
Merry Christmas!

メリークリスマス!! サンタさんが無事来てくれた様子。
Merry Christmas, HOHOHO!
Santa apparently came to us too :-)

Exciting kids bofore 7am....


Yukine got a Nutcracker that she had been wanting and wanting.
Kanata got Legos!


Aa... It was sooooooooooo yummy foods.
We had a Christmas party with our friends this year.
It was delicious. Oh, so delicious......



@ Downtown westlake.

@ Seattle center.
Wreath bread

I hope everyone has a wonderful holidays!


Chiristmas is coming


サンクスギビングが終わると人はクリスマスツリー、ライトをつけ始めます。街は一気にクリスマス一色! 生のクリスマスツリー屋さんも一斉に軒を並べ始めます。アメリカ人は結局、生のクリスマスツリーを買う人が多いのじゃないかな?やっぱりその方が雰囲気が出るのか、匂いはすごくいいみたい。一度私も試してみたいな。人生で一度も生のクリスマスツリーなんて持ったことないし。来年かな? こんなに木を切って環境に悪くないのかと思うけど、やっぱりそれなりに考えていて、その木はクリスマスツリー用にちゃんと養殖してる木であって、その中でも木その物を切ってしまうのでなく、太い枝を切ってクリスマスツリーにしてる店や、この前、なにかの新聞でツリーのレンタルってのも読んだな〜。使った後にもう一度植え直すらしい。実は作り物よりも環境にいいらしい。でも人工も便利なんだよね。片付けとか、あの針葉が落ちてこないとか。

I forgot to write about putting up Christmas tree. It was end of last month. Awww... Time flies...
Anyway, we have only artificial tree at our home. So we use it this year too. I want to try buying fresh tree next time. I read the article about renting Christmas trees. It costs same price as buying one, but I think it's a good idea. After people use the trees, the trees will plant on the forest ground again or something like that. Or I have heard that Christmas tree shop try to sell brunches not tree it selves. Fresh one has a good smell and better atmosphere, I read actually environment friendly more than artificial since the artificial has PVC. Artificial one is easier to put it up and clean it up. I don't have to sweep needles either though. But I never had a real tree in my life, so maybe next year. 

喜音のくるみ割り人形 Yukine's first nutcracker


Costume rehearsal


After the first show. She got make up on a little. looks different :-)


その週はリハーサルが毎日のように入って、学校も、他の習い事もで私が死ぬかと思ったけど、親子共々いい経験になりました。子供のおかげでいろんなアメリカの文化を知ることができるね。ありがたい。素敵だったよ、喜音 ^^

Yukine could be in Nutcracker!! She was so excited and did a great job :-) She was soooooo cute. She was a gumdrop and it's a small role but still she had a great time. There were 5 shows through the last weekend. It was too much for small ones. but Yukine made it and she enjoyed it entire time, especially make up time ! I'm proud of her. I was so exhausted in that week. She got 3 or 4 times rehearsals and a regular ballet class,a school, another classes.... ha... Mom is actually a taxi driver..... I did volunteer once for Nutcracker, which made me tired a lot too :-p But It was a good experience for both I and Yukine. I had done a ballet when I was a little, so it reminded me that time a lot! I wish I could dance again :-)
Kanata and Brit will watch a monster truck show someday in the future, so I and Yukine will go to watch a nutcracker or other ballet in the same day ;-) That would be "everyone is happy"



アメリカ人はセンクスギビングホリディの間に平均(なにからの平均かよくわからんけど 。)5kg太るらしい。 こわっ!!


ブリ豚の両親はIdaho Fallsというところに住んでいるのだけど、Boiseにはブリ豚の妹、一番下の弟が住んでいて、そっちへ行くほうがシアトルからは若干近いので、今回はそこで集合ということに。


Oh, Finally I am going to write about Thanksgiving holiday....almost Christmas though.

We had a great thanksgiving holiday!!! We had total three party, we enjoyed all of them. Good foods, good friends, good family :-)
We went to the church party at the noon on Thanksgiving day, there were lots of delicious foods as usual. That was our last party at Greenwood ward since we moved to Shoreline, which is next ward and uses same building, so we can still see the people in Greenwood ward. We loves Greenwood ward, their foods too ;-) So we misses them a lot!
And after that, we went to Brit's grad friends house like last year. It was fun too! We were full, but still kept eating and munching. It's a holiday :-p
Then next day, we headed to Idaho, Boise to see our family. It was a terrible storm on the way, we couldn't arrive at there after all, there were a big trucks accident and they stacked, so we had to stay a night in Oregon. Finally, we got there noonish. I'm so glad that we finally got together. (I'm so sorry for Dad though....:-( We had a great time, I had a great time! Thanks to Tiz, I could go in My favorite ashtanga yoga class too! I enjoyed the class so much!!! It was a wonderful. Thank you so much, Tiz!!
The kids had a wonderful time with their cousins too! They are so good friends :-) I'm very very thankful for our fantastic friends and family!!!!

Pics will be later.


New house


ま、それをおいておけば、家は快適です。下やら上やら気にしなくていいし、キッチンも広いし、部屋もちょっと広くなりました。 なんといっても庭があるのが嬉しい!夏が楽しみ♪

It's still big chaos here though, we finally started living in the new house. Good things are more space, our own laundry, the kids can run and make big noise compared with the apartment. ( Still sometimes we have to say be quiet.) , have to less care about neighbors, less stress for us :) And I enjoys decorating and coordinating the interior with a limited budget. It's fun, I love it! Bad things are Brit takes more time to commute, that means leave earlier and get home later. I expected, but a house is very cold :( in this season, there are many many pine needles in our yard, so we have to clean everywhere inside and outside of the house. And!! I can't believe though, our landlord isn't done all the cleaning yet!! We cannot put all furniture and stuffs in our master bed room till he is done his work. Uwwwwwwwww....we don't have to pay for utilities bill either till he is done tho.
I hope he will come tomorrow and done with all the work!!Please move, the seattle guy!!!

Here is the pictures of the house :-) Please come visit us someday, everyone!!