the snacks for trick or treat, shouldn't they? I had noooo idea of it, so I didn't bring anything in that morning, and I saw the parents put snacks in kid's trick or treat bags, I realized it! So, I run to the Dollar shop and I got balloons instead of snacks coz they got enough sweets already ;) Anyway, that was kinda culture shock for me! Next time, I will prepare it surely! I know, when Yukine's birthday, I will bring cupcakes, right? ;) My cupcakes won't be enough sweet for them tho.. :p I need American recipe maybe.

looks.... scary... I hope that she wouldn't be like this in her future...