
初詣 (The last day of new year holiday) 2008年1月6日

ぶり豚最後のお休みに今更ながら、初詣に行ってきました。喜音の七五三の時に母親が着物をわざわざ買ってくれたので、なにかの機会に着せねばもったいない!!てことで、ずっと行こうとは思っていたけど、あまりに混み混みのところに子供と身重の体で行くのはちょっと怖かったからいけずにいたというわけ。せっかくやし、今まで行ったことのない松尾大社に行ってみた。午前中、パン作りやらで時間をくってしまって、家を出発したのが3時過ぎだったから、もう露店も店じまいを始めていて、人も帰り始めていた。それでもまだまだ正月の雰囲気を楽しむことはできた^^ ぶり豚は樽占いってので、弓矢で樽を射る占いをやった。結果は。。。。はずれ。はずれは亀のお守りだったし、かめ好き喜音としては嬉しかったみたいやし、まぁいいことやろ。
私は、ベタにおみくじを引いてみた。結果は、なんとまぁ!!!大吉!!!すべて良しらしい。てことはヒデミツ(仮)も安産、ぶり豚の院も合格して、奨学金も出て、引越しも上手くいって、ゆくゆくはお金持ち!?!?。。。って欲張りすぎ??^^:でもでも大吉なんて出たことないし、子供みたいに嬉しかった♪ えへっ!初詣来てよかったな~!
It was the last day of the new year's holiday for Brit. We went to the shrine, "Hatsumoude". "Hatsu" means " first" in English, and "moude" means visiting a shrine for pray, so, It means that New Year's visits to shrines. Anyway, we went to Matsuo taisha shrine which is in western part of Kyoto city, near our church. we haven't been there, so we decided. It's also the last day of Hatsumoude for many shrines, Matsuo taisha too. I have maken bread for the whole morning, so we could go for there at about 3pm, so there are not so much people, and sellers of Yatai which is the booth started to close their shop, but we can still feel the atmosphere of Jpanese new year :)
Brit tried to do one of fortune-telling. It was divined by shooting an arrow into the target. The result of his fortune in this year.....is failre :p, but he got a charm shaped a turtle, so it would be help him. Yukine was happier to get it than him tho because she likes a turtle ;)
And, I tried to cousult an oracle, and the fortune said that I'll have excellent luck in this year!!! hahaha:D HIdemitsu(temp) will come out very easy,Brit will be able to go to UW and we will be able to get good scholarship and we will be able to move and find nice house.....and we can be rich!!! these are too much maybe tho,hehe I wish that we all would be happy in this year :)
I baked bread for my friend and her grandma because her grandma made many many knits for Yukine! They are so cute, and really warm. Yukine likes them:)

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