ハロウィンにかこつけて、Baby Jazz第二弾!今回はお友達が企画してくれて、実現。なかなかのんびりな私ら夫婦にとってこういう機動力となってくれる人は本当にありがたい!!
ハ ロウィンだから、子供たちはみんな何かに変身^^うちの子は、黒猫。ぽっこりお腹がセクシ~なぴったり全身タイツ。約半月前からこの日のために仕込み始 めた。私のイメージどおりでかなり満足な出来。(ミシンないし、手縫いなので、至近距離撮影は禁物 笑)全部で何人集まってたんだろう??100人以 上??気持ちのいい秋空、子供たちの仮装とJazzとお外で本当に気持ちがよかった~♪
We had Baby jazz gig again since a half year ! This time was as Halloween party too, so children disguised themselves as something :) As you see, Yukine was a cat, and Brit was a modern(?) samurai :D I had been making this cat costume since a half month! I was really exciting to make them. She likes a cat, so she was happy to be a cat, so she welcomed to wear those:)
Over 100 people gathered at the party!! How exciting it is!! People seemed enjoy it too.(but, I'm not sure children was enjoy music too :p)
Anyway, This group must have surpried other people in the park.haha!
1 comment:
Yukine Looks very cute in the cat costume. Thank you for posting pictues so we can see how big she is getting!
Alan and I want to come to Japan sometime, if we ever have enough money! :-)
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