みなさん、Happy New Year!!!!
Happy new year, everyone!
We were back to Seattle two days ago. We had a great holiday with Barber family :-) we didn't meet friends this time, so we spent a whole time with family, which was also good. ( I really wanted to see Angela though..too bad...:-( )
Well, It was so busy, crazy year last year. I was depressed and kinda crazy last March, but now I'm getting used to this life in Seattle, and calm down, which is good. I appreciate family, friends, many many people who are nice to me.
My new year's resolutions to get driver's license in Seattle as soon as possible, and start doing new action!Apparently, Brit's this year's resolution to be more funky (Every year) ....I don't think he needs to be more.
明日からアイダホ Head to Idaho
we are going to head to Idaho tomorrow afternoon. Hope nothing bad will happen
on the way. I'm really looking forward to seeing Barber family :-)
See you soon, guys!
we are going to head to Idaho tomorrow afternoon. Hope nothing bad will happen
on the way. I'm really looking forward to seeing Barber family :-)
See you soon, guys!
もうすぐクリスマス♪ Happy holiday!

I'm done with my work for a while!! Yeah!! I'm soooo happy about it. So, we will go visit to Idaho from next Monday for a week. How excited it is! We hope that it wouldn't heavy snow on Monday.
The other day, Brit's Japanese friend, Yumiko came visit to us. I was busy as usual, and Brit was working on his final, so we couldn't be with her so much, but we were happy about her visiting :) We went to the church's Christmas party, and the International culture party at the community center.
At the Christmas party, Santa came visit to children, but Yukine was too shy and a little bit sick, so grumpy and Kanata was scared of him, which is naturally, so he couldn't close to Santa.finally, we took them to Santa and got a family picuture, kinda by force :-p
We went to Down-town with Yumiko, I found a chocolate shop, and there are Caramel apples. they were so cute for me :-)
I had to go to work in the afternoon, so we had to go back to home sooner than her. I hope she enjoyed Seattle though.... I couldn't do much for her, so feel bad :-(
寒い、、、 so cold...
It's soooo cold outside recently... I mean in this two or three days. I know it's not bad for Idaho people, so I should not have said that tho....still cold for me.
It's been really sunny and clear days, which is good tho, maybe that's why it's so cold.
By the way, Kanata suddenly stopped drinking breast milk :-o Well, Just only yesterday and tonight though, but I'm so surprised at this suddenly changing. Yesterday, he fall asleep in the car on the way from Yukine's friend's birthday party, so it was just by chance. But at dinner time, I asked him if he wants milk, he said "No" And then, after got out of the tub, he fell asleep on Brit's lap. Wow, it's very easier then I expect! I hope he won't need it anymore. It is just good time to stop it.
He is almost TWO!!!! His birthday is coming next month :-) Today is just one month before! How exciting it is! He is a big boy!
It's soooo cold outside recently... I mean in this two or three days. I know it's not bad for Idaho people, so I should not have said that tho....still cold for me.
It's been really sunny and clear days, which is good tho, maybe that's why it's so cold.
By the way, Kanata suddenly stopped drinking breast milk :-o Well, Just only yesterday and tonight though, but I'm so surprised at this suddenly changing. Yesterday, he fall asleep in the car on the way from Yukine's friend's birthday party, so it was just by chance. But at dinner time, I asked him if he wants milk, he said "No" And then, after got out of the tub, he fell asleep on Brit's lap. Wow, it's very easier then I expect! I hope he won't need it anymore. It is just good time to stop it.
He is almost TWO!!!! His birthday is coming next month :-) Today is just one month before! How exciting it is! He is a big boy!
Christmas tree
Thanksgiving の次の日はBlack Friday(黒い金曜日)と言って、どこでもBig saleが行われます。去年はこれで私たちは2羽のターキーを買ったんだったな。
We finally got the 6" Christmas tree from " Black friday" sale. We didn't find any super cheap turkeys this year though. Brit was so disappointed it because he was so excited about roasting the big bird this year too. Too bad!!
As soon as we got home, Yukine and I decorated the Christmas tree with ornaments which we got from Goodwill ;-) We were so excited about it!!
A Christmas tree makes us feel Christmas season comes around here. It was a good deal!
アメリカでは11月第四木曜日がThanksgiving Day. なんだか、Thanksgivingがくるともう一年が経ったんだな〜と実感。
喜音はプリスクールで、「私は一緒に遊んでくれる弟に感謝してます。」って言ったみたい^^ こんなに仲良しな二人でよかった。
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving day.
We had two parties this year. We went to the church thanksgiving lunch first, there were tons of wonderful foods there! We should have stop eating much because we had another party too. but we couldn't! hehe :-p It's worth to eat everything though.
We were enjoyed both parties.
I'm thankful for everyone who made delicious foods for us, and had us, and family, friends.... Thank you so much!!
