母はどうにか4才児が退屈しないようにとクッキーを一緒に作ったり、坊主めくりしたり、かくれんぼしたり。。。。頑張ってみるけど、そろそろ限界.… 喜音も暇で1分置きにお腹減ったと、私もなにもできず、寝不足とでイライラ。。。
大統領となった日。New president Obama
I don't know how much I can write my opinion in English, but I will try.
I couldn't listen Pres Obama's address at live time,but I listened on You tube and I read Japanese translations too. It was incredibly wonderful speech. I do believe he said those words from his heart, not lie. After I listened his address, I thought that I really want to be a more kindly person, and if I can help people, and for environment, I should do something. I'm not a generous person yet, but I want to try to be like this person little by little, I thought. His speech make me be able to do and be what he said if we follow him. He knows what America needs now, what we should do now clearly,and he is trying to fix them. For me, especially recently Japanese prim ministers, many politicians just think about themselves, their party, but Obama is the person who scratchs someone where he itches.( I don't know it can say in English. I mean that he knows what we, citizen, are seeking to a government.) I know that how difficult changing a country, a system is, but I can hope him if the words he said in front of tons of his people were real. I'm not a American,but one of the person who lives in United of states of America, I'm glad to be here at the histrical momont, and I want to do something I can for this country and for my precious kids generation.
I don't know how much I can write my opinion in English, but I will try.
I couldn't listen Pres Obama's address at live time,but I listened on You tube and I read Japanese translations too. It was incredibly wonderful speech. I do believe he said those words from his heart, not lie. After I listened his address, I thought that I really want to be a more kindly person, and if I can help people, and for environment, I should do something. I'm not a generous person yet, but I want to try to be like this person little by little, I thought. His speech make me be able to do and be what he said if we follow him. He knows what America needs now, what we should do now clearly,and he is trying to fix them. For me, especially recently Japanese prim ministers, many politicians just think about themselves, their party, but Obama is the person who scratchs someone where he itches.( I don't know it can say in English. I mean that he knows what we, citizen, are seeking to a government.) I know that how difficult changing a country, a system is, but I can hope him if the words he said in front of tons of his people were real. I'm not a American,but one of the person who lives in United of states of America, I'm glad to be here at the histrical momont, and I want to do something I can for this country and for my precious kids generation.
I had off day on Martin King Jr day!! Hooray!!( Dora like) so, we went adventure to Seattle down-town. Brit's grad friend, Deirdre's parents came visit to her too, so we went to the aquarium together :-) Brit wanted to talk with Deirdre's parents, so this was good time for him!
The Seattle aquarium is not so huge, but I liked it. They try to do unique way to show sea animals, for ex, they made the Jellyfish ( I wonder why it's not called Jellofish. they look like jello more than jelly,don't you think??) walk-through tunnel tank, which was pretty. And there were the bridge for Octopus, or something like that. In addition, there are many exhibitions people can touch, and try on, which were good for kids :-) Yukine enjoyed touching starfish and sea cucumber a lot!!! She was scared of them before we went to another aquarium's touching section, but she wasn't this time! She is getting bigger and bigger :-)
I'm sorry for Deirdre's parents, they wathed our monkies more than fishes :-p
I put diver's mask on Kanata, it was too big and too heavy for him, so I couldn't sit up by himself, it was sooo funny ;-P
Pike place market
With Deirdre's family.
We went to the famous oyster bar" ELLIOT BAY CO." for lunch.
I and Brit were not big oyster fan,so we didn't order them though, we ordered seafood sandwiches, they were also very very good! I loved their chowder!
After lunch, Deirdre family went to home.
Deirdre's parents treated us everything!!! and took care of the kids!!!! How how nice people they are!!! I appreciate them so much. Thank you very very much!!!
And then, We have another hours, so we decided to ride the tour cruise which was half price discount!
We saw Wild sea lions!!!!!!! It was my first time to watch wild big sea animal! I was sooo excited. They were sitting in the sun, they were soooo cute!
We had very very good time :-) The more I know about Seattle, more the I like Seattle !!!!
チルドレンミュージアム Children museum

喜音のお友達のママがチルドレンミュージアムに連れて行ってくれた。シアトルのチルドレンミュージアムはすごくいいって聞いてたけど、なかなか行く機会がなく。チルドレンミュージアムに限らず、シアトルに来てから私たち、ほとんどシアトルを見ていない。私は週末に働き出して本当に今はすれ違い生活だし、平日は私 一人と子供だけでバスで行くにはしんどすぎるし、時間もなかったりで。。。それはすごく残念だけど、ぶり豚も忙しいし、働かないとだしこの2年間は仕方な い。

