ブ リ豚がお休みになったので、せっかくだし大原へ。大原は2人とも初めて。バスでけっこうあるし喜音とは行けないかなって思ってたけど、行ってしまえ!とい うことで。行きのバスは途中で寝てくれて助かった~この日はすっごく暑くてちょっとでも涼しいところに行きたかった。でもまだ京都、甘かった。暑い。。笑 でも三千院は苔が多くて緑に覆われていたから涼しい気分になった。

This is Ohara in which is north of Kyoto. Very countryside but there is also a part of Kyoto city. Kyoto is like this! If you go to outside of downtown by train or car for about 1 hour, you can see country. I think mom likes Ohara:-) these day was so hot in kyoto (Especially, for me who's been in Idaho and Nagano, Kyoto 's summer is terrible. ) ,so I wanted to go to some cool place. that's why we went to go. But Ohara is also Kyoto:( Oh well. In there pics, it seems as if there are cool in there , right? :-)
Top of picture is Sanzenin temple. there are some small jizos(child statue) . I like them:-)

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