She is such a girl...
hummm... Japanese typing soft in my PC has some problems so that I can't use it sometimes. So, today I'm writing English version first.
Yukine had her medical check-up yesterday while I went get my hair cut. Everything is fine, she is very healthy. Her height is 3'2.98", 35% of American 4 years old girls, and her weight is 34lb,40% of that. that means she is a little smaller and a little heavier for her height. I was worry that she always said hungry. I wonder if she was really hungry and I didn't give her enough food or she was just bored that's why she said that. According to the doctor, she had enough food, so I don't need give her more food when she says "I'm hungry."
And she got 3 shots. Brit said that she didn't cry at the first and the second, the last one which was most painful, she cried, but the nurse gave her M&Ms, she stopped crying soon :-p This is
Yukine though, I'm proud of her, she was very strong girl! Good job,
Yukine! This is
Yukine's check-up stuff.
I will write about
Yukine's language next.
Before we came to the states, she didn't speak English at all. She could understand what Brit said, so she could hear English, but she never spoken, but after we move to Idaho first, she started speaking to Brit's family in English. Her English was improved very very fast. After we came here Seattle, and she started going to Preschool, she speaks English more and more, Japanese less and less. I was worried that, but I didn't want to push Japanese, because I have heard that someone pushed it, the kid didn't like Japanese or something like that, so I just answer her in Japanese if she asks in English like Brit did in Japan. However,
Yukine spoke only English almost. I thought it could be worse, so I decided that I won't answer her if she talk to me in English, and I told to her about it I was afraid
Yukine doesn't want to speak Japanese any more though. At first , she kept talking in
English to me, but I said I couldn't understand
English, I didn't want to answer you unless you speak in Japanese. She had talked to only Brit or
talked by herself for one or two days, but after that, she was trying to speak to me in Japanese. As I was worried, she forgot some Japanese sentences, and words, so she was also upset and thought it's sad, maybe, so that she has tried to speak to me in only Japanese seriously, I didn't push it anymore though. I'm glad that what I did worked for her so easy, if she refused speaking Japanese or decided that she don't need it anymore , it would have been worse. I didn't know what I should.
I'm really lazy, so teaching Japanese or do something special for her Japanese, it's too much for me. I hope
Yukine and
Kanata could speak both of languages fluently like mother langage and if they want to do and have afford to do it, I'd like them to learn Japanese alphabets and
Kanji characters too.
By the way, About her
Kansai (Western of Japan)dialect, she talks standard Japanese more than the dialect recently. It's too bad for us because we like
Kansai dialect very much. It's more frendly and cute, I think. Anyway, I don't know why she started speaking standard Japanese more than the dialect. I still speak to Japanese or people who can speak Japanese
Kansai dialect though.
fummmm.... it's interesting!
When we visit to Japan this summer, I hope
Yukine's dialect would come back :-)
体重:15.45kg (アメリカに来て2kg半増! 成長期?それともアメリカンフードのせい?)