今回、引越しが決まって、京都を離れる前にもう一度だけBaby Jazzをしたいなと思い、4回目をすることに。でも奏大も生まれてバタバタしていて私自身が計画する時間があるか自信がなかったし、周りも新学期で引越し、入園なんかのシーズンで来てくれる人の反応が少なかったから、「ああ、もう4回目は無理かな~?」とあきらめていた。でも、「行きたいから、いろんな人に声かけてみます!」って言ってくれる人が何人もいて、タイミングの悪いこの時期に最終的には40人プラス子供くらい集まった!!!
そしてそして、宣伝をいっぱいしてくれた方、本当にありがとうございました。お蔭様で無事に最後のBaby Jazzを開催することができました。心から感謝しています。
I planed the last baby jazz gig in kyoto last weekend.
After Yukine was born, I couldn't go to see Brit's gig so much because the most of gigs held at Bars at night. So I started to think of the baby Jazz. It's the day gig for parents with babies, and kids, if babies started crying or kids yelled, No problems :)
I have planed the gig 3 times so far, and every gig were received well.
I wasn' t sure that I have enough time to plan it because Kanata was born and we have to prepare our packing and other things for moving tho, I wanted to do it over again before we leave Kyoto.
When I posted the advertisement for subsprition, a few people answered it. It's the bigining of new school term in Japan now, so many people are moving or attend their children's entrance ceremony ( Brit said that Japanese people like to do the ceremony :p ) and so on, so many people were busy or people who came the gig before got uninterested in it, I didn't know tho, I thought that we had to call it off this time.
But my friends and other gests asked their friends. I was glad that soooo much.
At last, about 40adults and thier babies or kids joined our gig!!!
After the gig over, so many people said that they were enjoyed it!!! when I heared that, I came near to cry for joy.
Thanks for coming everyone!!!!
In addition, It's the first dad's gig for Kanata.
For him tubax sound seemed be too loud, so he was surprised and cried a little when the tune started :p
what a great idea! it looks like fun.
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