
喜音 7歳

 今年は喜音はお泊まり会誕生日会がいいということで、二回に分けて、やりました。日本語話せるチームと英語だけチームと。沢山の子を呼びたかったんだけど、家も大きくないしそんなに沢山呼べないので、本当に近い子だけ。 こっちではGoody bagといって、誕生日会に来てくれたお礼におみやげみたいな、いわゆる引き出物?みたいなんを用意します。いつも小さいおもちゃとかキャンディーとかが主なんだけど、どうせ捨てられちゃうものをあげるくらいなら、なにか使えるものをと思って、アメリカ人チームには着物スタイルのパジャマを、日本人の子たちには、Cooking partyということでエプロンを作りました。
 縫い物好きだけどそこまで得意でない私ですが、なんとかがんばりました!近くから見なければ上出来!(笑)これはでも好評でみんな喜んでいたみたい。よかったー :)


It's been for about 3months since Yukine's birthday party was done. Oh, I'm a bad mom.... I can't catch up our life in here.
She had two sleepover party for her birthday party this year since we have such a small house, it's hard to have all her friend once in this tiny house. So we split English team and Japanese team. I think it tuned out well. I made kimono style Pjs for English team and aprons for Japanese instead of goody bags, so they can use them as Pjs. They loved the kimonos and I think it's better than just get small toys you may throw away later, they can keep them too! I'm not a big sawing person, but I did it somehow, Actually it's really fun to make them. I love making stuffs, especially when people enjoy the stuffs that I make. Of course, girls didn't sleep till very late, and somebody started cry or something happened....didn't go easy. the parents were exhausted after the two sleepovers finished. But I'm glad that Yukine had a special fun day with her friends.
Yukine is such a wonderful, kindness, cute, smart, awesome daughter. We love her so much. She is a hard worker, she is a very nice sister of Kanata. She takes care about Kanata, she is trying to make us happy, preparing a breakfast for her mom and dad. She can make a cake from box by herself, even she can make a scramble eggs!! Recently, she likes make her story, a poem ( She wrote such a awesome poem. See last post.) She just started a piano lesson. She is doing great. Sometimes, She has hard time to figure out the piece,and frustrated, but she eventually makes it by herself. Still a non-stop talker. Too much energy. I hope she knows we love her soooooo much forever.   

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