なんでも一緒に遊びたい喜音に付き合わされたリュウはちょっと疲労困憊だった様子。笑 コーヒーカップに乗せられて、滑り台で突き落とされそうになって、心臓バクバク言ってた。^^:笑
I'm trying to take Yukine to the places that she can play everyday as much as I can. That's for her of course, but also for my weight control :p, and for enjoing the beautiful autumn season :)
There are two big parks (The one of them is farm park which is Barbers went to the hot spring, Miharashi last spring.) near my parents's place. but still, we have to use the car to go there, so I need my enegy to go to parks in Nagano. It's inconvenience sometimes, these parks are so nice, and I love them though. In contrast, there are so many small parks in Kyoto, so we can go to the park as soon as I think we want to.
I was wondering where parents lives in my hometown let their children play.
When I was a child, my parents didn't take me to the park so much. I think that I was playing around my house, and there are many children of about same age as me in neighborhood, and It's not so dengerous like now, so parents shouldn't have watched thier children all the time. i'm not sure it's the same way in Nagano even now or not but, we can't do that in Kyoto becouse too dengerous :( That's sad thing.
Anyway, we went to the park with the lunch box :) It's a little cold but, Yukine was enjoying to play. we took the parents's dog Ryu, so Yukine wanted to play togather. Probably, he was not happy. When she pushed him from the top of slide, his heart was a'flutter :p
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