
She has a cold. 風邪引いた。

Apparently she has a fever.


Yukine has several baby dolls though, this doll is favorite doll for her,who oldest, came from garage sale in Idaho when we moved to the United states.


最近なにしてるんでしょう。Our life update

先週はブリ豚が珍しく病気で熱出してましたわ。いつも病気中にやさしくない私。笑 でも今回は頑張ってやさしくしときました。(前、私が病気の時、やさしくないブリ豚に腹が立ったけど自分もそうだったから文句を言えなかったため。)



I'd better write things not special sometimes. Brit had been sick last week, it's very suddenly happen, he had a fever and been in bed all day long. I haven't been nice to him most of time he got sick because I got very busy day to watch kids and do household chores by myself and take care of him too, I know it's not nice, and I realized that when I got sick last time, he was not nice to me either. So I tried to be nice to him this time :-p
"You can't know how other people feel until you are in their shoes." That's totally true.

We are fine, though it's been raining raining raining in Seattle. We couldn't get enough exercise, so I'm trying do indoor exercise, I keep going to Yoga 3days a week, and I take Kanata to Kids yoga class one day a week :-) This class is more like for mom and kids are just running around, but still much better than just stay home and keep eating, I think :-p And we are going to Zoo, in which we are the membership, so we can go anytime :-) I hope that Seattle has more indoor activities, especially, for free, but I understand that they don't have enough money right now :-(

Other things, Yukine's 5 years old birthday is coming up next early month. We are going to have a party for her, so I made invitation cards, and asked the church to borrow the space for it, buying stuffs we need.... getting busy, and I'm nervous. I like having a party and make people happy, but I'm just not good at entertaining kids :-p (Especially, I don't know American way!) so, please let me know if you have anything good idea for her birthday party. I'm thinking, we are going to " Strawberry short cake party" this time. And we are making strawberry short cake hat instead of birthday hat, and doing some painting stuff, and I think I'm going to make bubble solution and make big bubbles, that's what I'm thinking. If there were only girls, that would be easier to plan the party for me, but there will be some boys too, so can't be too much girly party.

And Yukine's kindergarten paper works will start soon. They will have open house, and so on from next month, we have to work on them too, Brit is so busy at his school ( not for study, in case. How strange it is! )in this semester, so I will take care of them. Hmmm... there are lots of things I have to think.


Kanata's 2nd birthday 奏大の二回目のの誕生日









        フルーツ全般、ストリングスチーズ (けっこうなんでも食べる。)

嫌いなもの   食パン(最近まし)、葉っぱ類、ピーマン、れんこん


Kanata tuned two on last Thursday!!!! Happy birthday, Kanata :-D :-D
I can't believe he is already two!? It's been already two years since My stomach started hurt, and 3 hours later, he was born covered with gooey white fat.( The doctor said that meant it's a little bit too early to come to this world, but he didn't have any problems.) He had much much hair than Yukine did :-p He had a little big and very squire head, still does.

He looooves cars, trains, trucks, ships, and airplanes,any kinds of vehicle as many boys :-) but he is chicken, so he doesn't like fire truck's siren :-p
He wants to ride a bus everyday. He talks a lot, he can speak English and Japanese, maybe he uses just fifty-fifty both languages. Kanata loves Yukine, so he is always coping her, so do words, acting, everything! Yukine gets tied of him sometimes, but they love each other, which is very very great!
He is a very sweet boy, if I cryed, he would keep saying sorry even though his fault. I like his way to apologize, it's too cute, so sometimes, I do fake crying, hehe :-p He has a very high toned voice. He plays alone not like Yukine( she never play alone, never ever!!!) but he want me or Brittain to stay in same place. He eats a lot! I know, he is a boy, so he can eat a lot, but I think he eats too much, so I'm encouraging him to jump on the trampoline at home lately ;-)

His favorite foods are hot dogs, Japanese plain rice with seasoning (Furikake), Natto ( fermented soy beans, which Brit and Yukine hate) any kinds of beans, any kinds of fruits, corns, string cheese and MEAT!!!.

His dislike foods are just plain bread ( much better than before though.) leafy veges, bell peppers, lotus roots, any kinds of hard veges.
No potty trained yet. He tells after he is done poop. before getting a tub, he wants to sit down the toilet, and sometimes he succeed, most of time, not.

  • 今日のメニューは奏大くんの大好物、ウィンナーをつかうため、
  • Potato volcano 「ジャガイモ火山」
  • ちらし寿司
  • トマトのサラダ
I made tomato salada, Potato volcano for using tons of his favorite hot dogs ;-), and Chirashi sushi for his birthday dinner.He ate most of hot dogs by himself!


And his truck cake! but I made a huge mess this time :-( It was supposed to be a car carrier truck though,It's.......not beautiful at all, but still has love :-p


Yukine in above picture looks very grumpy though...Anyway, I hope Kanata had a good time on his special day, at least, he ate hot dogs as he wants to :-)


クリスマスの写真  Christmas pictures


I put pictures from Christmas in Idaho. It was so much fun! We had a good time over there with family.
Brit's dad had been sick most of time while we were there, it was too bad for him, I was so sorry for him. Our driving were slightly hard ( For Brit, not slightly, maybe :-p), very long, but it was ok. Kids loved to be with their grandparents, uncles, and aunts :-)


Yukine and Kanata played baby Jesus many times.


There were snow in Idaho falls, it was not fewer than last year, which was good for us to drive to there. Yukine was really happy to play with snow. It had been very very cold after we arrived at there, it's like -10F, Even it's like so cold she wanted to play with snow, and sled outside :-o She didn't like to play with snow when she was Kanata's age, I would be disappointed at such a weak child though, she is not anymore.


Main dish was Prime Rib



Christmas eve. Apparently, santa came to us already :-)
Chirstmas day!!!!!

Hug for Mel :-)

Time to open presents!!!


I made Ginger bread house this time, finaly!! I wanted to make it from scratch last Christmas, but no time to do it, so I really wanted to do this time, and I did it! Yay!

It was good enough for the first time, I think :-)





I made a train for Kanata with extra dough, and a squid and a octopus too. Why?? Just for fun :-p