Here is Anpanman cake.Anpanman means the bean paste man who is a popular anime character for Japanese children, of couse Yukine too, so I made it, but she wasn't excited Anpanman cake but strawberrys :o I was disappointed it :( oh well.

Naoki and Piano Asami who are musicians plays with Brit joined Yukine's birthday party :)
Now that our big girl is 2 years old! I want to say to her Thank you !! and she can do many things now.
In the morning of her birthday, she could poop and pee in the bathroom!! Maybe it's an accident, but she will be able to do it soon!? who knows.
「Dad は おしごと」「きゅーぴーさん、早くねんねよ。おばけこわいよ~」(私が夜に いつも喜音に言っているから^^:)「あんぱんまん、みゆ?(見る?)しまじろう、みゆ?(見る?)」(テレビが見たい時。)「いきね(ゆきね)パンたべ ちゃい(食べたい!)自分の名前が言えるようになってから人の名前もすぐ覚えるように。。。もう本当に急に話せるようになってきた。
She can talk so much. she can use a sentence in Japanese. She understands what Brit says, but she can't talk in English well.
体重11kg 身長約85cm
She is about 85cm in height. Her weight is about 11kg.

She likes this doll. she always take care of it. She took a nap with the doll in this pic. really cute :)

真 似もすぐするようになった。私がアイロンをかけていた後、ふと見たらズボンをはいていない!?なぜ?と思ったら、アイロンがけのまねっこ^^「あっちちよ ~」と言いながら。笑 お掃除の真似も、お料理の真似も、洗い物の真似もぜ~んぶしてくれる。今はまだ危なっかしいけどいつかママの事沢山助けてくれそう ね^^
She is good at copying people. When I finished wrinkled stuffs, she took off her pants, and she did using her cup as a iron. I laughed as soon as I saw it :)She can wash dishes, she can mix eggs. she can vaccume too! these are troubles yet, but someday she will be able to help me very much :)
Yukine is a happy girl, she is always smiling. she brings us a lot of happy:)
Thank you!! and Happy birthday Yukine!!!!
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