奏大のこと About Kanata
昼寝とかぶってただでさえ不機嫌な上、母に押さえつけられ(笑)、看護婦さん二人がかりで両太股同時に2本ブサリッグサリっブサリ!!!^^:その豪快さというかすさまじさに感心さえしました。笑 奏大君は泣く泣く^^:
日本では一日1本だけど、ワクチンは一日何本同時に打つか、4週間明けるかなんですって。おもしろいですね〜 アメリカでは何本も同時に打つのが普通。
I'll write English soon. Right now, too tired :p
喜音のこと About Yukine ( Her language etc)
hummm... Japanese typing soft in my PC has some problems so that I can't use it sometimes. So, today I'm writing English version first.
Anyway, Yukine had her medical check-up yesterday while I went get my hair cut. Everything is fine, she is very healthy. Her height is 3'2.98", 35% of American 4 years old girls, and her weight is 34lb,40% of that. that means she is a little smaller and a little heavier for her height. I was worry that she always said hungry. I wonder if she was really hungry and I didn't give her enough food or she was just bored that's why she said that. According to the doctor, she had enough food, so I don't need give her more food when she says "I'm hungry."
And she got 3 shots. Brit said that she didn't cry at the first and the second, the last one which was most painful, she cried, but the nurse gave her M&Ms, she stopped crying soon :-p This is Yukine though, I'm proud of her, she was very strong girl! Good job, Yukine! This is Yukine's check-up stuff.
I will write about Yukine's language next.
Before we came to the states, she didn't speak English at all. She could understand what Brit said, so she could hear English, but she never spoken, but after we move to Idaho first, she started speaking to Brit's family in English. Her English was improved very very fast. After we came here Seattle, and she started going to Preschool, she speaks English more and more, Japanese less and less. I was worried that, but I didn't want to push Japanese, because I have heard that someone pushed it, the kid didn't like Japanese or something like that, so I just answer her in Japanese if she asks in English like Brit did in Japan. However, Yukine spoke only English almost. I thought it could be worse, so I decided that I won't answer her if she talk to me in English, and I told to her about it I was afraid Yukine doesn't want to speak Japanese any more though. At first , she kept talking in English to me, but I said I couldn't understand English, I didn't want to answer you unless you speak in Japanese. She had talked to only Brit or talked by herself for one or two days, but after that, she was trying to speak to me in Japanese. As I was worried, she forgot some Japanese sentences, and words, so she was also upset and thought it's sad, maybe, so that she has tried to speak to me in only Japanese seriously, I didn't push it anymore though. I'm glad that what I did worked for her so easy, if she refused speaking Japanese or decided that she don't need it anymore , it would have been worse. I didn't know what I should.
I'm really lazy, so teaching Japanese or do something special for her Japanese, it's too much for me. I hope Yukine and Kanata could speak both of languages fluently like mother langage and if they want to do and have afford to do it, I'd like them to learn Japanese alphabets and Kanji characters too.
By the way, About her Kansai (Western of Japan)dialect, she talks standard Japanese more than the dialect recently. It's too bad for us because we like Kansai dialect very much. It's more frendly and cute, I think. Anyway, I don't know why she started speaking standard Japanese more than the dialect. I still speak to Japanese or people who can speak Japanese in Kansai dialect though. fummmm.... it's interesting!
When we visit to Japan this summer, I hope Yukine's dialect would come back :-)
体重:15.45kg (アメリカに来て2kg半増! 成長期?それともアメリカンフードのせい?)
不調? Am I not feeling good?
(ぶり豚が仕事持ったら、もう一生ベビーシッターはしないけど(希望) 笑)
I've had some trouble with my body for this 1,2 weeks, my mouth always dried or felt like burned inside, and I couldn't taste anything at all :( In addition, I've had redness of the eyelid which is like allergy or something like that and very itchy.
Humm...I'm feeling fine though, Am I tired?? or too much stress???
