
アイダホへ行けるのか?? Can we get to Idaho ???

昨日は家で暇すぎたので、ベランダで喜音と一緒にゆきだるまを作りました。さらさら雪でなかなかまつまらなかったけど、なんとか完成 ^^

Yukine and I made a snow man on the balcony yesterday afternoon.

AND, In this morning....

雪がまた降って雪だるま、沈没. 笑
The half-buried snow man:p

Right now, it's still snowing hard in here. I wander if we could get to Idaho or not tonight.....


記録的 Record snowfall ( for Seattle)

あれからまた雪が降って、今週一週間学校はお休み、もちろん喜音のプリスクールもお休み。。。おうちにかんづめ状態ですーー: でもね、雪はそんなゆうほどじゃないんですよ。たかだか5cmとか。でも、その後の対処が本当に遅くてもう道路はカチコチ、、、そこら中で車がスリップ、事故事故、、、、らしいです。遂に市内のバスも運休が相次ぎ。。。ついに私の寿司屋も急遽お休みになりました^^:ということで、私はおうちでゆっくり〜それはラッキー♪(お金にはラッキーちゃうけど。)



It was snow again on the other day, and everywhere is icy road in Seattle, so, schools are closed, of course, Yukine's pre-school too, it means Yukine's pre-school has started the winter break one week earlier :p Kanata has a cold and he had a faver last night, so I couldn't take Yukine to outside, so she is soooo boring, and she says " I'm hungry, hungry, HUNGRYYYYYYY!!" all day long..... :( Someone, Please tell me something fun at home with this hungry boring girl!!!



去年は「寒いし家にいたい〜」と長野で雪にも見向きせずだったけど、今年はおお喜び♪(子供らしくなって一安心) ベランダに積もった雪で朝一遊んでました^^
It had been snowing since last night. It's still there in this morning. Yukine was sooo excited!
I thought it's not gonna snow at all in Seattle, but it was! Today was sooo cold outside. BUT Seattle people seem to not be used to snow, cars slipped everywhere, and the church had a snow day! Brit and I both was born in snow mountain, so we couldn't believe it! Here is really dangerous today, I didn't want to be outside, who knows when cars hit us :p

Party Party Party!!!



サンタさんが途中登場。喜音の夢に描いていたサンタが本当に近くに存在して、さぞかし大喜びかと思いきや。。。。まったく近寄ろうとせず、「恥ずかしい」とか言ってたけど、実は、、、相当怖かった模様。まぁたしかにでかいし、ひげモジャやしな、ゆうてもおっさんやもんな。喜音元々おっさん苦手やし。笑 サンタさん初めのうちは大人気だったけど、ちょっと経ったら結構ほったらかされてて可哀想だったので、奏大と一緒に記念撮影しときました。奏大もサンタさんは嫌だったらしく私から離れませんでした。苦笑

We went to the Christmas party in our church on last Saturday. It's potluck party, so we made turkey (
We have tons of turkey right now:p ) rice balls, and people liked them, I was really glad that!
There were lots of delicious foods and many evens there. Brit had to head off earlier but I and kids enjoyed it :) Yukine and I did paper snow flakes, and cookie decorating. I did paper snow flakes too hard, so I didn't watch Kanata for a while, and then he attacked Christmas deco's snow man and it crashed down :o Kanata was fine, but he was so upset. oops :p

And Santa was coming to the party, I thought Yukine was really excited to seeing him, but not. She never come close to him and she said because she was too shy, but it's not, In fact, she was scared of him. well.... actually he was big and had big beard and he was man, Yukine doesn't like men, so it's nutural. So instead of her, I and Kanata was taken picture with him :) Kanata was also scard of him, Poor Santa :p

喜音の幼稚園のあるコミュニティーセンターでもお祭りがありました。なんかいろんな文化を知ろうってお祭りで喜音たちはペルーの民族ダンスを披露。喜音のおゆうぎの発表会はこれが初めて。私も興奮。なんか子供の発表会ってどんなにへたくそでもほんまに感動しますね。ほんまに本気で家の子が一番かわいいと思ってします。笑 あほです。ごはんもアフリカのとかいろんな不思議なものを食べれてとっても満喫した楽しい週末でした。

And on Friday, the bitter lake community center held "Celebrate Multiculturel Dinner" party. Yukine's pre-school class showed Peru dance :) They were sooooo cute! I was really proud of her! Yukine was so cute! :)
They had multiculturel foods, I did't know what is what but everything was very good.





