Oh my... April is almost gone already :-o can't believe it! I wonder how many times did I post on the blog in this month....
I had been in bad mood for a while in the middle of April. I'm fine now, sometimes it's happen :-p According to the blog, I had been in bad mood this time last year, so maybe because of this crazy, wild weather or somethingelse. I don't know. Though this time was much better than last year, since I'm used to the life in here, maybe.
まずは喜音のお友達が日本へ帰ってしまったこと。関西つながりってこともあって気兼ねなく話すことができて親子共々仲良くさせてもらいました。もっともっと遊べたらよかったのに、なかなかずっと会えず。。。引越しで忙しい中、最後にたくさん遊べて、親子共々嬉しかったです^^ 本当にありがとうございました。それにしても寂しいな〜また今度は日本であいましょうね!!
Well, there were things happy and fun, also things sad in this month. First, Our favorite Japanese family went back to Japan :-( That's too bad for us. Yukine and Kanata love their older daughter and we parents are also good friends too. We should have got together more, but we couldn't meet each other much till this 2 or 3 month before they moved. But we could get together last 1 month several times, and we could say bye when they left Seattle, which was good :-) Hope we could meet in Japan on next our Japan trip.
ひとつはブリ豚の行っている大学UWの敷地内にあつ「Burke Museum」、ここは主に民俗文化学、それから恐竜の模型なんかがあって、奏大くんはおお喜び^^ 私は民俗文化学のほうがとっても興味深くて気に入りましたが。子供も楽しめる博物館だと思います。
And we used benefits of " Seattle First Thursday" this month. You can get free admission at several museum in Seattle on first Thursday every months. So we went to Burke museum and museum of Flight this time.
Both museum, I have't been to,so I was excited, Kids and Brit have been to Museum of Flight, but it's really huge and lots of things to see, so we all enjoyed there a lot! I love both museum, they are very kids freandly, and have very interesting stuffs there. I recommend you should try them when you come to Seattle, espesially on the first Thursday ;-)
このFree Admission は夕方5時から夜9時まで
And about our kids. They are getting together very very well. They love each other, maybe Yukine does more. She loves Kanata too much, so sometimes she is not satisfied with Kanata's reaction, which is like I and Brit :-p ( I don't know about "loves him too much" like Yukine tho.)
そうそう! イースターもあっという間に過ぎましたね。今年。
Egg Dying. 卵を色付けるんだけど、それを今年もやりました。今年はキラキラ、ラメ付きだそうです。色々あります。