It has been for 8 months since I came to the states. This is my first time to live in other country in my life and different culture, different foods and I have kids, and job on weekends, and I started babysitting at my place 3 or 2days in week too..... maybe I am tired :p
Especially, I don't like kids, so babysitting is very though work for me,but it's good for money and my experience. I respect people who adopted kids very much. It's very difficult to treat another kid same as my own kids, and ,of course, have to care about the kid more that my kids while I watch my kids and another kid together :-( I was very exhausted after the babysitting now,but I would get used to it, I think.
(ぶり豚が仕事持ったら、もう一生ベビーシッターはしないけど(希望) 笑)
I've had some trouble with my body for this 1,2 weeks, my mouth always dried or felt like burned inside, and I couldn't taste anything at all :( In addition, I've had redness of the eyelid which is like allergy or something like that and very itchy.
Humm...I'm feeling fine though, Am I tired?? or too much stress???
It has been for 8 months since I came to the states. This is my first time to live in other country in my life and different culture, different foods and I have kids, and job on weekends, and I started babysitting at my place 3 or 2days in week too..... maybe I am tired :p
Especially, I don't like kids, so babysitting is very though work for me,but it's good for money and my experience. I respect people who adopted kids very much. It's very difficult to treat another kid same as my own kids, and ,of course, have to care about the kid more that my kids while I watch my kids and another kid together :-( I was very exhausted after the babysitting now,but I would get used to it, I think.
President day
なんだか最近祝日が多くて嬉しいです^^今回はPresident dayだそう。
we got rental car last weekend. we did big stuffs shopping, and went to short trip :-) We went visit to Karkland this time which is in the northern of Bellevue and waterfront along Washington lake.
Karkland is popular rich neighborhood area so that you can see lots of boats and luxury apartments and fancy shops and cafe. It was really beautiful day that day, so lake was so pretty, the park was beautiful, actually I wanted to live there.
There were a lot of people enjoyed beautiful day, I could relax!!
MEAT です。バーベキューリブ。
And.... the Dinner, Brit wanted to cook, because he hasn't for a while, so he made MEAT MEAT MEAT :-D BBQ RIB, yeah! (said Brit.)
The food I ate at the first time I came to the states long long time ago was BBQ rib. It's my memorial American food! When I saw it first time, thought it's really American because it's BIG! :-D
さて、ちなみにこの写真おかしなところがひとつあります。 わかりますか???
By the way, this picture has something wrong. Can you find it??
The rib and salad on the plate is fake plastic foods!!! haha~ :-p
In Japan there are plastic foods for restaurant's display.I and Brit love the plastic foods so that we bought some, and it was one of them :-) I didn't expect we put real one and fake one together!! It's so cool, huh?? ;-)
バレンタイン。喜音のプリスクールではバレンタインパーティがありました。赤かピンクかパープルの服でということでバレンタイン仕様喜音 とパジャマ奏大 笑
Valentine's day Yukine. Her preschool had the party, so she wore red and pink clothes.
お買い物♪ Shopping ♪
We went to the Northgate Mall which is nearest from our place yesterday. I wasn't supposed to buy anything for kids I was looking for Brit's Valentine's day present , but Gymboree ( Kid's clothes shop) had a big sale, so I bought Yukine's boots for next winter and some legginess, tights and Kanata's pants. I like Gymboree, but usually, they are too expensive for kids clothes, so I don't buy though, in this time they were cheaper than them at Target!! I had no choice to buy them ;-)
このレオタードも75%オフ。4ドルなり!!いやいやありがたや〜。(小物:モデル仕様。 笑)
アメリカでは今子供服やおもちゃに使われているLeadという有害物質の基準がこの2月11日から改正されて厳しくなりました。だからなのか、Toys R usなんかはリニューアルセールが多かったです。
After we got home, Yukine tried on everything we bought. She is such a girl :-)
A little bit weird fashion though :-p
American government elevated the standard of kid's stuffs safety (Amount of "lead"), such as toys and clothes. And the new legisration started from 11th this month. I thought that's reason why toys R us or Gymboree had big sale, I'm not sure though.
