い つも喜音が行ってる児童館の運動会があった。午後からはピザパーティの予定だったし、忙しいからどうしようか迷ったけど、私が第一種目のパン食い競争に 出たかった 笑(話ではよく聞くけど本当に存在してたのは初めて!)のと、この3枚目の写真の「エビカニクス」という喜音たちのダンス(だからこの衣装は エビかカニのイメージ。エイリアンにしか見えないけど。笑)を見たかったからハードスケジュールと分かりながら行くことに。パン食い競争は喜音と出場。な んだか運動会なんて久しぶりだし、その上、今は親の立場!!ちょっとこそばゆい感じだったわ。でも念願のパン食い競争に出れて嬉しかった!結果はビリでし た、パンはあんぱんでした。私、アンパン嫌いっす。笑
We planed the pizza party in this weekend, and in the same day there was a sports day of Jidoukan which is the kind of the community center. I thought it would be hard day if we do both, but I wanted to see Yukine's first sports day, In Japan, a sports day (Undoukai) is anunal fall festival for kids :) We took part in Pan Kui Kyousou which means "The bread eating race". people run to the bar hanging bread and they catch bread by their mouth and they run eating bread to the goal.
I also wanted to see Yukine's shrimps and clab dance, but we have no time.Too bad :( The third pic is the costume for the dance. I liked it. It's cute, isn't it? :)

And then, 15 people came to our small house at the party:o we couldn't move so much in the crouded house :p
I didn't expect that so many people came, so I didn't prepare enough foods :o I was busy to make more pizza dough , and some side dishes, so I couldn't talk with people :( But they seemed to enjoy the party. I was glad to hear it:) And the handmade pizza was so good!!
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