
Halloween Baby Jazz !!! 2006年10月29日

ハロウィンにかこつけて、Baby Jazz第二弾!今回はお友達が企画してくれて、実現。なかなかのんびりな私ら夫婦にとってこういう機動力となってくれる人は本当にありがたい!!
ハ ロウィンだから、子供たちはみんな何かに変身^^うちの子は、黒猫。ぽっこりお腹がセクシ~なぴったり全身タイツ。約半月前からこの日のために仕込み始 めた。私のイメージどおりでかなり満足な出来。(ミシンないし、手縫いなので、至近距離撮影は禁物 笑)全部で何人集まってたんだろう??100人以 上??気持ちのいい秋空、子供たちの仮装とJazzとお外で本当に気持ちがよかった~♪



We had Baby jazz gig again since a half year ! This time was as Halloween party too, so children disguised themselves as something :) As you see, Yukine was a cat, and Brit was a modern(?) samurai :D I had been making this cat costume since a half month! I was really exciting to make them. She likes a cat, so she was happy to be a cat, so she welcomed to wear those:)
Over 100 people gathered at the party!! How exciting it is!! People seemed enjoy it too.(but, I'm not sure children was enjoy music too :p)

Anyway, This group must have surpried other people in the park.haha!


ねんど遊び (Playdough) 2006年10月23日

久 しぶりにブリ豚の入ってるフットサルチームを見に行った。こうやってみると、喜音はだいぶ人見知りしなくなってきたなと思う。ちょっと前なんて慣れない男 の人と遊んだり絶対しなかった。世の中悪い人ばかりじゃないと分かってきたのだろうか。でもまだ抱っこされるのはかなり嫌がるんだな。

な んだか天気も私の調子も悪かったからお家でできる遊び「小麦粉ねんど」を作ってみた。いつもパン作ってる時にコネコネしてるの見てるから、「バン、バン (彼女はパンのことをバンという)」と言って興奮。しかもいつもなら触らせてくれないのに今日はいいというのだから、そりゃ楽しそうだった^^

It was bad weather, and my feeling was also bad, so we played indoor today. I made salt dough. It's like bread dough for Yukine. I always told her not to touch it when I made bread, so she was happy that she could touch it today :)


カラオケ~♪( Yukine's Karaoke experience)2006年10月15日

カ ラオケのKidsルーム、ずっと行ってみたかった。確かにおもちゃとかあってお座敷形式になってて子どもにはいいのかな?でも、ちょっと狭くて遊ぶス ペースなかったな。。。でも、子供は意外におもちゃよりマイクとかリモコンのが楽しかったようだ。ま、そんなもんよね^^:

We went to Karaoke with our friends and thier parents who are Canadian. This time is thier first karaoke in thier life :) I hope they enjoyed it.

they have Kids room in this Karaoke place we went, there are some toys but the room was a little small to play. it's Japan :p and, you know, childen like things that aren't toys :p Yukine likes microphone so much, so she was happy to use it or( I should write) lick it ;p She can't sing yet, but she yelled "nyan nyan (means a cat's yelping) " "wan wan( means a dog's yelping)" all the time.


運動会 そして ピザパーティ (A sports day and then Pizza party) 2006年10月14日

い つも喜音が行ってる児童館の運動会があった。午後からはピザパーティの予定だったし、忙しいからどうしようか迷ったけど、私が第一種目のパン食い競争に 出たかった 笑(話ではよく聞くけど本当に存在してたのは初めて!)のと、この3枚目の写真の「エビカニクス」という喜音たちのダンス(だからこの衣装は エビかカニのイメージ。エイリアンにしか見えないけど。笑)を見たかったからハードスケジュールと分かりながら行くことに。パン食い競争は喜音と出場。な んだか運動会なんて久しぶりだし、その上、今は親の立場!!ちょっとこそばゆい感じだったわ。でも念願のパン食い競争に出れて嬉しかった!結果はビリでし た、パンはあんぱんでした。私、アンパン嫌いっす。笑
We planed the pizza party in this weekend, and in the same day there was a sports day of Jidoukan which is the kind of the community center. I thought it would be hard day if we do both, but I wanted to see Yukine's first sports day, In Japan, a sports day (Undoukai) is anunal fall festival for kids :) We took part in Pan Kui Kyousou which means "The bread eating race". people run to the bar hanging bread and they catch bread by their mouth and they run eating bread to the goal.
I also wanted to see Yukine's shrimps and clab dance, but we have no time.Too bad :( The third pic is the costume for the dance. I liked it. It's cute, isn't it? :)
ピ ザパーティは総勢15人がこのちっちゃいお家にギュウギュウ詰め。笑 いる場所、本当になかった^^:思ったより人が来たから、ピザ生地も、具も、なにも かも足りないじゃないかーー!!!ってことで走った走った。。総勢15人の写真撮りたかったのにそんな余裕もなく。。。涙 とりあえずピザ作り隊だけでも パシャリ。手作りピザは最高!!!友達いっぱいも最高!!!パーティ楽しいね♪ みんなまたきてね、狭いけど。笑

And then, 15 people came to our small house at the party:o we couldn't move so much in the crouded house :p
I didn't expect that so many people came, so I didn't prepare enough foods :o I was busy to make more pizza dough , and some side dishes, so I couldn't talk with people :( But they seemed to enjoy the party. I was glad to hear it:) And the handmade pizza was so good!!