Anyway, I'm glad that this change of the standard of kid's stuffs because almost 100% kid's stuffs made in China. I know, not everything made in china is bad but I worry about it sometimes, anyway I bought though.
We went to the Northgate Mall which is nearest from our place yesterday. I wasn't supposed to buy anything for kids I was looking for Brit's Valentine's day present , but Gymboree ( Kid's clothes shop) had a big sale, so I bought Yukine's boots for next winter and some legginess, tights and Kanata's pants. I like Gymboree, but usually, they are too expensive for kids clothes, so I don't buy though, in this time they were cheaper than them at Target!! I had no choice to buy them ;-)
このレオタードも75%オフ。4ドルなり!!いやいやありがたや〜。(小物:モデル仕様。 笑)
アメリカでは今子供服やおもちゃに使われているLeadという有害物質の基準がこの2月11日から改正されて厳しくなりました。だからなのか、Toys R usなんかはリニューアルセールが多かったです。
After we got home, Yukine tried on everything we bought. She is such a girl :-)
A little bit weird fashion though :-p
American government elevated the standard of kid's stuffs safety (Amount of "lead"), such as toys and clothes. And the new legisration started from 11th this month. I thought that's reason why toys R us or Gymboree had big sale, I'm not sure though.
Anyway, I'm glad that this change of the standard of kid's stuffs because almost 100% kid's stuffs made in China. I know, not everything made in china is bad but I worry about it sometimes, anyway I bought though.
初めての誕生日会 Yukine's birthday party
ケーキはもちろん、喜音の大好きなテレビアニメの「Dora the explore」のドーラとその仲間たち。チョコレートでみんなつくってあります。あと、前にブログで書いた求肥人形。
Of course, I made Dora the explore cake for Yukine ;-)
な んせ、アメリカの誕生日パーティはすごい!って聞いていたから(マクドみたいな大きいジャングルジムのあるところを貸し切ったり、プールでするとか、ピエ ロ呼ぶとか、この前のチルドレンミュージアムでやるとか。。。などなど)私たちはお金もそこまでかけたくないし、余裕もない。でも喜音がいいパーティだっ たと思えるようなパーティがしたい。。。と。
結局、色々悩んだけど、3日前に喜音の友達アリーのママが午前のが都合がいいってことで、そんで「ブ レックファストパーティ(朝食)をしよう、私がワッフル作ってあげるよ!」とかいう話になり、ほとんど彼女がやってくれちゃいました。笑 やっぱり人生、 なんとかなるもんです。成り行きに任せましょう〜^^:ってわけで、私はケーキと部屋の飾りつけくらいを心配すればよくなりました。ありがたい!
Yukine's birthday party I had worried about for about 2months long was over. It was good party I think. Yukine was very very happy and she was excited sooooo much until she went to bed. Actually she couldn't fall asleep for a while even she was really tired, too much fun for her !!!
I had been thinking about party theme and activities and games and cake, everything for this 2 months, sometimes I couldn't sleep thinking about it too much. I know it was kinda crazy, but this was my first birthday party for my kid!!!! In addition, In America. I have heard that American birthday parties are very creative and lots of activities or entertainments, so I was afraid of it.
BUT after all, 3days before the party,one of Yukine's friend, Ally's mom, Ida suggested me the breakfast party, and she said she would take care of waffles. I was thinking about afternoon party but the morning time party worked for her, so we planed the breakfast party :-)
She is always really nice to us. Before we went to the children museum, she took us to there and she always take us interesting places and help us.
Anyway,We made full breakfast such as the waffles and strawberries and slices of bacon and orange juice. Kids enjoyed the breakfast, I should say, they enjoyed a mountain of whipped cream and pond of syrup and a little bit waffle :p
I was so surprised though, kids didn't fight each other at all!!!! It was one of my afraid things before the party started, but they never! It made the party much easier. They had really good time together :-)
Ally's older sister, Kaity also came, and she helped us very much, she is 7 years old, she was like little mom! Thank you! I hope she enjoyed the party too, not just too tired of taking care of little sis s :p
After the breakfast, Ida did hair things for all of girls, which made them really happy :-) She is really good at making kids, girls happy!!!!
