OH MY GOSH, It is already Halloween season!!!
I have been sooo busy in this month. We had a cash catastrophe early this month because of our crappy car, so we decided I work three days a week, Thursdays and Fridays and Sundays. ( before I work on 2 days a week, only weekends.)So I always fall asleep with kids at 9 which means no time to sit down in front of my computer at all...
Yukine had also really busy busy month. She was invited some one's birthday party on every weekends. I wonder if October was popular month to give birth to babies for Yukine's generation???
Anyway, I'm always impressed with American parent's efforts to make their kid's special day. Some people have a party at their house, some people ask the company or places they offer Birthday plans. Whichever way you choose, it's a big deal, I think... I have to think about Yukine's birthday party too....She wants to invite people more than last year... hummmmm....
One of the parties, we all were invited by the boy whom I'm watching 2days a week. They had the party at gymnastic school.It was a good time for me to know how they arrange kids's birthday party, though we don't have a gym at our house :p
Halloween is coming too!!! We went to the pumpkin bush at our neighbor's community center. Yukine was a pumpkin, and Kanata had a tail and ears :) Yukine met her best friend , but she haven't seen her for like 3months because she is going to a kindergarten from this fall, so she was too shy to play together again.
明日はHalloween 当日、どこでもTrick or Treatをしてるみたいだけど、どこへいこうかな???
We are going to go to two parties tonight, so I will update soon :)