By the way, Yukine told to her teachers that she was thankful for her brother at her preschool. It's so cute, and I love that my kids are really good friends :-)
Mom's birthday
今回はかなりでかい借りを作った気分、プラス 悪いことしたな〜ってのと
本当にありがとう、ブリ豚!! なんて寛大なだんなさんだろうと思う。本気に。
I just turned 28 on November 20th. It was really happy? or kinda felt bad for Brit day. One of my friends took me to a Korean Spa, where I could get free entrance fee on birthday. It was great, we enjoyed several saunas, hot tubs, and good Korean foods too! It was so much fun :-) But, my friend, who is really super busy person, That day was as always, she had to pick her son up and other kids from school help her mom and her husband's business, etc.... so she could stay with me only 1 hour or something like that, so she let me stay at the Spa, and she said she would came back and pick me up about two hours later. She is always nice to me, however, I totally forgot that she never punctual and is usually late 1 or 2 hours late. Yeah, I've been at the Spa for 6 hours total. haha~ :-p Finally I was really tied from saunas and hot tub, got a slightly headache, so just sat down on the couch and spaced out.
I felt bad for Brit who was watching three kids at the home by himself all day long! He expected that's happen once I went to somewhere with her though :-( It was very big present from him, I think. I'm really lucky the husband who really doesn't care many things or has been patient. I appreciate him so much.
I missed my family while I've been there. I worked in that morning,and then I went straight to there, so I didn't see my family so much.
Even though I had a free time all day, I kept thinking about my family. That means I am a MOM, maybe :-p
I ended up getting my house at 7 pm. After I got my home, Yukine was trying so hard to celebrate my birthday, it made me so happy :-) She made a biirthday card for me, she decorated a room for me, and prepared party for me (even if the present was pretend! She wrapped my shoes which I bought by myself before :-)) She was so sweet. Kanata was trying to get candle flame with his bare hand :-p
And, Thank you for everyone who gave me wonderful birthday wishes!!!
デコレーションとか、パイにロウソクさして、Happy birthdayを
ありがとう、 ゆきね!
It was Yukine's card for me.
Thank you, Yukine, I love you so much!!
ブリ豚からぶりとんらしいカード らしい。
And... this one is from Brit. It said " Brittain like card from Brittain"
ちいちゃく「Happy birthday」しか書いてない。
Though there were so much blank space,
he wrote just" Happy birthday"
It was like very Brittain.
Thanks, dude!
ちいちゃく「Happy birthday」しか書いてない。
Though there were so much blank space,
he wrote just" Happy birthday"
It was like very Brittain.
Thanks, dude!
アレンとメル Alan and Mel
いっつもブリ豚はいつ誰がくるかちゃんと伝えてくれないから、喜音のお友達がきてたりとちょっとバタバタしたお出迎えになってしまったけど。本当にブリ豚のてきとーさにやられるわ。。。。 喜音と奏大はこの数日前に予防接種を受けてたせいか体調がよくなくて一緒におでかけはできなかった。残念だけど、二人はせっかく結婚記念の旅行だったし、お猿がいないほうが二人でラブラブできたかな??^^
Brit's bother, Alan and Mel came visit to us from San Francisco last week. Brit's never told me when people come or who come in advance, so I was always upset, and this time, while Yukine's preschool friend and her mom came over here, Alen and Mel arrived at here. So kinda crowd that time, I'm sorry about that :-(
After Yukine's friend left, she had a fever, that's because Yukine and Kanata got some shots last weekend,maybe that's why, maybe too excting.
So, we all couldn't go together all time, but we had a good Thai food dinner, and it's my earlier birthday present from them!!! Thank you soooo much!!!!
This was first time for Mel to visit Seattle, so I hope she had a good time here :-)
They spend only one night here, so next please stay here longer :-)
Pumpkin かぼちゃさん
Yukine got a pumpkin from the field trip, Pumpkin patch. We couldn't carve it until Halloween, so I made pumpkin puree instead.
I never use a fresh pumpkin like this kind, so I looked up "how to use pumpkins" on the Internet. I worried how sweet it was, because, In general, big veggies are not quite good taste. In fact, when I roasted the pumpkin, it was not so sweet, but once I mushed it with a food processor, it became sweeter. I don't know why though, it's tasty :-)
What should I make with it...
At first,Pumpkin bread!
Mmmm... Yum Yum :-)
At first,Pumpkin bread!
Mmmm... Yum Yum :-)
Happy Halloween!! BOOOOOOO!!!
シアトルでもそこらじゅうでTrick Or Treatがあったのですが、私たちはふたつのパーティに行ってきました。ひとつめは、子供を追いかけるので必死で写真が撮れなかった。。
喜音は今ふたつのPreschoolをかけもちしているんだけど、(ひとつが去年と同じで月水金の午前3時間。もうひとつが今年からで器械体操の教室が運営しているところで火木の午後4時間、そのうち1時間は器械体操を教えてくれる。)その器械体操の教室でやっているのに行ってきた。器械体操のジムをオープンしていてくれて、思う存分走り回ってジャンプしてぶらさがってよし! 子供はもちろんおおはしゃぎ!
Ok, so I am going to update about Halloween this year.
