This is Chirashi zushi
In girls day,many parents make this sushi and shellfish soup hoping that thier children would grow up in good health.
In girls day,many parents make this sushi and shellfish soup hoping that thier children would grow up in good health.

3 月3日はひな祭り。去年の喜音はひどい風邪を引いててあおっぱなをズルズル出していた節句だった。今年は何もする予定もなかったけど、散らし寿司くらい はと朝に思い立って、家にあるものでできないかと試行錯誤。なんとかできました~^^今年はバージョンアップでお雛様とお内裏様も作ってみた。
3th March is girls day.( 5th 5 is boys day.) we display hina dolls and make colorful foods like chirashi zushi for kids in Japan, so I made chirashi zushi and the soup( actually, not the same soup,because there weren't shellfish that day) too. I made hina dolls too:)
After girls day, we have to put dolls back as soon as we can. It means that thier children can be marry at an early age.

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