
Chicks dig me!

このTーシャツはブリ豚の弟夫婦からのプレゼント。「Chicks dig me」と書かれてます。


Can you see the sign on the T-shirt? "Chicks dig me" That's why Kanata plays with a naked doll! hehe.
It's the present from Brit's brother, Alan and his wife Mel ;) I love this shirt so much. Thanks a lot!!!!


Ang said...

He is so cute! He is growing so much! I love his smile!

Kobuta News said...

Thanks, Angela!!
I always see him, so I didn't notice his growing, but he must be bigger!

Anonymous said...

Kanata is so cute in his shirt! I forgot what size we bought for him, so I'm glad that it fits him!