
同い年 (Same age)

今年は周りがベイビーラッシュ。友達が本当にポンポン産んでいく。笑 私は同年代で早いほうだったが、奏大はちょうどみんなとタイミングが合ったみたい^^ みんなで一緒に、マタニティしてみんなで一緒にママになるんはとっても嬉しい♪そのおかげで疎遠だった友達ともまた連絡を取れるようになったりと本当に嬉しい限り!
そして、この日はたった5日違いの友達の子の家に。この子は女の子。女の子らしいかわゆい泣き声をする子だった^^ いやいや、母も子も一緒に年を取って行くのだね。おもろいな~♪大人になったらこの写真をお互いに見せたいわ♪笑

Many friends of mine become moms too in this year. It's sooo exciting to me :D
The baby in pics is also the same age as Kanata and I and her mom is also the same age :) Her birthday is only 5 days earlier than Kanata's!!


Jenny said...

what cute babies. the last picture w/ both of them crying is really cute. this little ones have such hard lives with their parents always taking pictures of them. :)

Kobuta News said...


hahaha! the daughter of my friend is the first baby, so it is!! but you know, the second baby's pics will decrease. hehe:p

Melissa Barber said...

Wow, I can't believe how big Kanata is already! I can't wait to see him when you move to the states. We are so excited you will be closer so we can visit sometimes. :-)

Kobuta News said...


Now that Kanata is a chubby boy :p
I'm also so excited to see you soon!
Please tell me about Today's america!