
Christmas 2011

Every year, after Thanksgiving, I feel time flies like 10 times faster. However, this year is more than 10 times since my yoga teacher training, Yukine's nutcracker, everyone's sick....etc....I'm glad that I could made all somehow... I was about to die in middle of this month tho.

サンタさんは来てくれたようです ^^
Yukine prepared snacks for both Santa and reindeer. Looks like they came to our house too :)

The kids didn't wake up till close to 7am, which surprised us a little bit. I'm sure that Yukine woke up before 6am last year. Maybe good things that we had a party on eve,so the kids might be too tired to wake up early. Actually, very unusual, their parents woke up earlier than the kids!

Got lots of presents. Happy kids.
Santa gave Unicycle and a spy set for Yukine. A big Lego set and Lego book for Kanata.

Grandpa gave the steam roller for Kanata. Boys team has been having Lego party.

Yukine was a bon bon this year in the nutcracker. Her best friend was the same roll last year, so She was so happy to be a bon bon. She really enjoyed the show, she did a good job! She was soooo cute :) It's lots of commitment for me tho....Good job for me too!
喜音のくるみ割り人形。 今年はボンボンという役でした。お菓子の国のミス・ボンボンの子供たちで、大きなスカートの中に隠れていて後から出てきて踊ります。いやーリハーサルの送り迎えやらなんやらで本当に忙しくて死ぬかと思ったけど、可愛かった!喜音も弱音をはかず頑張ったね。えらかった。

I made the wreath from brunches in our back yard . I always think the trees are too much trouble for us, but they became finally useful!! I am proud of me to make it by myself for free ;)


So, so we had a calm, mellow Christmas day. We went to the church in the morning, and in order to a storm, our electricity had gone down about for 2 hours. It's really like Barber Christmas. So, I had no choice to take a long nap without electricity ;) It was a nice Christmas! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!! And Happy new year!!




かなたは、Legoブロックに。はじめはダンボールで作ったけど、動きにくくて下が見えないのでまんまと転び、大泣き。笑 仕方なく、急遽、母はフェルトで作り直しましたよ。

パンプキンパッチ、かぼちゃ狩りにも行ってきました。去年と同じBob cornへ。かなたは社会見学で他の農場にも。広くって大きなわらで作った迷路もあってそこもなかなか楽しかった!友達のアドバイスで、かぼちゃ狩りに行ったけど、かぼちゃは買わず。すごい高いらしい。でも、とうもろこし畑にできた迷路やらなんやらで安く遊んできました。笑


お母さんが来たんだ。 Grandma Kirino came ( Last month :p)


It seems like a looong long time ago, but my mom (chu-ba) came visit us in early September. She is still working so she had been here only for less than a week, it made me more miss her. But we were happy to have her here :) :) She is interested in only shopping, but I wanted to take her to somewhere interesting,so we went to Leavenworth in Washington. It was a really hot day, maybe like first and last hot week for this year while she was here, which is good thing, I guess.

Leavenworth is a Bavarian-style village. I liked the area, cute building, cute shops, restaurants, delicious cheese, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and wine (not for us). We didn't explore to nature zone that time,but there are lots of beautiful place to look at. Chu ba (my mom) was also liked there since she could do shopping :D I was trying to keep her from spending money, however, it was a useless effort. Oh well, as long as she was happy.

There is a nutcracker museum. Yukine was so excited about the museum. It's not big, not so organised, but amazing numbers of nutcrackers there from all over the world and era. It's worth to go and see once.




Summer pictures

Old pictures that I didn't post yet.

Raspberry picking

We went to Raspberry U-picking in August. This summer was very very cold in Seattle, so I could pick both raspberries and blueberries at the same time, which was really nice. And the farm had very very big berries and Yummy :)

Jackson hole in WY.

We went to visit Brit's family in ID this summer. We went to Jackson hole for fun and saw lots of wild animals this time. I longed for seeing elks, and could get see them! They were pretty. Also saw mommy moose and baby moose, beavers....more!!!




私が念願のYoga teacher trainingを受けていること。




Summer vacation

Hmmm... I need to upload our pics sometime soon. Summer is almost over in here?? So cold!! I haven't gotten a hot summer here in Seattle yet, I've been waiting and waiting, and it's already middle of August! I miss summer.... I never be able to wear my summer dress.....The weather in this summer is terrible. People in Japan where keeps recording highest temperatures everyday may envy us, so I shouldn't say that, I guess. The good thing in this summer, Brit has been with us all day, all summer, which is nice for me and the kids. Now that we can say that since he found his new job :p Yes, we had had a scary moment, Brit lost his job end of June. I was so scared the situation, worried about the kids, our future, I expected unemployed liffe would be long since I knew many many people are having a hard time to find jobs. But, he got a new job in a month. I'm proud of him, appreciate his hard work.
So our summer started sadly, though we went to berry picking, went to camping, lots of barbequing as usual, having fun :) It would be much much harder for me if Brit couldn't find a job after summer vacation. After Brit finally get a job officially, we went visit his family in Idaho. It's been weird weather down there too, but at least much hotter than in Seattle, so I was glad that. Tho Yukine had been so grumpy since she isn't used to that hot. We had wonderful time over there. I'll write about the trip later.