どこもかしこもお祭り (Many festivals in here!) 2006年10月8日

Gaijin Samurai is playing the sax!! so cool hah? :p

去 年もブリ豚が出たいつもお世話になっている神社のお祭り。今年も、ブリ豚はお神輿を担ぐ人だからハッピにセクシーミニパンツだったけど、記念に侍(なの か?)の格好をさせてもらった。なかなか似合うんじゃないかい?とても大きなお祭りで2日間行われる。私も喜音と一緒に見に行った。去年のときはベビー カーでねんねしてた喜音。今回は境内を走り回って追いかけるのに必死。来年くらいは子供神輿に参加できるかな?

There was the big festival of Saiin Kasuga shrine which is the GJO ( name of the big band Brit belongs to )headquarter, so Brit took part in this festival. He did last year too. People carried MIKOSHI which is the portable shrine ( a dictionary said. I don't know how to say.) and walked around the neighbour all the day! It's very long time :o
9 日は体育の日でお休み。どっか出かけたいな~って気分で思いつきで中ノ島公園へ行こうということに。行ってみたら、ニューオリンズ祭りなる、カトリーナの 被害をうけたニューオリンズ復興支援を目的とした音楽のイベントをしてた。ブリ豚といるとなんか音楽に絶対行き当たる気がする。このお祭りの存在も知らな かったけど、なにかに引き寄せられたようだ。知り合いのミュージシャンも何人か出てて「お!来てたんだ!」「お!いるんや!」ってのがめっちゃ多かった ^^:世間は狭いのか、関西ミュージックシーンが狭いのか。。。。


The next day, we went to Osaka for seeking some fun. It was by chance that there was a music festval in the park we went :o It's New orleans music carnival. I think we often encounter some music stuff when we go to everywhere with Brit. Is this his fate?? :p Anyway, we enjoyed it very much. Some famous musicians were coming from New orleans, so we could listen good music for free!!
When we walked around for our lunch, we found the big park, so Yukine was so exciting : ) She was exciting to listen good music too!


色々書きたいんだけど2(I want to write about many things...)2006年10月5日

こ れまたびっくり!!!喜音が生まれたときに私たちの教会での宣教師だった彼に会った!!!実に一年半以上ぶり!!!!宣教師は2年間の任務期間の間に 3ヶ月~6ヶ月で場所を移動するからまた会えるのはちょっと奇跡に近い。彼はあと2週間で国に帰るところだったし。帰る前にまた会えて喜音の成長を見せる ことができてよかったな^^
Yukine and I had to go to Osaka last wednesday. I thought that the men must have been missionaries when I saw two white guys with white shirts and black pants and bicycles and helmets look like the turtle :p Holy cow!! One of them is the elder who was in Nishikyougoku ward when Yukine was born:o It has been 1and a half years since we met him last. Amazing!! He saw only baby Yukine, so he was really surprised at now Yukine:) He'll finish his job in two weeks,so we are really lucky!
水 曜日は北野天満宮の瑞き祭りなるお祭りだった。なんでも獅子舞の獅子に子供を噛ませると子供が頭が良くなるらしい。これはいかねば!と張り切って行ったら まだだった。とりあえず神社の境内で遊ばせた。京都は本当祭りが多いな。普通の平日だと思うけど、たくさんの子供たちが神輿を引っ張っていた。長野には稲 刈り休みがあるけど、京都には祭り休みなぞがあるのだろうか?
There was also the Zuiki fes in Kitanotenmangu shrine last Wed.This festivel is like thanksgiving,but very small, I think. There are so many small festivals in Kyoto,so I 'm not sure which is which:P Anyway, I have heard the legend has it that if children are biten by a lion which is legend in Japan in the festival's parade, the child will be smart in the future. I must have been there for Yukine!
Yukine was biten by it at first:) She was scared by the lion. I'll say that the lion will be coming when she does bad things. hehe :p


子供たちは見事にバラバラ 笑 まだ一緒に遊ぶってころではないらしい。喜音は曲がりなりにも一番お姉さん。お姉さんは二人を泣かすのではないかとハラハラしっぱなし。^^:


色々書きたいんだけど ( I want to write about many things...) 2006年10月5日

竹村先生とご令嬢ゆきのちゃんと一緒に。ゆきの に ゆきね で先生たちは混乱してました 笑
Mrs. Takemura who is also English teacher of Ishiyama and her daugher Yukino (her name is very similer to Yukine, so people were confused :p)


It's the same day of last year. Yukine was bald and chubby :p haha


We went to the junior high school where brittain are working for seeing the school festival last weekend. We went to there last year, so some teachers remember Yukine, and they were surprised at Yukine's growth:) It's natural for them. Yukine couldn't walk by herself last year. the third pic is last year one.Now that, she run around the school ground!!!


After that, we moved to Osaka station, Brit played street gig near Osaka station. this band's bass is tuba. I understand why Brit wants one, this sound is so cool:) But, we don't have room for a tuba in our place. Work hard to live a big house for tuba! haha~