
Summary Jan- March 2020

もう本当にここ3-5年、ただただ忙しいのか、めんどくさいのか、FacebookとかInstagramで終わらせてしまってて、ブログを全然書いてないな。でもやっぱりFacebook とかとは違う良さがブログにはある。多分、誰かのために書いてるっていうんじゃなくて、本当に思うのまま自分の思っていることをつらつらと書いてるからなんじゃないかな。



 For the kids' Japanese class assignment, I was looking for the photos from the Ise-Shima trip in 2008. Looking back the time reading my blog brought me back those memories very vividly. I was forgetting details and the blog reminded me of what we did, people who we met, the hospitability we received. This made me think that I need to write blog more often. I know I've been telling that to myself once a year at least every year but time just indeed flew by so fast and it ends up passed more than year since I updated....

I will summarize what happened in 2020 until Oct now. It started fun with my family in Japan, and then the pandemic, it has been weird, crazy time for sure.

We had one of best Japan trip this year. The kids got bigger, they wanted to go other places more than just staying at my family's place in Nagano. We, included the kids involved in planing the trip and Brit and I made sure that we would go to places and do things that the kids wanted to this time. 
Yukine's first choice was Team Lab in Odaiba Tokyo. 
Kanata's was the fishing restaurant "Zauo" in Osaka. 
Both were actually very fun and I enjoyed them very much. Those demonstrated many aspects of Japanese culture perfectly.
I wanted to go to Asakusa and Kyoto. Brittain wants to go back to Kansai badly.
The kids are still talking about the trip how fun it was. I stayed with my mom for extra 4 days after Brit and the kids went home first. I am glad that I did.


Kanata and I made trips to the mountain for snowboarding quite often the last season. Kanata got a lot better this year, so he finally started having fun and wanted to go more and more. When the pandemic hit hard and when people realized the virus was not just a flu, all of ski resorts in WA shut down. We went the very last day at Crystal mountain. It was a beautiful amazing day. We were lucky.
Right after that, our life changed indefinitely (as of Oct 2020, we are still living in the pandemic life style.) The school got canceled for an week and then switched to online classes but the district was not preparing for that so from March to May, it was almost deserter. Majority of businesses were closed. Restaurants were also closed. People started wearing masks even though we (Brit and I were making fun of Japanese who wears a mask all the time.)