春よこい Wish spring is coming soon
花を摘んでくれます。 日本の桜と変わらずシアトルの桜も綺麗、日本を感じることができてなんだか嬉しい。 でも今日もまだ肌寒く、春が恋しい今日この頃。
Spring seems to be coming here little by little. Flowers start to bloom recently, and Yukine always pucked them for me on the way to pre-school and to home. She is so sweet :-) We can cheery blossoms too!
Even cheery blossoms are coming, still chilly outside here. I really miss spring!
Today, we went to Loyal Heights community center for registration for Yukine's gymnastic. Loyal Heights is a little bit southern and western from our place. we never been there. I'm always excited when I go visit to new place so today is so :-)
There were very cute houses and very cute tiny downtown, it was very cute neighbor.
I haven't baked bread for a while. I wanted to bake French bread this time.
This French bread was most beautiful one in my baking bread life! It was real French bread not kind of. I was very satisfied of it :-)
悪い知らせ Bad news...
I found out my grandma broke the bone few days ago when I called my family. I'm really really worry about her :-( I have heard that it's really hard for old people to recover once they broke their bone not like kids or young people.
I am a grandma's child. When I was a little, my mom has already worked, so my grandma took care of me and my bro, I love her soooo much, The main worry for me when we moved back to the states was about grandma. She was the most person who was very nervous and very sad about our moving.
I really hope she would be getting better soon...
We wrote a letter for her in a hurry. I will write a letter and try to encourage her as long as I can.
I found out my grandma broke the bone few days ago when I called my family. I'm really really worry about her :-( I have heard that it's really hard for old people to recover once they broke their bone not like kids or young people.
I am a grandma's child. When I was a little, my mom has already worked, so my grandma took care of me and my bro, I love her soooo much, The main worry for me when we moved back to the states was about grandma. She was the most person who was very nervous and very sad about our moving.
I really hope she would be getting better soon...
We wrote a letter for her in a hurry. I will write a letter and try to encourage her as long as I can.
戻りました。 We came back from Vancouver
ぶり豚がバンクーバーで学会があったので本当はお留守番のはずが急遽、それに付いていくことに。 今回は、ぶり豚が一日UBC(University of British Columbia)にいたので、私と子どもはバンクーバー在住のお友達けいこちゃんとご一緒させていただきました^^ いろんなところに連れていってくれて、お昼ご飯をご馳走になったりと、本当に一日付き合ってくれてお世話になりました!!!本当に本当にありがとうね、けいこちゃん!!
We came back from Vancouver :-) Brit participated in the Conference at UBC, and finally we decided to go to there by rental car, and My babysitting was canceled, so I and kids also followed him. It was really suddenly plan, but thank to our friend, Keiko who are living in there, we had really really good time :-)
まずは水族館へ。この日は(も!? 前回もすごい雨、今回も雨。。。ぶり豚のせいだわ、絶対!)すごい雨で春休みもかぶってか、すごいすごい人!
She has free pass of the aquarium, so we could go visit there,and it was fun :-) Yukine was too busy to see fishes though, they had Kids play area, so she was enjoying to pretend an animal doctor so much.
この水族館には子どもコーナーもあって、獣医さんごっこコーナーなんかも。喜音先生は一匹一匹アザラシの診察。上の写真にある赤い台にぬいぐるみを置くとX線も。うでの骨が折れていたり、お腹の中になにか物がはいっている写真とかが上の画面に写ります。なかなか凝ってますな〜。 There was a X-ray . If you put the stuffed animal on the table, you can see broken bone or something in her tummy :-)
I bet Keiko was tied from watching my kids,especially, Yukine. Thank you sooo much.
There were Belugas in Vancouver Aquarium. They got a baby recently, so small gray one follow her mom all the time, it's so cute :-)
After Yukine was done with play area, she become very grumpy because she was hungry, so we hurry back to Keiko's apartment, and she had us lunch.
そして、また外出。次はGranville islandへ。ここはバンクーバーからちょっと出っ張っている入江にあって、とてもおもしろいところ。その場所全体がマーケットやかわいい雑貨やさん、アートギャラリーなんかが沢山並んでます。工場跡地に建てられているらしく建物も、雰囲気もかわいい、しかもマーケット内のものもすべておいしそう♪
And after lunch and break, we headed to Granville island.Granville island is not island actually. This area used to be factories area, but right now, there are fresh market like Pike place in Seattle, and art galleries, and cute shops and more! It was really fun to walk around :-)
Granville bridgeとバンクーバーダウンタウン。
Granville bridge and Vancouver down-town.
