
カラオケ~♪( Yukine's Karaoke experience)2006年10月15日

カ ラオケのKidsルーム、ずっと行ってみたかった。確かにおもちゃとかあってお座敷形式になってて子どもにはいいのかな?でも、ちょっと狭くて遊ぶス ペースなかったな。。。でも、子供は意外におもちゃよりマイクとかリモコンのが楽しかったようだ。ま、そんなもんよね^^:

We went to Karaoke with our friends and thier parents who are Canadian. This time is thier first karaoke in thier life :) I hope they enjoyed it.

they have Kids room in this Karaoke place we went, there are some toys but the room was a little small to play. it's Japan :p and, you know, childen like things that aren't toys :p Yukine likes microphone so much, so she was happy to use it or( I should write) lick it ;p She can't sing yet, but she yelled "nyan nyan (means a cat's yelping) " "wan wan( means a dog's yelping)" all the time.

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