いっつもブリ豚はいつ誰がくるかちゃんと伝えてくれないから、喜音のお友達がきてたりとちょっとバタバタしたお出迎えになってしまったけど。本当にブリ豚のてきとーさにやられるわ。。。。 喜音と奏大はこの数日前に予防接種を受けてたせいか体調がよくなくて一緒におでかけはできなかった。残念だけど、二人はせっかく結婚記念の旅行だったし、お猿がいないほうが二人でラブラブできたかな??^^
Brit's bother, Alan and Mel came visit to us from San Francisco last week. Brit's never told me when people come or who come in advance, so I was always upset, and this time, while Yukine's preschool friend and her mom came over here, Alen and Mel arrived at here. So kinda crowd that time, I'm sorry about that :-(
After Yukine's friend left, she had a fever, that's because Yukine and Kanata got some shots last weekend,maybe that's why, maybe too excting.
So, we all couldn't go together all time, but we had a good Thai food dinner, and it's my earlier birthday present from them!!! Thank you soooo much!!!!
This was first time for Mel to visit Seattle, so I hope she had a good time here :-)
They spend only one night here, so next please stay here longer :-)
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