See!! She looks like Morgan really.we worry about it a little :p
長 くなってきた前髪。どうしようかな~。。。と思っていたけど、短くしちゃいました。適 当に。切ったときはやりすぎたか?どうしよう。。。って思ったけどもっと切って揃えてもかわいかったかな~なんて。子供の頃は短くてそろってる前髪、かわ いいよね!私も自分自身できることなら前髪パッツンにしたい。でも変なところにつむじがあるのと老け顔だから似合わないんだよね。。。とほほ。
I had her hair cut just the forehead. I worried that I had cut it too short though, she looks cute :)
By the way, we thought she is becoming more like uncle Morgan. She does something to make us laugh, so she make funny face or something. That faces and things to do look like Morgan! We worry about her future sometimes because she looks like Morgan too much. ( I like Morgan though :p) haha~
I had her hair cut just the forehead. I worried that I had cut it too short though, she looks cute :)
By the way, we thought she is becoming more like uncle Morgan. She does something to make us laugh, so she make funny face or something. That faces and things to do look like Morgan! We worry about her future sometimes because she looks like Morgan too much. ( I like Morgan though :p) haha~