We were soooo busy last week for Yukine's model. It's nice thing tho, this time it's too hard for us .... we had to get up early morning, and we had to take two kids to Osaka, and I had to make Yukine be smile all day everyday... Yukine was doing well so much!! She was called the job 8days in 2weeks, which means she worked once in two days :o And she had to wore swimsuits outside, It's cold at that day of all others ;( I was surprised that she whouldn't run a fever during other kids had a cold and fever.
Anyway, so I couldn't update the blog....
My friends came visit us last weekend. we haven't seen since we graduated from the university, so we met again in 4years! Thanks for coming and play with Yukine. She was so happy :)
When I did something downstirs, Kanata cried, so I thought i had to go upstirs, but Kanata stopped crying. I was wondering why,so I went upstirs, and then I saw Yukine hold his hand, and they were sleeping together. They were sooo cute :)
Kanata's bath time. I took baby Yukine's bath time pics, so I should take Kanata's too I thought.

身長61cm 体重6.67kg。もうすでに7kg近い。。。重い。。。。でぶでぶってわけでもないけど、ズッシときます。さすが男ってことかね~
Kanata's 2months and half report
His hight is 61cm His weight is 6.67kg.
He is getting bigger and bigger.His weight is same as Yukine's 4 or 5month years old.
I love Kanata's little cheeks! He's getting so big. Yukine looks like she's enjoying being a big sister too. :-)
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