Granville islandの通り。
Granville island の通り。その2
I loved to be in Granville island so much, there are Kids market too, we didn't have time to see though (and I didn't want to fight with Yukine who would not back from there forever :p), so we will come back there someday again!
一時はバケツをひっくり返したような大雨でどうなるかと思ったけど、最終的には晴れて、ダウンタウンに綺麗な景色も拝めたし、とっても満足!!バンクーバーもなかなか好きな街です。また来たいな♪ みなさんもぜひ!!
We separated with Brit almost all day though, we enjoyed Vancouver this time :-) Finally, weather tuned to clear, so we could see beautiful Vancouver scenery too! And Brit's conference people invited us to dinner, so we had good Indonesian food too!! We were so lucky :-)
Thank you for everyone!!
ぶり豚がバンクーバーで学会があったので本当はお留守番のはずが急遽、それに付いていくことに。 今回は、ぶり豚が一日UBC(University of British Columbia)にいたので、私と子どもはバンクーバー在住のお友達けいこちゃんとご一緒させていただきました^^ いろんなところに連れていってくれて、お昼ご飯をご馳走になったりと、本当に一日付き合ってくれてお世話になりました!!!本当に本当にありがとうね、けいこちゃん!!
We came back from Vancouver :-) Brit participated in the Conference at UBC, and finally we decided to go to there by rental car, and My babysitting was canceled, so I and kids also followed him. It was really suddenly plan, but thank to our friend, Keiko who are living in there, we had really really good time :-)
まずは水族館へ。この日は(も!? 前回もすごい雨、今回も雨。。。ぶり豚のせいだわ、絶対!)すごい雨で春休みもかぶってか、すごいすごい人!
She has free pass of the aquarium, so we could go visit there,and it was fun :-) Yukine was too busy to see fishes though, they had Kids play area, so she was enjoying to pretend an animal doctor so much.
この水族館には子どもコーナーもあって、獣医さんごっこコーナーなんかも。喜音先生は一匹一匹アザラシの診察。上の写真にある赤い台にぬいぐるみを置くとX線も。うでの骨が折れていたり、お腹の中になにか物がはいっている写真とかが上の画面に写ります。なかなか凝ってますな〜。 There was a X-ray . If you put the stuffed animal on the table, you can see broken bone or something in her tummy :-)
"Are you ok? Patient?"
"Hello? are you alive, Mr.Wall? I can't hear your heart."
"Are you ok? Patient?"
"Hello? are you alive, Mr.Wall? I can't hear your heart."
I bet Keiko was tied from watching my kids,especially, Yukine. Thank you sooo much.
There were Belugas in Vancouver Aquarium. They got a baby recently, so small gray one follow her mom all the time, it's so cute :-)
After Yukine was done with play area, she become very grumpy because she was hungry, so we hurry back to Keiko's apartment, and she had us lunch.
そして、また外出。次はGranville islandへ。ここはバンクーバーからちょっと出っ張っている入江にあって、とてもおもしろいところ。その場所全体がマーケットやかわいい雑貨やさん、アートギャラリーなんかが沢山並んでます。工場跡地に建てられているらしく建物も、雰囲気もかわいい、しかもマーケット内のものもすべておいしそう♪
And after lunch and break, we headed to Granville island.Granville island is not island actually. This area used to be factories area, but right now, there are fresh market like Pike place in Seattle, and art galleries, and cute shops and more! It was really fun to walk around :-)
Granville bridgeとバンクーバーダウンタウン。
Granville bridge and Vancouver down-town.
Granville islandの通り。
Granville island の通り。その2
I loved to be in Granville island so much, there are Kids market too, we didn't have time to see though (and I didn't want to fight with Yukine who would not back from there forever :p), so we will come back there someday again!
一時はバケツをひっくり返したような大雨でどうなるかと思ったけど、最終的には晴れて、ダウンタウンに綺麗な景色も拝めたし、とっても満足!!バンクーバーもなかなか好きな街です。また来たいな♪ みなさんもぜひ!!
We separated with Brit almost all day though, we enjoyed Vancouver this time :-) Finally, weather tuned to clear, so we could see beautiful Vancouver scenery too! And Brit's conference people invited us to dinner, so we had good Indonesian food too!! We were so lucky :-)
Thank you for everyone!!
突然 Suddenly
We will go to Vancouver tonight. Brit has some conference up there, so we will go together.
I'll up later.
We will go to Vancouver tonight. Brit has some conference up there, so we will go together.
I'll up later.
