家の近く(といっても歩いて25分位)に「みはらしファーム」という農園パークみたいのがあって、実家に帰ると必ず温泉に入りに行く。今日は温泉でなく公園に行ってきた。ファームだけあって馬もいる、ダチョウだっている。喜音は動物好きだから見たいんだけど、なんせ自分よりかなりでかいから怖いらしい。こんな感じで柵に登って馬を見ていたら突如馬が喜音に近づいてきて、そりゃ大変!腰を抜かして号泣。笑 ま、たしかに私でもちょっと近寄られたら怖い。^^:
ダチョウってのも間近でみると不思議な鳥。鳥の仲間で一番でかいらしい。足の膝は人間と反対に曲がるらしい。へーーー×5 (←古い?)
There is a farm named Miharashi farm near my parent's place.There is a hotspring in this park, so everytime we back to Nagano, we visite there. Today, we went to the park for Yukine. Of course, there are some animals because this is a farm.There are some ostriches and horses. Yukine loves animals so much, so she was exciting to see them, but they were too big for her, so she was afraid of them when they came close to her.

These are tree peony, do you know?? I don't know they are in state too or not. Anyway, they started to blossom out. In addition, many flowers blossom out too :) they are so pretty!
These are tree peony, do you know?? I don't know they are in state too or not. Anyway, they started to blossom out. In addition, many flowers blossom out too :) they are so pretty!
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