Here is an another Monkey:P

当 たり前だけど広いね!私のイメージ「砂利道」だったんだけど、小川とか池とかベンチとかあって、けっこう楽しめるではないか。てことで、私と喜音は砂あ そび。折角だし写真撮ろうとブリ豚呼んだらいないやんけ!!と思ったら。。。。さすが喜音の父、木に登ってましたわ^^: それを見た小猿、もちろん登り たがりました^^:
We skipped the church on this sunday, and we went to the Kyoto Imperial Palace :p It's a very huge. There are many places that Yukine can run around :) Yukine and I played with mud, and then I thought I would take some pictures for this blog, so I asked Brit to pass me the camera. But he disappeared :0 Where was he??? He was climbing a tree!! That's just what one would expect of Yukine's dad, hah? :p
Anyway, after we played in there, we had a lunch at the chinese restaurant, and then I noticed that there is held the big garage sale (we called the flea market) !!! So exciting!! I was looking around everywhere leaving Yukine with Brit:p
And I got one Yukine's dress and one my dress. haha :)
Yukine's dress in this picture is handmade stuff! It's so cute isn't it? It's only 3 bucks :o

で、見つけたのが、喜音と私のワンピ一枚ずつ。これ、喜音のほうなんだけど、手作りなんだって!かわいいじゃんね~^^ これで300円!作った人、ちょっとかわいそうなくらいだな。