Now that summer is getting close to over, which is sad. Time flies. sometimes we ( especially, Brit. He is ready to go back to work :p) are tired of playing with the kids, but I have a good time with both of kids, and nice things that I don't have to yell at Yukine to make her get ready for school every morning, worry about time to send them to school or pick them up, things like that. Brit will work from tomorrow. It was so precious that we could spend time together so much. Nice summer after all :) :)


夏休み Summer vacation




子供たちは夏休みをのんびり過ごして、昼近くまでパジャマでいるような生活をしています。苦笑 アメリカにもラジオ体操があってもいいかも。だらだらしなくていいし。



思い起こさねば I need to get my memory back


Kanata drew a fire truck. He is getting better drawing and coloring :)

With Mis. Jones. She was an awesome teacher. We loved her so much. Yukine was getting like Mis. Jones more and more in the school year :)

At kindergarten promotion ceremony

At the beach near our house. It was super low tide. so we could see lot of interesting creatures. The picture is Kanata and starfish in the water underneath him.






We are pretty busy everyday. Yukine and Kanata both finished up her first school year. Both kids will go to other school from this fall in our neighborhood. Hope they will like there and make friends soon. I started teaching Yoga at my home. I'm going to take yoga teacher training class from this fall. I am so excited about the class and enjoying teaching yoga :) We will have new school year for all of us, will see the things will go well. I also try to post more stuffs on blog in this summer. It's been many many thing is going on. I can't catch up them yet... We will go camping tomorrow, I will post about it for sure ;)


ジャンバラヤ Jambalaya





一瞬、それ聞いて、マフィアみたいなジャンバラヤを想像して笑った母。ぷっ。 笑

Not about food. Kanata seems to like the word, "Jambalaya" lately. He's been saying the word again and again.

And, the kids had the conversation today.
Kanata: Jambalaya, Jambalaya, where are you?

Yukine: Kanata, it's not a person. It's a kind of foods.

Kanata: No, They are bad guys


補助輪なし!!!No training wheels!




Yukine finally could get how to ride a bicycle without training wheels!!! Hooray :D :D:D She didn't want to try it before, I think because I pushed her to ride a bicycle too much and she fell down, after that she felt scary to ride it without training wheels.... I know it was my fault.
BUT she did it!!!
Once she got it, like other kids, she wants to ride a bicycle everyday :) We went to one of the library, which has 60 blocks away from our place, by bicycle. ( I walked and ran since I needed to help both Yukine and Kanata.)

After all, spring is almost coming to Seattle. It's been nice weather during kids spring break. Though it will be raining again from tomorrow...... :(


奏大、プリスクールへ行く。Kanata is a preschooler!








Sometimes, I'd better write about Kanata. Kanata started going to a preschool from last week. He was pretty good at staying by himself till we went visit to Japan. After we came back to Seattle, He must have been spoiled by his grandparents over there, he hasn't wanted to stay by himself anymore, which is too bad for us. But, on the other hand, he is a second child, I would feel lonely after he started school, I don't work so far anyway, so I just had him at home. It was ok, but he was getting needy more than before, wanted more attention, I thought it's time for school for him! I put him in the preschool Yukine went, so he knows the teacher and he likes her, familiar with the place, I thought it would help for him to get used to be. And I was right. He went to there twice. On the first day of his preschool, he couldn't let me go most of time only last 20 minutes. But on the second time, he has been able to stay there by himself for 1hour and half!! A Big Boy Kanata!

I can't believe when we went to the preschool, Kanata was only 9 months old baby! He couldn"t even walk!!! I put him in the sling and went to there 3 days a week for 2 years! Now that, HE is going to the preschool!!!! Gosh, time flies.







この地震が起きてから、ちょっと自分の中でも人生が変わった気がします。 日本にいたからってなにができるわけではないけど、こんな遠くにいて、なにもできない、自分の小ささをさらに感じた。


私たちも、Bake Sale を一度開き、義援金を集めて、全額700ドルを集めることに成功。


Thank you all for your concerns about Japan earthquake. My family, friends in Japan are all fine. You know, there are still a lot of problems there, radioactive issue, could be another quake ...... I always feel so pain for my country, but even though I sit in front of TV or radio, and feel sad, nothing will change. All I can do is donating money, stuffs or finding volunteering I can do from here and I think it's most important for them for now.
We had a bake sale for Japan other day. I and my friend wanted to move some action for our country and we decided we had a fund raising event, and did a bake sale with Thistle Theatre who had a puppet show about Japanese folk tale "Momo taro( peach boy)".
It was a huge success! We raised about $ 700, and Brit's company matched it, so we donated $1400 to U.S red cross!!! We'd like to keep doing events like that and raising money for Japan. It is hard to raising money after people forget about the sad news.... but still need a lot of help for recover from the suffering. I can't forget March 11th forever.


お誕生日会 Birthday bash!

今年は喜音のブームの「くるみ割り人形」パーティ。 ピザも作ったんだけど、子供たちにさせたものだからどのピザがだれだか、焼けるのが待てないやらでちょっとした混乱になってしまった。来年はもっと考えないとな~。残ってくれたママたちにたいぶ助けてもらっちゃった。ありがとう!