I love Apple cider! I never seen it in Japan. When I saw it at first time, I thought it's something like pops, and I was really thirsty, so I drunk it in a gulp. I was about to burn my throat, and really surprised at the taste I didn't expect :o But I like the taste.
The warm apple juice, it's good idea!! I should tell it Japanese friends, that's why I posted it :)
Hummm.... yumyum!


二足歩行 Walking Kanata


Oh my god!! Kanata has started walking by himself since last night!!!!! At first, he walked just 3 steps or something like that, but today, he could walk about 1m!!! He is really getting bigger and bigger :D He started everything earlier than Yukine did.

The photo by Yukine The most important part, his legs, were outside of the photo. Good job,huh? :p


Vancouver trip2 バンクーバー2日目










Vancouver trip バンクーバー旅行

We went to Vancouver last weekend as my Birthday present :) We were not sure which is best destinations between Vancouver and Portland, but after all we decided Vancouver because our friend, Chiaki who came over our place last week lived in there and she suggested us that she would take the room for us for special price at the hotel she worked. We were not supposed to stay a day, that's good deal :)


Everywhere is Christmas decorations! Yukine was sooo excited!

Japan doesn't connect to other countries by land, so I always feel a little strange when I come the land border.

Unfortunately, it' s rainy in there, (whenever,now is bad time to trip in North-west area tho:p) we didn't see anything at all. This picture was taken from Stanley park, usually you can see the vancouver down-town from there tho....very dark and foggy.....


For dinner, we went to the famous south-asian restaurants in down-town. Foods were so delicious! Especially, I liked the coconuts milk soup with rice noodle, it was soooo good! I ate almost.


After that, we walked around there looking for the desserts ;)
We found the cup cake shop. I love the shop! So cute!

Finally, Yukine decided that she wanted to eat ice cream. The way to order at this shop, at first you can choose type of ice creem, and then, you choose toppings (depends on the price) and then choose the corn. There are tons of stuffs you have to choose, so it's hard to decide. I took long time :p
Yukine chose strawbeery ice cream. and rinbor sparkling and rinbor sparkling corn :) Very sparkling!!


Black Friday!!


そして、今日、サンクス・ギビングの次の日はBlack Friday(黒い金曜日)と呼ばれて、あちらこちらでビックセールが行われるらしいのです。朝5時〜とか目玉商品が激安で手に入るらしい。テレビとか。私たちは朝5時から行くのは断念しましたが、スーパーで思わぬBlack Fridayセールを発見!!

Did you have happy Thanksgiving day? :) We went to the party of the church, The church prepared foods for university students or small young families like us and the elderly people. What a nice people!!! We appreciated them so much, because I don't know how to cook a Turkey and another traditional Thanksgiving dinner and Brit was lazy to do it. We ate lots lots of foods there, I worked yesterday, so I showed up there late, so people almost done to eat, and lots of foods still left. I was really full.



Black Friday!!!

We didn't want something special, but I always like big sale ;) So, I just want to see what's going on the Black Friday. Anyway, we have to get quarts for our laundry, so we went to the Albertson in this morning. And we found 75% off fresh whole turkey!!!!!! These were only 5~6 bucks each!!!! (29cents for 1LB)We had no choice but to buy them. Brit was excited about it, so he decided to buy two. For me, actually for freezer, they are too much, but he said he would take care of them, so we bought them. In addition, we get 1 big dayold chocolate cake and turkey cup cakes ( Yukine chose it). Now we have lots lots of foods in this house.
Brit was carving one of them while I worked today, He did very well!I think we won't need to buy poultry for a while ;)

そしてDay oldといって、まぁ見切り品ですな。どでかいケーキ20ドルがなぜか2ドルだったのでこれも、(私はあんまりチョコ好きじゃないし、買ってみたものの甘すぎてやっぱりあまり食べられないけど)安さについ買ってしまいました。笑


奏大くんはぶり豚の今行っている大学のトレーナーを着てます。こっちには大学ごとの子供用のトレーナーとかTシャツとか売っていてすごくかわいいの。今、私らはUW(University of Washington)のトレーナー集めにハマってます。といっても古着ですがね^^

Kanata was sooo nice smile in this picture huh? :) Kanata likes taken picture, actually, he likes watch the camera, maybe. Anyway, I took the picture because Kanata wore the UW sweatshirt and Brit wore the Aggies rugby shirt :) We are trying to collect UW closes, and we have my and Kanata's sweat, and Brit's T shirts, so we have to look for Yukine's one.




