It's time to go back to Seattle. We will leave for Seattle on 1th September, but we are going to Tokyo tomorrow morning, and see my friend family, and then we will stay at hotel near Narita airport with my mom, and we will get our airplane.
Hope we get to Seattle safely....
Thank you Japan, and see you in Seattle :-)
夏の終わり The end of summer

She can already climb on like this big toy, I didn't know that! She is a big girl!!!
We' ve been many many parks during this summer. It was so much fun!!
I love parks in my town. there are many beautiful interesting parks there.

We went to summer festivals some times :) Yukine loves Japanese booths. Everytime she went to like this events, she got a snow corn.
We could see fireworks twice, it was very very beautiful, even though it's small town's. I want my kids to know Japanese culture, so really glad to be here :)

I could see many many old friends!! It was really good to see them:D
We couldn't see so much each other until now, but we are still good friends!!! We had a fantastic time together :)

I didn't know that we have a black berry bush at my grand-mom's yard. ( I'm not sure what are they, maybe black berry..) She said it's been here for a long long time though. I have eaten them first time since I was born the other day! It was not so sweet, more sour, but it's good :) If I knew about the existence of this sooner, I would make jam though, too bad!!

身長:79cmあたり。 (今手元に記録がなく取りに行くのをめんどくさがる母。 苦笑)
あと、そう、奏大くん、けっこう下のほうも進んでて、う○ちの時はした後に「ちっち」といって、お尻を押さえて報告、おしっこも一度はトイレで成功!(その一度だけ笑) そして、不思議とオマル、子供便座を嫌います。大人用に反対向きに座りたがる。
この調子でさっさととれてくれたらな~と母期待してみたり^^ めんどくさがらず頑張るぞ!!
Kanata7s update today.
He had the regular check up the other day.
He is getting bigger and bigger. He seems to be growing as Japanese boy's average size. I thought his head could be bigger than average though, not really, it's just very square :p
Anyway, he is very fine :) Good good.
He starts talking a lots of word, for now, most of them are Japanese. I had no idea which language he would say first, but it seems Japanese since he is with me almost of his life then.
He can say
"Hot" "ouch" "Please" "All done" "Car" "Police car" "Bus" "Chu-chu( means train)" "Ice cream (which is important :p)" " BBQ! (Brit is happy about it)" "Tomato" " Hot dog"( Everything is in Japanese though)..... and so on. So we can communicate each other :) It's really fun and very very cute! I love to talk with him :)
And he is starting to say about potty recently! I didn't expect it at all, but once he said " chi-chi ( " (means pee in Japanese) touching his butt, he keeps saying to me about it! That's good sigh, so I shouldn't miss this chance to start potty training now, so I always take him to the potty everytime he says "pee" or "poop" even its not. Hope he will be done in this summer ;) Who knows.
other stuffs..... He often pinches and hitspeople especially my grand-mom I don't know why though, and sometimes bites people :( I want him to stop it soon!
And he still loves breast milk, so I'm thinking that I will let him finish it after I get back to Seattle. It may be very very hard for him....
I think that's enough for now.
お盆 Obon
Hi, there!
I'm very busy everyday even if my family is helping me a lot. I was supposed to have a lots of time to space out in here, but not at all! I think that's because my little two monkeys.... :p Both are soooo busy and loud everyday.
It's getting cooler that cooler in Nagano. It will come Autumn soon here.


We had a lot of fun in last two weeks :) First, my friends family invited us BBQ. We went to the park near river. there were a big play ground there and BBQ place. It was great for family! My friend's husband has many hobbies, and one of them is outdoor, so he has lots of stuffs for this BBQ. He and his friend were preparing BBQ sets and most of things, so I just ate delicious! What a wonderful day!!! We'd been there for 11 hours, literally all day long!!! That day's weather seemed to be raining afternoon, so we changed the plan earlier, so we got there at 11 in the morning, and we started eating, and then Kids started playing at the playground and water fountain things, and then ate again, and then it was almost 7 at night, so we decided to do fireworks which was the first plan but we didn't expect we could do it because rain was supposed to start, but it's not. We played played played all day long!!!! I was sooooo tired,but felt so good too!
Yukine and Kanata fell asleep as soon as we rode the car! They must have been so tired too!
My friend has two girls baby, older one is same age as Kanata and younger one is 4 months old, they are only 17 months different!! She must be so busy, but her girls are soooo cute :)Kanata seems to like older girl, but she is scared of Kanata because he pushes her too much :p