After the breakfast, Ida did hair things for all of girls, which made them really happy :-) She is really good at making kids, girls happy!!!!
They could share toys and change their tune. They were so good!
I appreciated having our trampoline !
お友達が喜音にプレゼントを持ってきてくれて、みんな自分のを一番先に開けてほしくって、「Yukine,私のを先に開けて!」「ううん、私のだよ、Yukine!」「こっち開けてみて!!」ってみんなでプレゼント攻め! 笑
One of the best parts of birthday party, Opening presents :-)
Yukine was so excited, of course, but other kids were also sooo excited to see Yukine opened their own presents for her,and waited for her reaction! It was so funny. They asked Yukine "Open mine!" "Next,open mine!" " You like it??" " "Which is your best present?" like this :-)
I didn't know until this party though, this age kids can enjoy giving present for someone, and making someone happy. Just 4, 5 years old, but they grew big already not just their body!
I got exhausted, but it was good opportunity for me to see kid's relation, kid's world, and their growth. And most important thing was Yukine enjoyed her first birthday party with her friends, and she had her special day :-)
I was really happy because I could see Yukine's happy smile all day long!!!
Happy birthday our 4 years old princess, Yukine ★
アメリカのスプレー式のホイップクリームはゆるくってすぐに溶けちゃうの。だからケーキをデコレーションするのは不可能だった。みんなフロスティング使うから形を保たす必要がないんだもんね〜。でもどうしても私は生クリームのケーキが食べたかった。(自分のことかい!? 笑)次は自分で泡立てよう。
Oh, I failed only one thing at this party. I tried to decorate the cake with spray of whipping cream like Japanese cakes because I don't like frosting :p, but it was too soft to decorate the cake.Yeah, people usually use frosting for decorating cake here, so whipping cream doesn't need to be firm. That's why Yukine's birthday cake was kinda mess :-( Sorry about that! Taste was still good though.Next time, I will make whipping cream all by myself!
アメリカのスプレー式のホイップクリームはゆるくってすぐに溶けちゃうの。だからケーキをデコレーションするのは不可能だった。みんなフロスティング使うから形を保たす必要がないんだもんね〜。でもどうしても私は生クリームのケーキが食べたかった。(自分のことかい!? 笑)次は自分で泡立てよう。
Oh, I failed only one thing at this party. I tried to decorate the cake with spray of whipping cream like Japanese cakes because I don't like frosting :p, but it was too soft to decorate the cake.Yeah, people usually use frosting for decorating cake here, so whipping cream doesn't need to be firm. That's why Yukine's birthday cake was kinda mess :-( Sorry about that! Taste was still good though.Next time, I will make whipping cream all by myself!
家族画 Family picture
← 私。 その頭からでているのは髪の毛らしい。ポニーテールなんだって。とりあえず、怒ってる顔じゃなくてよかった^^:
This is me. The thing stuck on my head seems to be my hair she said. I'm glad that she drew smile face instead of grumpy or mad face :p
←奏大。 この絵、めちゃくちゃ好き!笑
This is Kanata. This is my favorite picture :) It is so cute, isn't it?
←そして、ぶり豚。いまいち顔の構造がわからんけど、その黒い塊がひげ だそうです。
And this is Brit. Of course, He needs bread! ;)
暇つぶし Cooking with Yukine
Kanata had been serious sick for 3days, so we couldn't go outside. Yukine was sooo bored, so she said "I'm hungry" "I wanna watch movie" all day long...:( I was so tired because Kanata had a fever and he couldn't sleep well, that mean I couldn't sleep well either. I yelled Yukine a lot, even when I shouldn't. My head didn't work well, and I was really short temper than usual. I'm so sorry about that for Yukine :( Parenting is always very difficult. I have to learn many things everyday.