Here you are, Melon bread again :p
But I haven't made melon bread for a while. It's sometimes too much for me, but today was my friend's son's birthday, so I wanted to give them to him as BD present :)
Yukine also helped me, actually, she halped me lots! she is getting better at cooking recently, and she is enjoying cooking. It is good for her!

賑やかな週 (Fun week)


We had lots friends in our place last week and this week. It was really fun!

ぶり豚の小学校からの友達Jimとその彼女Val. 彼らが再会するのは実に7年ぶり!?それまでほぼ連絡0だけど、親友で昨日の話の続きという感じでめっちゃしゃべっておりました。

Maybe some people know him, right? Of course, this is the first time for me, I knew the many stories about him tho ;) This is one of Brit's best friends, Jim. He is living in DC, but he and his fiancee came visit to his parents who live in (kinda?) next city of Seattle for Thanksgiving, so they made a little side trip to our place. Brit and Jim haven't contacted each other for several years besides just one or two emails :o But they talked sound as if they met yesterday:) Brit seemed to be really happy to see him again.
We did Temaki sushi party (Sushi by yourself) We bought the seafood from my sushi place. Jim and Val liked sushi, so I was glad that.

喜音はこのケーキが何よりも目当て。寿司もほぼ食べずケーキのための胃袋を用意していた誰よりも計算高い奴。^^:ケーキ入刀 笑

Yukine's most exciting part was "cake"!! , so she didn't eat sushi so much, she made her room for cake :p She never forget about sweets!!


And our friend Chiaki and her friend Keiko came visit us from Vancouver. They stayed overnight in our place :) It was fun!! Chiaki has been working at hotel there, and she decided to move back to Japan and will work at the Hotel in Japan from January, so she came to see us before she move back. We had really good time, Yukine and Kanata enjoyed to play with them so much, and especially, Yukine got lots presents from early Santa, she was really happy :) We didn't do something special like go to some exciting place or sight-seeing something like that, but we (I and my kids at least :p) had good time :)
Thank you sooo much, Chiaki and Keiko!


On the next day of my BD, Brit's friend of UW came over here. She is working on PhD!
Anyway, I made Chinese steam meat buns. She enjoyed my food, so I was happy :) She was really cool person, we had good time with her.


So, that was our last and this week events :) Right now, our apartment is very quiet... little bit too quiet. Yukine seemed to be excited too much, she has had a little bit of fever since last night. I hope she will be better tomorrow. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving holiday, we will go to the party of the church we hope.

have a happy thanksgiving, everyone!


誕生日 My Birthday

普通の日だったし、ちょっと私も風邪を引いていてとくに大きいことをしなかった今年の私の誕生日当日。でも夜にぶり豚がGyoroというピタパンにメィメィ(羊 私の大好物!!)のお肉とか野菜とハマスという豆のペーストが挟まっているサンドのテイクアウトを買ってきてくれた。久しぶりの寿司以外の(笑)外食(今とても貧乏生活ですので。)日本だったらケバブっていうのかな?中東の食べ物です。日本でも最近知られてきていますよね。あれです。おいしかった〜♪


My birthday is weekday, and I had a cold, so we didn't do something so special, but Brit brought Gyro (which is one of my favorite American? food) to home and missionaries came over just right time, they didn' t know about my BD tho, and they gave me good messages from the bible. They were really sweet birthday presents I thought. AND, after we finished the dinner, Yukine suggested Brit making the birthday cake for me and they did it :) Actually, I made half process of it tho, still it made me so happy! So I had a good happy birthday, and also, my family in America and many many friends send me birthday messages, I'm a really lucky person having great family and friends, Thanks and lots of love from me!!