家で出来ないこと。 Things we can't play at home :p
Our community center has toddler play group, so I take Kanata there as much as I can. This time was painting! It was sooo fun to make a mess!! They plan many projects we can't play at home or moms don't want their kids to play at home :-) I appreciated it!
I let Kanata be naked,and put him on the paper. he didn't know what's going on, but I was happy to be naked ;-) Kids love to be naked so! Kanata couldn't paint by himself yet, but he enjoyed eating paint, and making his hand and tummy mess. Though he refereed to play with cars and balls :-p
喜音は本当にとってもいいお姉さんです。ときどき。。。毎日いじめますが。でも私よりちょっと心配性。アパートのエレベーターに乗るときも私はけっこう奏大をほっとくのですが、(もちろん、ドアだけは気をつけてます。)喜音は「奏大くん、あぶない、あぶない、怖いよ〜ママちゃんと抱っこして。ほらほら、怖い怖い。。。。」と毎回おろおろ。笑 外でも奏大を歩道で歩かせようとすると、喜音のお怒りが^^:「ママ、奏大くん、車にひかれちゃう!ちゃんと手持ってて!!!」と。 どっちが母親かわかりません。。。。
This picture was taken the other day at playground. Yukine is such a nice sis. She is always worry about Kanata, sometimes too much though. Everytime we ride the elevator, I let Kanata walk by himself, but it seems to make Yukine nervous, so she ask me to hold kanata's hand or him. Or when we walk sidewalk, Yukine is upset, and says " NONONONONO!!! Kanata would have an accident with car, mom, hold his hand!!!!!!"
sometimes, it's too much, but she is really good sister:-)
On the other hands, Kanata is the person doing things at his own pace. Sibling are so different!!!
Our community center has toddler play group, so I take Kanata there as much as I can. This time was painting! It was sooo fun to make a mess!! They plan many projects we can't play at home or moms don't want their kids to play at home :-) I appreciated it!
I let Kanata be naked,and put him on the paper. he didn't know what's going on, but I was happy to be naked ;-) Kids love to be naked so! Kanata couldn't paint by himself yet, but he enjoyed eating paint, and making his hand and tummy mess. Though he refereed to play with cars and balls :-p
喜音は本当にとってもいいお姉さんです。ときどき。。。毎日いじめますが。でも私よりちょっと心配性。アパートのエレベーターに乗るときも私はけっこう奏大をほっとくのですが、(もちろん、ドアだけは気をつけてます。)喜音は「奏大くん、あぶない、あぶない、怖いよ〜ママちゃんと抱っこして。ほらほら、怖い怖い。。。。」と毎回おろおろ。笑 外でも奏大を歩道で歩かせようとすると、喜音のお怒りが^^:「ママ、奏大くん、車にひかれちゃう!ちゃんと手持ってて!!!」と。 どっちが母親かわかりません。。。。
This picture was taken the other day at playground. Yukine is such a nice sis. She is always worry about Kanata, sometimes too much though. Everytime we ride the elevator, I let Kanata walk by himself, but it seems to make Yukine nervous, so she ask me to hold kanata's hand or him. Or when we walk sidewalk, Yukine is upset, and says " NONONONONO!!! Kanata would have an accident with car, mom, hold his hand!!!!!!"
sometimes, it's too much, but she is really good sister:-)
On the other hands, Kanata is the person doing things at his own pace. Sibling are so different!!!
いらん初経験 The experience I didn't want to
After I got my kids, I had many new experiences. This time It was not excited :-(
Yukine got "Lice" from her pre-school last Friday. I never got it before, and I hadn't seen it at all! I was really upset when the teacher found it on Yukine's head. I couldn't believe it for a while. To be honesty, I thought people can't take care of themselves ( I mean because of the environment or money and so on...) have it, but it's not, everyone could get it!
The treatment of Lice is really hard! At first, we bought the special conditioner for lice and washed all of us, and then all of stuffs she might touch or sleep on such as sheets and pillowcases and sofa covers and of course her cloths, hats went to the laundry. I did 9 loads of laundry!!! It could be worse, fortunately ,we have a small house and small family. BUT it's not over! I have to pick all nits from her hair. It's really hard to find them and pick them because they are really tiny and stuck!
Yukine had a few but still took long time.And I still check her hair twice a day even after 1 week. At least I have to check her hair for two weeks. It's not fun at all.
I hope that nobody would get lice anymore.....
After I got my kids, I had many new experiences. This time It was not excited :-(
Yukine got "Lice" from her pre-school last Friday. I never got it before, and I hadn't seen it at all! I was really upset when the teacher found it on Yukine's head. I couldn't believe it for a while. To be honesty, I thought people can't take care of themselves ( I mean because of the environment or money and so on...) have it, but it's not, everyone could get it!
