9th birthday
9歳になって(てか生まれてからずっとか?)女の子はやっぱり複雑です。学校の友達関係もなかなかドラマがいっぱい。基本的にはとってもやさしくて思いやりのある喜音ですが、どうも無神経なところも。汗 母も小さいころはかなりやんちゃで、自己中心なところが多々あったので驚きもしないけど、親としては見守るのも大変・・・・こっちでは?それか時代的に、親が出てくることも多々あり、私は基本的に子どもの人間関係には口を出したくないのだけれどもそうもいかないことも。親であるということも9年目ですがまだまだ悩むことばかり。
Yukine turned 9. She had a late birthday party. Kanata's is not yet. We have to think of that soon....
Anyway, she wanted to have a no theme party this year, I felt when I heard her idea about her party, she got big enough to enjoy just hanging out with her friends. One more year closer to a teenager.
Since there were a few friends who has allergy, we decided having self making sushi party. Most of kids liked Sushi, I guess because it's Seattle. I never lived another states so hard to tell, but Brit always tells it won't happen other states. Maybe so. one more thing that Yukine wanted to do at her party was sewing. But I didn't want to deal with supervising more than 10 needles at once, so I searched and I discovered fleece is not necessary to either overcast or even sew!!! So, the girls (and Kanata too) made knotted fleece leg warmers. That actually turned so well. All girls loved them :)
9 year-old girl. I feel that girls that age are complicated even I went through those stages. After all, girls are complicated. I proud of Yukine is so sweet and so thoughtful. But sometimes, even she makes mistakes. It's easy to teach homework than teach life lessons sometimes. I don't want to involve the kids world as a parent much, because they have to learn their relationship by themselves. But in this society, It's also difficult to leave some problems. Though my parents didn't involve my friendship much as far as I know. On the other hand, as people say, boys are more simple that way. Indeed.
Anyway, 9 year-old Yukine.
She doesn't stop talking (maybe never changed this.)
She is a very hard worker.
She is a very busy girls. in some reason, I make her keep busy but still she wants to try EVERYTHING! Mom is very tired to catch up...:(
She is very bright, sweet, funny.
She loves cooking, singing, dancing, art, craft,sewing,filming herself ( some of them are seriously hilarious!!)
Overall, I am glad she is very healthy this past 9 years.
Love! Happy birthday, Yukine!
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