24日 いつもの産婦人科メンバーの久々の全員集合!!本当にかなり久しぶりになってしまったけど、親も子供も会えばすぐに時間が取り戻せる感じ。本当にいつも楽しい^^
24th Nov. One of my friends who became a friend in the same hospital will move to Fukuoka prefecture where is the southern part of Japan called Kyusyu next month. That's really sad ; ( So, a steady parade of members met together. we all became friends each other in the same time.It hadn't been to meet all together for a long long time, but we didn't feel about it! We had sooo good time :) Of course, children too!!
After we move to the states, it may be more difficult for everyone to meet together, but I hope that we would be friends each other forever. I feel sure that we can be!!!
25日 1年以上ぶりに京都の動物園に行った。これまた久しぶりに会えたお友達と家族と。友達の子は2人兄弟でおねえちゃんが4歳。弟君が喜音と同い年の同じ月生まれだから、いつも久しぶりに会ってもすんなり仲良くしてくれる。喜音はこの二人が大好き^^
でも一番楽しんでいたのは、中にあるちょっとした遊具と、お昼ご飯かな?? ^^:動物園でなくてもその辺の公園でよかったのでは!?。。。。。。
25th Nov. Yukine and I went to the Kyoto zoo on the sunday with an other friend and her two kids. Yukine likes them, so she was happy to see them, of course, me too :)
The last time we went to the zoo was more than 1 year ago :o Time goes really fast!!
Anyway, It's a good day to see zoo because it's really warm and sunny that day. Probably, that's a reason why Brit didn't come together, hehe : P
I like this zoo, but kids prefer a lunch and a small playland in the zoo than animals :p But Yukine likes amimals, so she was enjoying to see them. she likes giraffes and penguins and gorillas, a elephant and also turtles :)
Recently, as my tummy is getting bigger than bigger, Yukine often says "Hold me! hold me!". I know she is putting on the little girl act to me, but it's trouble sometimes. She is looking forward to see Hidemitsu too, but i'm sure that she will be like a baby for a while.
誕生日の次の朝(The first mornig after my birthday)2007年11月21日
When I was get up at 7:30 am next morning after my birthday, Brit wasn't in home. he usually go work at 8:15 am, it's too earlly. I wondered where he was...Taking the garbage out?? or maybe a affair!?!?!? : o
After a few minutes, he was back having a MacDonald's bag! He bought the morning sets for me!!! I was really surprised it because he hates getting up in the earlly morning. I felt his love for me ;) Even MacDonald ! Thanks Brit, and I love you so much!!
When I was get up at 7:30 am next morning after my birthday, Brit wasn't in home. he usually go work at 8:15 am, it's too earlly. I wondered where he was...Taking the garbage out?? or maybe a affair!?!?!? : o
After a few minutes, he was back having a MacDonald's bag! He bought the morning sets for me!!! I was really surprised it because he hates getting up in the earlly morning. I felt his love for me ;) Even MacDonald ! Thanks Brit, and I love you so much!!
あまりにも普通だった誕生日。(My 26th birthday)2007年11月20日
とても普通の日でした。むしろ普通よりもちょっと寂しかったかも。笑 前々日まで、私もブリ豚も覚えていて何しよっか、ちょっと美味しいものくらいって話してたのに喜音が風邪で一日ゲロゲロしていてかわいそうやら、忙しいやらですっかり吹っ飛んでいってしまった私の誕生日。ブリ豚もバンドの練習を入れてしまい、夜一緒にご飯を食べることすらできなかった。(まぁもともと火曜日は帰りが遅いから一緒にご飯食べられないんだけど。)親もその日にたまたま電話したけど、全く触れず。。言うまで気づいてすらいませんでした。^^:
I became 26 years old lady 20th Nov. We remebered until 2 days ago,but Yukine had a cold, and she was burfing all day that day, so we forgot it at all, and Brit booked his band's pracrice on my birthday; ( My birthday was on Tuesday, so he usually comes back home at 8:30pm anyway though. So my birthday this year was really normal day.Brit's birthday had also nothing special this year because I couldn't move as I was abortion threatened, so I couldn't say anything :p
But!!! My friends send me happy birthday e-mail, and two friends of mine gave me a present for me!! I appriciate them so much!!! the gift is on top picture. It is a pillow :) You can put your hands into his stomach and relax. he smells lavender :) It makes me really relax :)Of course, Yukine uses it more than me though:p
It's not related to about my birthday airticle though, we played with a clay dough today. It is becoming colder than colder in Kyoto too, so I don't wanna go to the park with yukine :( so, I bought clay dough today. She likes clay dough, so, she has been making them for a long time :)
The thing in front of the pic seems be a airplane. she made it :)
長野の秋 (We're enjoying in Nagano.) 2007年11月9日
なんでも一緒に遊びたい喜音に付き合わされたリュウはちょっと疲労困憊だった様子。笑 コーヒーカップに乗せられて、滑り台で突き落とされそうになって、心臓バクバク言ってた。^^:笑
I'm trying to take Yukine to the places that she can play everyday as much as I can. That's for her of course, but also for my weight control :p, and for enjoing the beautiful autumn season :)
There are two big parks (The one of them is farm park which is Barbers went to the hot spring, Miharashi last spring.) near my parents's place. but still, we have to use the car to go there, so I need my enegy to go to parks in Nagano. It's inconvenience sometimes, these parks are so nice, and I love them though. In contrast, there are so many small parks in Kyoto, so we can go to the park as soon as I think we want to.
I was wondering where parents lives in my hometown let their children play.
When I was a child, my parents didn't take me to the park so much. I think that I was playing around my house, and there are many children of about same age as me in neighborhood, and It's not so dengerous like now, so parents shouldn't have watched thier children all the time. i'm not sure it's the same way in Nagano even now or not but, we can't do that in Kyoto becouse too dengerous :( That's sad thing.
Anyway, we went to the park with the lunch box :) It's a little cold but, Yukine was enjoying to play. we took the parents's dog Ryu, so Yukine wanted to play togather. Probably, he was not happy. When she pushed him from the top of slide, his heart was a'flutter :p
やばいです。。。。約一ヶ月ブログをほったらしかしにしてしまった。本当に一日24時間じゃ足りん。。。って別に働いてるわけでもないのに。。。でもちょっと今我が家、やること多くててんてこまい状態。来年の引越しのための準備が思いのほかやること多い。(今までほったらかしてたってのもあるんだけど 笑)誰よりもぶり豚が死にそうになってます。。。^^:
I couldn't update for a long time....:( there were some reasons though, I did't have time to use my pc, and my pc didn't work in kyoto and my dad's pc 's mouse didn't work in Nagano.....etc :0
Anyway, Yukine and I have been in Nagano since last weekend.It's colder than Kyoto, of course, It's about 10℃ like that in my room every morning, and the red leaves season is finished almost.
Hidemitsu( for now!) was about 1300g last reguler check, and 8months (about30 weeks ) now.My tummy is so big, so I can't breathe normally:( I want to birth him soon, but probably, after he is borned, I wouldn't think that :p
We were doing the shichigosan(753) ceremony in Kyoto before we went to Nagano, so I will update another page:)
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