ブリ豚と ビキニの人。
" Seattle people wear T-shirts when it's 40F." I have heard about that. In End of May, the Seattle women wore Bikini at the beach :-O It was sunny and warm but not hot. Brit was happy to see nice view everywhere I think ;-)
先週月曜日はMemorial dayで休日。Memorial dayは戦争に行った方たちへの感謝の日。
それと関係があるかないかアメリカの人たちはBBQをするらしい。ま、夏でなにかあったらBBQなんだけどね。^^:私たちはブリ豚を通じてお友達になった日本人ご家族と一緒に「New castle beach park」という公園に行ってきました。Washington lakeに面したビーチもあって、大きな芝生もあってとっても家族連れにはいい公園。そりゃもうたっくさんの人人人でした。
この公園はEast sideというところにあってWindowsの本社なんかがある辺だからお金持ちが多いところ。ちょっと顔ぶれもうちの近所と違っていたような。。。^^:
We went to New castle beach park in Bellevue on 25th May ,Memorial day. The park is very huge and beautiful and there are a beach too. It's good for family :-) We hung out with Japanese friend family that Brit found at his school. they have a daughter who is almost 4 years old, Yukine likes her ( she met them too when it's Cherry blossoms season at the UW.), so they played and talked girls talk all day :-) I and her mom enjoyed talking about family and life stuffs and Dads enjoyed talking about Japanese politics and men stuffs :-p It was a fun! (Don't worry, Brit. I didn't say anything bad about you ;-) hehe~)
There were lots lots of people there, they of course brought barbeque set and enjoyed Momorial day's BBQ party :-) Among those, Korian family brought rice cooker too!! Amaging!
もうほんまに今からウキウキワクワク♪ 前日絶対に寝れないと思う。ま、どうせ飛行機で寝かせてもらえないだろうし。
By the way, it's 2 more weeks before we will leave to Japan :-D I'm sooooooo excited about it! we are still busy, Brit's final will over on the next Monday. I'm trying to be quiet in order to not get him trouble as much as I can. Good luck, Brit!
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