このKobuta Newsは喜音のことを書いているから、どうもNo2の事は喜音の時みたいに逐一報告していなくてちょっとかわいそう^^:早くも2人目の兆候が。。。(写真が減る、服のおさがり。。など。笑)
一姫二太郎ってことでうまくやったということになるのかな?ぶり豚は行く行くの家庭内のパワーバランスを考えると嬉しいみたい。笑 私は異性を育てるってことにちょっとおどおど?どきどき?してます。
Barbers know about it though, I will report about No2. No2 is 17 weeks old now, No2 is fine, and we know the sex!!
No2 is a boy! :) I don't care so much, but Brit is happy to hear that because our family's power balance will be half :p Anyway, we have to think about his name. I don't know at all....hummm....what should we do !?!? (For now, we call him "Hidemitsu" but i don't like this name so, I have to look for other.)
Now (14th Aug) we are in Nagano. Brit will go back on Friday, and I and Yukine will be here until 1 th Sep. I will let you know about here later .
Congratulations!! We always joked that we should name children in the Barber family Bacon, but I don't know if that is something you want to go for. Recently, Mel and I have been blaming everything on our imaginary child Billy. (We can now not have a child named Billy, because he will be blamed for everything.)
So that was unhelpful.
I haven't been on your blog for a while! I love the pictures of all of you at the Onsen (I might not have spelled that right.) You look so cute in your matching kimonos! You always look so pretty in your pictures!
Alan and I are excited to have another nephew. We will bring a present for the new baby when we come (and for Yukine too!) We are so excited to see you. I hope we won't be too much trouble for you. We will see you soon!
Asami, I'm curious about how you like the new clean-shaven, short-haired Brittain. He almost looks respectable, which is a sad state of affairs for any Barber male.
Was Yukine afraid of him after he showed up with no beard?
Love you, Dad
About names:
Mom wants something family oriented, like "Joseph" or "Harold." Those happen to be her father's names. Afraid I never really cared for either name much, although it's OK as Brit's middle name. I suggested "Myron," which was my father's name, and Mom blanched.
What about Franklin? I know it's a cartoon character in this country, but it was my Grandpa Edgel's name and I've always thought it was somewhat classy and stately. (Hmmm, stately, hmmm.) My Grandpa Barber was named Charles Richard Barber . . . I don't care for Charles that much, and Richard is fairly common although a good name. Brit, you could do something like Cole Richard, or Cole Franklin, or even Michael Franklin or Breck Franklin. Suggestions, although I don't know how valid any are.
I have it!!! Harold Myron Hidemitsu Barber. It such such a ring to it. He could be a general authority someday and go by H. Myron H. Barber. Or H.M.H. Barber, if he wanted to be an Oxford professor.
Bacon?? Is it same as dried meat? Is it common name in states?
I can't think American name, so I leave it up Brit. You know? Billy is very popular in Japan now!
Thanks, Mel.I hope that "You" in your message mean about me not Yukine :p haha.
I'm looking forward to seeing your present for our kids, Thank you so much!! Kyoto is so hot now, and probably when you guys come too. So, I and yukine will go back to Kyoto the end of Aug. We want to see you soon!!
I preferred Brit with a beard before,(In general, I like men with a beard.) but I like him without a beard too now :) And I think that he suits short-hair more than long.
Yukine wasn't afraid of him at all when she saw new him. Probabry, she went to the nursary that day,so when we picked her up, she was too happy to notice his beard :p
By the way,thanks for your advice about No.2's name.I don't have a sence about an american name, so I think that I leave it up Brit.
I just like "Myron" though.
Much of the sarcasm is lost on Asami I fear, but she appreciated the messages anyway. We're planning on two names, one Japanese and one English, just like with Yukine. The English one is my job again and will probably be a family name, though Joe, Harold or Myron may be out. I also refuse Brittain Jr., so this will take some thought. I want to pore over geneology again, but me getting home probably won't happen in time.
May I please suggest the full name of Charles Richard Peter David Henry Van Barber.
He'll love it, I swear.
Peter, that's brilliant. It may, in fact, be the ultimate name.
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