
At the hotel
ぶり豚がバンクーバーで学会があったので本当はお留守番のはずが急遽、それに付いていくことに。 今回は、ぶり豚が一日
UBC(University of British Columbia)にいたので、私と子どもはバンクーバー在住のお友達けいこちゃんとご一緒させていただきました^^ いろんなところに連れていってくれて、お昼ご飯をご馳走になったりと、本当に一日付き合ってくれてお世話になりました!!!本当に本当にありがとうね、けいこちゃん!!
We came back from Vancouver :-) Brit participated in the Conference at
UBC, and finally we decided to go to there by rental car, and My babysitting was canceled, so I and kids also followed him. It was really suddenly plan, but thank to our friend,
Keiko who are living in there, we had really really good time :-)

まずは水族館へ。この日は(も!? 前回もすごい雨、今回も雨。。。ぶり豚のせいだわ、絶対!)すごい雨で春休みもかぶってか、すごいすごい人!
She has free pass of the aquarium, so we could go visit there,and it was fun :-)
Yukine was too busy to see fishes though, they had Kids play area, so she was enjoying to pretend an animal doctor so much.

この水族館には子どもコーナーもあって、獣医さんごっこコーナーなんかも。喜音先生は一匹一匹アザラシの診察。上の写真にある赤い台にぬいぐるみを置くとX線も。うでの骨が折れていたり、お腹の中になにか物がはいっている写真とかが上の画面に写ります。なかなか凝ってますな〜。 There was a X-ray . If you put the stuffed animal on the table, you can see broken bone or something in her tummy :-)

"Are you
ok? Patient?"

"Hello? are you alive, Mr.Wall? I can't hear your heart."

I bet
Keiko was tied from watching my kids,especially,
Yukine. Thank you
sooo much.

There were Belugas in Vancouver Aquarium. They got a baby recently, so small gray one follow her mom all the time, it's so cute :-)
Yukine was done with play area, she become very grumpy because she was hungry, so we hurry back to
Keiko's apartment, and she had us lunch.
そして、また外出。次はGranville islandへ。ここはバンクーバーからちょっと出っ張っている入江にあって、とてもおもしろいところ。その場所全体がマーケットやかわいい雑貨やさん、アートギャラリーなんかが沢山並んでます。工場跡地に建てられているらしく建物も、雰囲気もかわいい、しかもマーケット内のものもすべておいしそう♪
And after lunch and break, we headed to Granville island.Granville island is not island actually. This area used to be factories area, but right now, there are fresh market like Pike place in Seattle, and art galleries, and cute shops and more! It was really fun to walk around :-)


Granville bridgeとバンクーバーダウンタウン。
Granville bridge and Vancouver down-town.

Down-town Vancouver

Granville islandの通り。

Granville island の通り。その2
I loved to be in Granville island so much, there are Kids market too, we didn't have time to see though (and I didn't want to fight with
Yukine who would not back from there forever :p), so we will come back there someday again!
一時はバケツをひっくり返したような大雨でどうなるかと思ったけど、最終的には晴れて、ダウンタウンに綺麗な景色も拝めたし、とっても満足!!バンクーバーもなかなか好きな街です。また来たいな♪ みなさんもぜひ!!
We separated with Brit almost all day though, we enjoyed Vancouver this time :-) Finally, weather tuned to clear, so we could see beautiful Vancouver scenery too! And Brit's conference people invited us to dinner, so we had good
Indonesian food too!! We were so lucky :-)
Thank you for everyone!!