Anyway, so Yukine was so bored at home, we made sugar cookie and Mochi ( Japanese rice cake) One of our friend, Tomono send tons of Japanese children books that day, and Yukine likes them so much, especially, she loves "Nontan" series which are story about kitty names Nontan. And there is the sugar cookie recipe on the one of Nontan books, so she wanted to make cookie :) She enjoyed to mix the dough up, rolled up and cut the cookie with cookie cutter!! And then she sprinkled colorful sugar.
そしてこれは求肥もちで作ったもの。2月は喜音の誕生日。ケーキの上にのせるデコをこのところ、ずっと考えていて、マジパンかマシュマロってでマスコットを作ろうかと思ってたけど、やっぱり少しでも体にいいものできないかな〜って思ってたんだ。で、思いついたのが求肥もち! 餅粉か白玉粉と砂糖、水でできているからもうちょっと健康的???砂糖の量は調整できるしね。ちょっとマジパンとかに比べたらやわらかいし、ベタベタするから形作るのに少し苦労するけど、けっこう楽しい♪
これは、喜音の好きなこっちのアニメの「Dora the explore」というのに出てくるキャラクター、マップとバックパック。
And they were a backpack and a map from " Dora the explore" made from sweet rice cake. I'm thinking about Yukine's birthday cake and her party all day long recently. And I decided the decoration and I want to use some edible dolls, but marzipan is not tasty and marshmallows and fondant icing are plenty sugar....so I didn't want to use them as long as I can, and I have an idea! This sweet rice cake can save sugar by myself, and it made from rice of course so that a little bit healthier than icing or marshmallow, maybe,and would not be too dry like regular rice cake, and Yukine likes it :) so I tried to make shape, I never use them for edible doll.
Actually I think that it works :) It's a little bit hard to make shape because sticky though, good enough.
Kanata had been serious sick for 3days, so we couldn't go outside. Yukine was sooo bored, so she said "I'm hungry" "I wanna watch movie" all day long...:( I was so tired because Kanata had a fever and he couldn't sleep well, that mean I couldn't sleep well either. I yelled Yukine a lot, even when I shouldn't. My head didn't work well, and I was really short temper than usual. I'm so sorry about that for Yukine :( Parenting is always very difficult. I have to learn many things everyday.
Anyway, so Yukine was so bored at home, we made sugar cookie and Mochi ( Japanese rice cake) One of our friend, Tomono send tons of Japanese children books that day, and Yukine likes them so much, especially, she loves "Nontan" series which are story about kitty names Nontan. And there is the sugar cookie recipe on the one of Nontan books, so she wanted to make cookie :) She enjoyed to mix the dough up, rolled up and cut the cookie with cookie cutter!! And then she sprinkled colorful sugar.
そしてこれは求肥もちで作ったもの。2月は喜音の誕生日。ケーキの上にのせるデコをこのところ、ずっと考えていて、マジパンかマシュマロってでマスコットを作ろうかと思ってたけど、やっぱり少しでも体にいいものできないかな〜って思ってたんだ。で、思いついたのが求肥もち! 餅粉か白玉粉と砂糖、水でできているからもうちょっと健康的???砂糖の量は調整できるしね。ちょっとマジパンとかに比べたらやわらかいし、ベタベタするから形作るのに少し苦労するけど、けっこう楽しい♪
これは、喜音の好きなこっちのアニメの「Dora the explore」というのに出てくるキャラクター、マップとバックパック。
And they were a backpack and a map from " Dora the explore" made from sweet rice cake. I'm thinking about Yukine's birthday cake and her party all day long recently. And I decided the decoration and I want to use some edible dolls, but marzipan is not tasty and marshmallows and fondant icing are plenty sugar....so I didn't want to use them as long as I can, and I have an idea! This sweet rice cake can save sugar by myself, and it made from rice of course so that a little bit healthier than icing or marshmallow, maybe,and would not be too dry like regular rice cake, and Yukine likes it :) so I tried to make shape, I never use them for edible doll.
Actually I think that it works :) It's a little bit hard to make shape because sticky though, good enough.
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