「travel... 330 dollars、 memories...priceless」(Master cardのCM調)さ!!

We were not supposed to go visit to Victoria, but we did :p
It's a little too much for us, but we didn't do much for Birt's birthday, and Brit longed for visiting there for so long, and our 5th anniversary came up while this trip, and Mom never been to Canada, so we decided it's good time for everyone to go there :) It's thing that money can't buy ;) Actually, It's really pretty and amazing and interesting place!!! I liked there a lot. We didn't have enough time to see everything, so we just hanged out around downtown, waterfront. There are lots of things to see though. I think Canada has their own characuter. Canada looks like America but they are so different. I can't exctaly say what they are, but I think.


We also enjoyed on Ferry. They had dinner for us include the fare, which was Salmon, and Roasted chicken and salad, fried rice, sourdough bread, and dessert buffet!!!! It's good, I was really satisfied with this adventure :) :)

そうそう、行きのフェリーではWhale をみた。この辺の鯨っていうとシャチのことみたい。ちょっと遠くてめっちゃ見れたわけじゃないけど、一回はビックジャンプしてくれた!感動!
Oh, yeah, we also could see Whales!!!! It was my first time to see real Whales in my life, very very exciting experience!
We have to come back to Victoria someday, and I wanna try Whale watching next time.
Here is Brit's flickr URL. If you have a curiosity about our adventure, you can see pictures in this link.