The treatment of Lice is really hard! At first, we bought the special conditioner for lice and washed all of us, and then all of stuffs she might touch or sleep on such as sheets and pillowcases and sofa covers and of course her cloths, hats went to the laundry. I did 9 loads of laundry!!! It could be worse, fortunately ,we have a small house and small family. BUT it's not over! I have to pick all nits from her hair. It's really hard to find them and pick them because they are really tiny and stuck!
Yukine had a few but still took long time.And I still check her hair twice a day even after 1 week. At least I have to check her hair for two weeks. It's not fun at all.
I hope that nobody would get lice anymore.....
雛祭り Girls festival
喜音はこれが届いたとき大喜びで、プリスクールにも持っていき、みんなに紹介しました。(喜音のプリには「Showing Toy」というのがあって家からお気に入りのおもちゃをもっていってお友達にそのおもちゃの話を発表する時間があるんです。ものを人前で説明するっていい機会ですよね。)
On March 3th, It's Hina-matsu (Doll festival) in Japan. It's the festival for praying for girl's healthy growth. People usually decorate Hina-dolls, and eat chirashi- (means spread)sushi and shellfish soup, and recently eat cake like Birthday :-)
However,I totally forgot about the festival until that evening so that I didn't prepare anything though, it's too sad,so I made something like hinamatsuri foods using the stuffs I had at home.
I made little sushi and Tofo hot pot and hand- made Udon :-) It's the first time for me to make Udon at home, and It was ok, not sooo delicious but it's good enough for the first time I think.
I'll up the recipe I used on the blog for Maureen ;-) But I don't know about American Cups, sorry about that.
Udon (surves for 3)
All-purpose 300g
Water 145cc
Salt 5g
Mix water and salt. Put flour in the bowl. Add water in the bowl a little by a little and mix them. Leave 1/5 water.
Flour will be like Apple crisp dough, so mix it more by hand, and then pour water very a little by little in the bowl, and stop pouring water when the crumb clumps together. Don't put water too much.
Knead it for 10 mins or something like that, and wrap the dough with a plastic. And leave it in refrigerator for a half of hour to 1 hour.
Sprinkle flour on the dough, and roll it up until it will be square and about 3mm thick. You'd better sprinkle flour very often, otherwise it will be stick together.
Sprinkle flour again, and fanfold it.
And cut it as you like width.maybe about 5mm, would be nice.
I copy and paste the recipe web page, so you can see pictures :-) I hope you enjoy making Udon!
And I will try another recipe someday, and if it's better, I'll tell you another recipe too!
喜音はこれが届いたとき大喜びで、プリスクールにも持っていき、みんなに紹介しました。(喜音のプリには「Showing Toy」というのがあって家からお気に入りのおもちゃをもっていってお友達にそのおもちゃの話を発表する時間があるんです。ものを人前で説明するっていい機会ですよね。)
On March 3th, It's Hina-matsu (Doll festival) in Japan. It's the festival for praying for girl's healthy growth. People usually decorate Hina-dolls, and eat chirashi- (means spread)sushi and shellfish soup, and recently eat cake like Birthday :-)
However,I totally forgot about the festival until that evening so that I didn't prepare anything though, it's too sad,so I made something like hinamatsuri foods using the stuffs I had at home.
I made little sushi and Tofo hot pot and hand- made Udon :-) It's the first time for me to make Udon at home, and It was ok, not sooo delicious but it's good enough for the first time I think.
I'll up the recipe I used on the blog for Maureen ;-) But I don't know about American Cups, sorry about that.
Udon (surves for 3)
All-purpose 300g
Water 145cc
Salt 5g
Mix water and salt. Put flour in the bowl. Add water in the bowl a little by a little and mix them. Leave 1/5 water.
Flour will be like Apple crisp dough, so mix it more by hand, and then pour water very a little by little in the bowl, and stop pouring water when the crumb clumps together. Don't put water too much.
Knead it for 10 mins or something like that, and wrap the dough with a plastic. And leave it in refrigerator for a half of hour to 1 hour.
Sprinkle flour on the dough, and roll it up until it will be square and about 3mm thick. You'd better sprinkle flour very often, otherwise it will be stick together.
Sprinkle flour again, and fanfold it.
And cut it as you like width.maybe about 5mm, would be nice.
Cook Udon in boiling water for about 10 mins, after that Wash Udon with cold water.
I copy and paste the recipe web page, so you can see pictures :-) I hope you enjoy making Udon!
And I will try another recipe someday, and if it's better, I'll tell you another recipe too!
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