Yukine and masuda dad are good friends : )Even he who likes children so much finally must have been tired form her:p

Hello Kitty sushi for Yukine :)
made by Tamako who is Masuda's daughter.
去 年の3月くらいに遊びに行かせてもらったぶり豚の先輩先生増田先生のお宅にまたお邪魔 させてもらった。もう1年ぶりくらいになるんだな~早いものだ!今回も本当によくしてれて、喜音の相手もみんなでしてくれて、とっても優雅な気分で美味し いご飯を堪能できた!!本当にありがたい。喜音にも誕生日が近いからと言ってプレゼントを用意してくれて、もう感謝の言いようもない。
Mis. Masuda is a Brit's coworker and her husband is from Nagano same as me, so they invited us to thier house last year, and they were often kind of us so much. We went to thier house again last weekend.They like Yukine very much, so they took care of her all the time, so I could eat and talk at easy. I had a good good time :) Yukine likes them too. She was shy in front of stranger, especially, men a little while ago, but now that she isn't at all.
Masuda familly is very friendly family. I wish we would be so too twenty years later.
Mis. Masuda is a Brit's coworker and her husband is from Nagano same as me, so they invited us to thier house last year, and they were often kind of us so much. We went to thier house again last weekend.They like Yukine very much, so they took care of her all the time, so I could eat and talk at easy. I had a good good time :) Yukine likes them too. She was shy in front of stranger, especially, men a little while ago, but now that she isn't at all.
Masuda familly is very friendly family. I wish we would be so too twenty years later.
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