We had lots friends in our place last week and this week. It was really fun!

Maybe some people know him, right? Of course, this is the first time for me, I knew the many stories about him tho ;) This is one of Brit's best friends, Jim. He is living in DC, but he and his fiancee came visit to his parents who live in (kinda?) next city of Seattle for Thanksgiving, so they made a little side trip to our place. Brit and Jim haven't contacted each other for several years besides just one or two emails :o But they talked sound as if they met yesterday:) Brit seemed to be really happy to see him again.

We did Temaki sushi party (Sushi by yourself) We bought the seafood from my sushi place. Jim and Val liked sushi, so I was glad that.

Yukine's most exciting part was "cake"!! , so she didn't eat sushi so much, she made her room for cake :p She never forget about sweets!!

And our friend Chiaki and her friend Keiko came visit us from Vancouver. They stayed overnight in our place :) It was fun!! Chiaki has been working at hotel there, and she decided to move back to Japan and will work at the Hotel in Japan from January, so she came to see us before she move back. We had really good time, Yukine and Kanata enjoyed to play with them so much, and especially, Yukine got lots presents from early Santa, she was really happy :) We didn't do something special like go to some exciting place or sight-seeing something like that, but we (I and my kids at least :p) had good time :)
Thank you sooo much, Chiaki and Keiko!


On the next day of my BD, Brit's friend of UW came over here. She is working on PhD!
Anyway, I made Chinese steam meat buns. She enjoyed my food, so I was happy :) She was really cool person, we had good time with her.
So, that was our last and this week events :) Right now, our apartment is very quiet... little bit too quiet. Yukine seemed to be excited too much, she has had a little bit of fever since last night. I hope she will be better tomorrow. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving holiday, we will go to the party of the church we hope.
have a happy thanksgiving, everyone!
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