アメリカでは11月第四木曜日がThanksgiving Day. なんだか、Thanksgivingがくるともう一年が経ったんだな〜と実感。
喜音はプリスクールで、「私は一緒に遊んでくれる弟に感謝してます。」って言ったみたい^^ こんなに仲良しな二人でよかった。
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving day.
We had two parties this year. We went to the church thanksgiving lunch first, there were tons of wonderful foods there! We should have stop eating much because we had another party too. but we couldn't! hehe :-p It's worth to eat everything though.
We were enjoyed both parties.
I'm thankful for everyone who made delicious foods for us, and had us, and family, friends.... Thank you so much!!
By the way, Yukine told to her teachers that she was thankful for her brother at her preschool. It's so cute, and I love that my kids are really good friends :-)
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