
かなた 変な日本語編

”Daddy! You didn't take 糖尿病 for me!!!"(ダディー、糖尿病取ってくれなかったー!!”





・・・・最後の ”ょう” しかあってないやん・・・


新学期 First day of School 2014

喜音が4thGrade、奏大が1stGrade です。


私の中で9月からってのと入学式がないってのもあるのかどうも学年のはじめって感じがしない。だから毎年、感動が薄いというか、単なる休み明けっていう扱いになってしまう。しかし、今朝は私が仕事で学校まで送り出せなかったのもあり、感慨深くなって、写真まで取れる余裕も。笑 ずーっとほったらかしてたブログまで書くとは、なかなかいいお母さん?笑  



Finally, FINALLY, school started. Yukine felt the same way as me. Kanata was nervous about the new class and the new teacher. Unfortunately, I couldn't take the kids to their classrooms due to my work schedule, so I said bye to them in front of the house. Usually, I don't feel that the first day of school is a big deal. I feel more like another day after a holidays, however, somehow, in this morning, I felt how big they are now. Yukine is a 4th grader and Kanata is 1st grader. They are growing so fast!! I hope they will have an another great school year. Love you two so much!!

By the way, It becomes much cooler recently as fall is coming to Seattle, which makes me a bit sad. Brittain texted me in this morning and said " it has been a good summer this year." Indeed. We camped a lot, lots of small adventures. We didn't go to Japan this summer so enjoyed whole Seattle summer. Lots of things happened for this half year in Barber family, I will write about this summer little by little. I hope it won't be next year :p     


9th birthday

9歳になって(てか生まれてからずっとか?)女の子はやっぱり複雑です。学校の友達関係もなかなかドラマがいっぱい。基本的にはとってもやさしくて思いやりのある喜音ですが、どうも無神経なところも。汗 母も小さいころはかなりやんちゃで、自己中心なところが多々あったので驚きもしないけど、親としては見守るのも大変・・・・こっちでは?それか時代的に、親が出てくることも多々あり、私は基本的に子どもの人間関係には口を出したくないのだけれどもそうもいかないことも。親であるということも9年目ですがまだまだ悩むことばかり。


Yukine turned 9. She had a late birthday party. Kanata's is not yet. We have to think of that soon....
Anyway, she wanted to have a no theme party this year, I felt when I heard her idea about her party, she got big enough to enjoy just hanging out with her friends. One more year closer to a teenager.
Since there were a few friends who has allergy, we decided having self making sushi party. Most of kids liked Sushi, I guess because it's Seattle.  I never lived another states so hard to tell, but Brit always tells it won't happen other states. Maybe so. one more thing that Yukine wanted to do at her party was sewing. But I didn't want to deal with supervising more than 10 needles at once, so I searched and I discovered fleece is not necessary to either overcast or even sew!!! So, the girls (and Kanata too) made knotted fleece leg warmers. That actually turned so well. All girls loved them :)

9 year-old girl. I feel that girls that age are complicated even I went through those stages. After all, girls are complicated. I proud of Yukine is so sweet and so thoughtful. But sometimes, even she makes mistakes. It's easy to teach homework than teach life lessons sometimes. I don't want to involve the kids world as a parent much, because they have to learn their relationship by themselves. But in this society, It's also difficult to leave some problems. Though my parents didn't involve my friendship much as far as I know. On the other hand, as people say, boys are more simple that way. Indeed.
Anyway, 9 year-old Yukine.
She doesn't stop talking (maybe never changed this.)
She is a very hard worker.
She is a very busy girls. in some reason, I make her keep busy but still she wants to try EVERYTHING! Mom is very tired to catch up...:(
She is very bright, sweet, funny.
She loves cooking, singing, dancing, art, craft,sewing,filming herself ( some of them are seriously hilarious!!)
Overall, I am glad she is very healthy this past 9 years.

Love! Happy birthday, Yukine!



Kanata's 6th birthday


誕生日は本人の食べたいものを食べられます。奏大は"Shari's" というファミレスをチョイス。(まだ選択が可愛くてありがたい。喜音は鮨屋に行きたいなどとぬかしてたが毎年予算が高くなるような・・・・)本当の誕生日は火曜日だったけど、水曜日まで待ったらパイがフリーと言うことで、一日遅れの誕生日ディナー。奏大はお子様メニューのステーキを頼んでました。 (これまたお子様メニューで決めるあたりがまだ可愛い。喜音は大人メニューのグルメサンドウィッチを頼んでたが・・・6歳と9歳の違い??)



Christmas 2013 and Happy new year 2014~!

A baby mouse Yukine


Mouse King and his baby mice. They were so cute!

Yukine and me, Girls night out "Nut cracker " at Olympic Ballet
Cookie for Santa, and Hakusai cabbage for Reindeer


Made a log for the first time. Not beautiful but it's ok.

Present for The kids from Kelly. But, I and Brit were into it. Took 3 days to finish. Love the picture!
 お友達、Kellyがくれた子供へのプレゼント。でものめりこんだのは私とブリトン。笑 シアトルの絵で素敵なパズル。

Zoo light at Woodland Zoo park.

A part of Kanata's Christmas presents. He built those legos almost everything by himself this year. Proud of him, Big boy!

Japanese new year party. This is a kind of Barber family's tradition. This is third year to host this party. We had Japanese traditional new year food, new year Japanese calligraphy.







Happy new year, Everyone! Sadly, Christmas is over, New year is over... Before Christmas holidays, as usual, it had been crazy. Yukine's "Nut cracker" made us always super busy. But this year, in addition, we had a rear-ended accident. That made more busier! Fortunately, all of us are fine. I and the kids are going to see a Chiropractor due to miner injuries, but could be worse. The car was fixed. We hired an attorney to make sure that everything is ok. Having an accident are not fun both of victims and perpetrators. I just hope that both me and the kids won't have any aftereffect. 
Yukine did a great job on the stage. She was not happy about being a mouse at the first time, but she eventually liked it and I thought she improved a lot this year. I am very excited about her :) She gets liking Ballet more than before and I can tell. I get really grumpy about commuting her to all the classes but I should remind the show and help her more.
Kanata started a kindergarten this year. It is a big year for him. He cried on first day but now, he is doing great at school! He keeps saying he doesn't like a school but he enjoys his class and his friends. Kanata is Kanata, so lots of sports in 2013. It will be a lots of sports in 2014 too.
Brit is working hard. He is a good dad. He plays sports with Kanata a lot. He listens to my complaining a lot. He got see SeaHawks this year, that was a big treat for him :) He also got a gift card for Jazz Alley for Christmas present this year, so hope he will enjoy it.
As for me. It had been busy. After came back from Japan, I had been super busy. I drove all day, all the time, which I hate. I keep my yoga classes. I started tutoring Japanese. I am trying to get more income. 2014, I will try new thing like more volunteering office work. I don't have a confidence about me, and it is very important to have one,especially, living in the united states, I think. So, I am trying to find what I am, what I like, I can do well. I might go back to school. We will see.
Anyway, Barbers in Seattle are happy. small concerns, problems here and there, but everyone is doing well.
Welcome to 2014!