24日 いつもの産婦人科メンバーの久々の全員集合!!本当にかなり久しぶりになってしまったけど、親も子供も会えばすぐに時間が取り戻せる感じ。本当にいつも楽しい^^
24th Nov. One of my friends who became a friend in the same hospital will move to Fukuoka prefecture where is the southern part of Japan called Kyusyu next month. That's really sad ; ( So, a steady parade of members met together. we all became friends each other in the same time.It hadn't been to meet all together for a long long time, but we didn't feel about it! We had sooo good time :) Of course, children too!!
After we move to the states, it may be more difficult for everyone to meet together, but I hope that we would be friends each other forever. I feel sure that we can be!!!
25日 1年以上ぶりに京都の動物園に行った。これまた久しぶりに会えたお友達と家族と。友達の子は2人兄弟でおねえちゃんが4歳。弟君が喜音と同い年の同じ月生まれだから、いつも久しぶりに会ってもすんなり仲良くしてくれる。喜音はこの二人が大好き^^
でも一番楽しんでいたのは、中にあるちょっとした遊具と、お昼ご飯かな?? ^^:動物園でなくてもその辺の公園でよかったのでは!?。。。。。。
25th Nov. Yukine and I went to the Kyoto zoo on the sunday with an other friend and her two kids. Yukine likes them, so she was happy to see them, of course, me too :)
The last time we went to the zoo was more than 1 year ago :o Time goes really fast!!
Anyway, It's a good day to see zoo because it's really warm and sunny that day. Probably, that's a reason why Brit didn't come together, hehe : P
I like this zoo, but kids prefer a lunch and a small playland in the zoo than animals :p But Yukine likes amimals, so she was enjoying to see them. she likes giraffes and penguins and gorillas, a elephant and also turtles :)
Recently, as my tummy is getting bigger than bigger, Yukine often says "Hold me! hold me!". I know she is putting on the little girl act to me, but it's trouble sometimes. She is looking forward to see Hidemitsu too, but i'm sure that she will be like a baby for a while.
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