The kids birthday party this year is all done! Good job, mom ;) I was not planing to it for Kanata, but feel bad for him, so I made a cake for him too. Yukine wanted to do The nutcracker party this year, so I made, of course, The nutcracker cake and a mouse king pinata. Kids made their own pizza, but it was kinda ciaos , there were too many kids ( I think about 20 kids there.) too many pizzas, some kids ate someone else's pizza ... things like that. It was mess. However many moms stayed and helped me a lot, so I could went over it. Thank them so much!

This was the first time I made a pinata by myself. It's not very hard, but it's not tough enough for all kids to hit it. I guess they didn't care so much as long as they could get goodies tho :p


I made a game, I don't know there are similar game in America too, but a player covered with eyes has the face parts. and build up the face without looking.




As last every year,I wanted to avoid using frosting and food coloring as much as possible (since I don't like the taste personally ), so I used strawberry for the color, whipped cream for a glue and nutcracker's hair and bread. The fire windows and nutcracker's face parts are chocolates. It's always fun to think how to make cakes the kids requested me,and when they came up like real one as much as possible, I felt soooo good :) :) I think I succeeded in it this year!


歌手ゆきね A singer Yukine




「つよくなりなさーい♪ つよくなりなさーーーい♪ つよく!つよく、つよく!!!!」


Since two days ago, Yukine has been sick. She kept barfing and I was so worried her. ( Since I read a article about Myocarditis.) She was sick till this morning, but she is very fine now. What was it????
Anyway, so she gets back to usual Yukine. Singing, dancing, keeps asking to play with her.
She even made up her song for Kanata who fell down from a chair and cried.

"Be~ Stro~ng♪ Be strong~ ♪ Strong! strong! more more more~~~!!!!!!"

What a cold sister....










Another branch hit our window again!! It happened once when I and the kids was in Japan. I thought I was glad that we weren't there when it happened :p However, I had same experience as Brit at last. Who thought there are so many houses around here and there are so many trees around there, and only our house got the attack, and twice in one and half month???? It's unbelievable!!!!!!!!
We all are fine. It could be worse. This time, Only I and the kids were in kids room, I was taking a nap, the kids were playing in the room. If, IF we were in our bed room, and I was taking a nap, the kids would play in our room and maybe would be hit by the branch and tons of glasses..... Oh, it's scary.....
Glad that we didn't get any hurts.

I'm just hoping it won't happen forever....


ゆきね6歳、かなた3歳 Yukine 6, Kanata 3


書くタイミングを逃した。プラス ケーキとかしなかったので、ささやかながら今日喜音と一緒に小さなお祝いをしました。(かわいそうな二人目??やっぱり??笑)










We came back from Japan a week ago. I couldn't update my blog even once while we were there! It was busy last two weeks since we went visit back and forth between Kyoto and Nagano. Though other than that, I was supposed to have a lots of time in Nagano. Now that we are already in Seattle. Time flies.
On the other hand, I feel like I have come back from Japan since it's been for a year or something. It took for a while for me to adjust to Seattle life again.
I'll update Japan trip as soon as I can. Hopefully...:p
Anyway, Yukine had her birthday today. She turned 6 year-old. Kanata tuned 3 year old when we were in Japan, right after new year, On 7th Jan. We had a party for my mom who had her birthday on 7th Feb, Yukine and Kanata in Japan, though No cake and no birthday song. So Today we had a small birthday party for two of them. Yukine will have a party with her friends sometime soon (Awwww I have to think about it....) So it was a really really small one. I and Brit wrote their birthday cards and baked an instant cake, put candles on it. It was not fancy at all, but the kids were still very happy about it. I was glad that they are very sweet kids when I saw their faces :-)

Is Yukine already 6? I can't believe it! She is a happy, sweet, kind, has responsibility, good kid. And she also has very sensitive part, sometimes she doesn't know how great she is, worry how her friends think about her. I understand that since I am too. I mean I can't be confident either. Some point, that's why she can be very kind tho, in my opinion. Good and bad.
Her dad never care about anyone else. And he is always almost very happy. So I hope that she will get some way to think thing from her dad. In addition, I feel that she is getting closer and closer to teenage girl..... I fear it.

As for Kanata, he is going to his very way. He still loves trucks and cars, not much trains according to him.He loves fighting, kicking, punching right now, by which his mom is not appreciated . I have no idea how he got the idea. He didn't see TV much, especially, I didn't let him witch fighting scene or games tho. I seriously want to put him in Karate club or something so that he can kick and punch without my stopping :p He is a big boy, he is strong. He usually doesn't listen to his mom and just run away. I chase him a lot recently.... He speaks a lot both in English and Japanese. Thanks to his my Kirino family and Japanese friends, his Japanese vocabulary is increasing a lot. His English sounds like very Yukine :p
And I have been a mom for 6 years. Still there are so many things I don't know, I bump the wall. Raising kids job is always challenging for me. I'm trying to ,at least, remember not to compare with other people, tell my kids how much I love them, have leeway.