Our community center has toddler play group, so I take Kanata there as much as I can. This time was painting! It was sooo fun to make a mess!! They plan many projects we can't play at home or moms don't want their kids to play at home :-) I appreciated it!
I let Kanata be naked,and put him on the paper. he didn't know what's going on, but I was happy to be naked ;-) Kids love to be naked so! Kanata couldn't paint by himself yet, but he enjoyed eating paint, and making his hand and tummy mess. Though he refereed to play with cars and balls :-p
This picture was taken the other day at playground. Yukine is such a nice sis. She is always worry about Kanata, sometimes too much though. Everytime we ride the elevator, I let Kanata walk by himself, but it seems to make Yukine nervous, so she ask me to hold kanata's hand or him. Or when we walk sidewalk, Yukine is upset, and says " NONONONONO!!! Kanata would have an accident with car, mom, hold his hand!!!!!!"
sometimes, it's too much, but she is really good sister:-)
On the other hands, Kanata is the person doing things at his own pace. Sibling are so different!!!
楽しみですね〜♪ 私が日本に帰った時はもう生まれてしまうのかしら???妊婦さっちんさん見てみたいのに!
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