And my friend’s family came visit us from Kyoto from11th to 12th. They had us when we visited Kyoto last time. I met my friend through the internet community site like facebook, she is so kind and smart woman and kids are good friends too :) Both of days were very beautiful days which is great. If it was raining, I had no idea where should I have taken them in such a countryside so :p We went to some of parks here, we spent most of time at the park. Kids were, of course, very happy :) Yukine likes to do a monkey bar a lot, everytime I take her to the park, she keeps doing monkey bar. She is getting better acutually. Kanata likes slide a lot :) He didn't understand what is scary until recently, but he starts knowing about it, so sometimes he hesitates to slide. He still do too much for him because he wants to play with big kids though.
She has two kids, 6 years old daughter and 4 years old son whose birthday is very close to Yukine. So when they enjoyed playing together, very very good friends but when they were fighting, only someone left out... :p But they found the way to resolve the problem by themselves :)

私もすごーく楽しかった! たかみさんのおうちに京都でお世話になったときは、本当忙しくて話もろくにできなかったので、今回ゆっくり時間を過ごすことができてよかった!!!
I was happy being them :) It was so much fun!!! When we went to Kyoto. we were too busy and we couldn't be together, so it was really good time for us!
Thank you for coming and we are looking forward to seeing you in Seattle next time!!

Hi, there!
I'm very busy everyday even if my family is helping me a lot. I was supposed to have a lots of time to space out in here, but not at all! I think that's because my little two monkeys.... :p Both are soooo busy and loud everyday.
It's getting cooler that cooler in Nagano. It will come Autumn soon here.

We had a lot of fun in last two weeks :) First, my friends family invited us BBQ. We went to the park near river. there were a big play ground there and BBQ place. It was great for family! My friend's husband has many hobbies, and one of them is outdoor, so he has lots of stuffs for this BBQ. He and his friend were preparing BBQ sets and most of things, so I just ate delicious! What a wonderful day!!! We'd been there for 11 hours, literally all day long!!! That day's weather seemed to be raining afternoon, so we changed the plan earlier, so we got there at 11 in the morning, and we started eating, and then Kids started playing at the playground and water fountain things, and then ate again, and then it was almost 7 at night, so we decided to do fireworks which was the first plan but we didn't expect we could do it because rain was supposed to start, but it's not. We played played played all day long!!!! I was sooooo tired,but felt so good too!
Yukine and Kanata fell asleep as soon as we rode the car! They must have been so tired too!
My friend has two girls baby, older one is same age as Kanata and younger one is 4 months old, they are only 17 months different!! She must be so busy, but her girls are soooo cute :)Kanata seems to like older girl, but she is scared of Kanata because he pushes her too much :p



And my friend’s family came visit us from Kyoto from11th to 12th. They had us when we visited Kyoto last time. I met my friend through the internet community site like facebook, she is so kind and smart woman and kids are good friends too :) Both of days were very beautiful days which is great. If it was raining, I had no idea where should I have taken them in such a countryside so :p We went to some of parks here, we spent most of time at the park. Kids were, of course, very happy :) Yukine likes to do a monkey bar a lot, everytime I take her to the park, she keeps doing monkey bar. She is getting better acutually. Kanata likes slide a lot :) He didn't understand what is scary until recently, but he starts knowing about it, so sometimes he hesitates to slide. He still do too much for him because he wants to play with big kids though.
She has two kids, 6 years old daughter and 4 years old son whose birthday is very close to Yukine. So when they enjoyed playing together, very very good friends but when they were fighting, only someone left out... :p But they found the way to resolve the problem by themselves :)

I was happy being them :) It was so much fun!!! When we went to Kyoto. we were too busy and we couldn't be together, so it was really good time for us!
Thank you for coming and we are looking forward to seeing you in Seattle next time!!

近況報告 Update

I liked the Ra-men when I ate it before, I was a high school student. Though I haven't eaten it since that time, It was still good even I didn't remember the taste.
The picture Yukine drew Kanata. People Yukine draw is getting better and better. They were like germs before though, now that it looks a human, isn't it?? Still they have stick arms and legs tho :p hehe~
With my grandma.
It had Ina matsuri, summer festival in down-town Ina( very small down-town), so Yukine wore Yukata, summer kimono and Kanata wore Jinbei kind of summer kimono. We had been many matsuri when we lived in Japan though, Yukine didn't remember at all, so she seemed to be surprised. Kids got snow corn from a food booth. Unfortunately, it was raining at the night, so we couldn't see fireworks outside, but we watched them on TV. There are some festivals here in the summer, so hopefully, we will go to see fireworks at least once.

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