We went to two parties this year. One of them was at Yukine's gymnastic preschool. They had a open gym for kids, so kids could jumpy and bouncy and run run run!!! It must have been so much fun for kids :-) Unfortunately, I was really busy chasing Kanata, so no pictures at all:-(
We spend there for one hour, and then we moved to the church's party.
We ate Hot dogs at first, and then...
ゲームして。 Played many games.
Oh, yeah, Yukine hit the center of the target!!!! It was cool wasn't it??
Even Brit couldn't hit at all. She got 100pts and 3 candies! Wow :-D
そして、暗くなったところでTrick or Treat.
普通は、そのらへんの近所の家をピンポ〜ンして、「Trick or Treat」って言って歩いて回るんだよね。わたしらはそれはまだ体験したことがない。
And, after it got dark, Trick or Treat time!! Yukine got a year's worth of candies again this year ;-)
Hope everyone had a good Halloween!!
Party month! パーティ月間
OH MY GOSH, It is already Halloween season!!!
I have been sooo busy in this month. We had a cash catastrophe early this month because of our crappy car, so we decided I work three days a week, Thursdays and Fridays and Sundays. ( before I work on 2 days a week, only weekends.)So I always fall asleep with kids at 9 which means no time to sit down in front of my computer at all...
Yukine had also really busy busy month. She was invited some one's birthday party on every weekends. I wonder if October was popular month to give birth to babies for Yukine's generation???
Anyway, I'm always impressed with American parent's efforts to make their kid's special day. Some people have a party at their house, some people ask the company or places they offer Birthday plans. Whichever way you choose, it's a big deal, I think... I have to think about Yukine's birthday party too....She wants to invite people more than last year... hummmmm....
One of the parties, we all were invited by the boy whom I'm watching 2days a week. They had the party at gymnastic school.It was a good time for me to know how they arrange kids's birthday party, though we don't have a gym at our house :p
Halloween is coming too!!! We went to the pumpkin bush at our neighbor's community center. Yukine was a pumpkin, and Kanata had a tail and ears :) Yukine met her best friend , but she haven't seen her for like 3months because she is going to a kindergarten from this fall, so she was too shy to play together again.
明日はHalloween 当日、どこでもTrick or Treatをしてるみたいだけど、どこへいこうかな???
We are going to go to two parties tonight, so I will update soon :)
ハナタレ A runny nose boy
Runny nose Kanata gets better yet :-( It's been for a month. He always kicked his blanket during the night. Everytime we put him extra clothes, he would be too hot and sweaty...hummm.... I don't know what should I do with him.. I should have get up in the midnight, and then put him a blanket again...but I can't wake up like so late time :-p
Oh, by the way, I gave him a haircut. It was not bad acutually :-) Brit is still scared of letting me cut his though. It's not bad!!
今年は。。。 This year's...
前に作ったライブレッド。 ライ麦20%くらいなのですごく軽い。Whole Wheat(全粒粉)も入れたからその味のが強かったかも。
Above : Rye Bread.
I made it first time I mean Rye bread. It was good, but I put only 20% rye, no sour dough, and added whole- wheat too, so it tasted more like Whole wheat bread.
最近、ヨガを始めてから肉をあまり体が欲しいと言わなくなった。他のことも考えるとベジタリアンっていうのも一つの選択肢だと思う。といっても完璧にいきなりは難しいから、だんだん自分の食べたいものを食べるようにしている。このVeg Burgerのそのひとつ。
The picture is a veg Burger. I don't want to eat red meat so much recently, so I made a veg burger when Brit made a beef burger. It is different from "Burger" , of course, but it's testy as a black beans pate. I liked it :)
After I started doing yoga, I don't need to eat meats little by a little. It's interesting though. Anyway, I don't know I would be a vegetarian someday though, I enjoy no meat food too for now:)
アルカンサからのお客様 The guest from Arkansas.
Last week, we had a guest from Arkansas. He was doing an internship at the same place as Brit in Japan, and he helped Brit a lots over there. He came here to see UW for his grad school next year, so he stayed at our place for two nights. In addition, he is from Nagano!!!! ,which is same as me!! It's a small world, isn't it? :o We could sing the prefecture's song together! ( Only Nagano people know thier prefecture's song in Japan, so the story is very famous among Japanese, and becoming a joke.) Anyway, He is really cool guy, we all like him, especially Yukine and Kanata was enjoyed playing with him, thank you so much for taking care of our kids! Hopefully, he will come back to Seattle again, and
see each other soon!!

←This is takoyaki maker, most of Kansai (Western Japan) people have it at lease one at home.
So, we had a Takoyaki ( Octopus balls, which is a popular food in Kansai area.)party with him and Brit's UW friends :) It was so much fun! I was kinda busy to make food tho, I enjoyed the party.
The above picture is Oyaki which is Nagano's traditional local food, it's like gyoza (dumping) or Chinese buns, inside is eggplants instead of meat though. Brit loves it, I didn't know until this summer, he ate it when he was doing internship in Nagano city, so that was my first time to make it. It was good too and very easy to make :)
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