喜音のお友達になったこのアリーとは最近よく遊ぶ。一番一緒にいる時間の長い子。この子のママはペルー人で、英語がすごくスパニッシュ訛り。それが私には すごく難しくて、しかも南米気質だからか、喜怒哀楽が激しくて、不機嫌なときとかわかりやすい^^:初めの内、彼女の言ってることが半分くらい分からない し、お家とか呼んでくれるけど、迷惑だと思ってるんか、話がわからない私にイライラしているのか、アメリカで何か失礼なことを私がしたのか分からなくて ちょっとビクビクしてた。特に私の半分壊れた電話で彼女の英語を聞くのは至難の技。笑 一度は急いでる彼女に家まで車で送ってもらった時、荷物は急いでる ならあとでいいよと言いたかったけど、お互い必死で通じず^^:「Hah???? I can't understand you!!!!」とキレられて怖かった。笑
で も、今となれば彼女のスパニッシュ訛りの英語に慣れてきたのか、彼女が私の英語に慣れてきたのかとりあえずうまくいってる。アリーのママはいろんなところ でスパニッシュを教えているので、その間私がアリーを見ている、その代わりにいろんなところに連れて行ってくれたり、喜音を家で見てくれたりという感じ。



One of Yukine's friend, Alley's mom took us to Seattle children museum la

Anyway, I could find good friends in Seattle, so they help us and give us very precious opportunities , and this time, I and my kids had a chance to visit the museum :-)
It was really cool, in fact! Lots lots of toys, and very interesting exhibitions even adults, and children can touch everything! This is very important for kids, I think because kids want to touch everything in this world :-) Yukine loves pretend cooking stuffs and pretend grocery store and constructing stuffs. They have Japan life exhibition too!! it was really interesting and much fun to me! There were Japanese lunch box shop, and very average class people's house, and you can go see inside house, it was sooo interesting! I thought I go back to Japan for a while :-D There are also the space for toddler like Kanata's age, we didn't go there after all, because two big ladies wanted to play with other neat stuffs so, I have to watch them, Kanata was also enjoying with older sis s too though ;-) I was a little bit tired of chasing Kanata and making sure two girls didn't lost. But It's really good for kids!! especially, for winter in the city of rain, Seattle!
I really want to up pictures, but I'm not used to using this new Ubuntu, so I have to play with this :-(
初めての日本からのお客様 The first guest from Japan

パイオニアスクエアは、元々シアトルの発祥の地。今でも古い街並みが残っていてか わいい感じの場所。ちょっと前までは危ない近所だったみたいだけど一斉整理されたらしい。たま〜に今でもその名残りが。。^^:ここは昔の街があった高さ から3m高くなっていて、今でもその昔に使われていた地下がそのまま残されて観光地となっている不思議な場所。

日本を離れて半年、はなえさんがいるだけでちょっと日本に戻ったような気がした。沢山会いたい、話したい友達がいる。今年6月に日本に遊びに行く予定。今 から待ちきれないな!!みなさん、どうぞシアトルに、私たちに会いにきて!宿代はタダですよ〜 笑 (ベビーシッター付きですが。)
はなえさん、たくさんの歯ブラシ、スープ本当にありがとう!!また遊びにきてね!!(って距離じゃないよね 笑)

Our friend, Hanae came visit us from 30th Dec to 2th Jan. She was the first our guest from Japan after we moved to here :-) Unfortunately, I already took a long break for the holiday, so I had to work almost when she was here. But I had a off day, so we went to Down-town Seattle on 31th. We went to the Pike place market, and Pioneer square. we have been to the market once, but we haven't been to Pioneer square yet. Pioneer square was once the first heart of the city in Seattle. There were city under the ground before fire occurred there in 1889. Now you can see and walk around there on underground tour. We didn't join the tour but, someday I really wanna go underground. There are lots of art galleries and old book stores and stylish shops in Pioneer square. It's very interesting place :)
My PC was kinda weird,so Brit reinstalled OS that day, and he didn't put my files back in the PC yet, so I don't have pictures right now. So I'll up them soon!
奏大くん、一歳! Happy birthday Kanata!

一歳になった奏大くんは、私が頑張ってお料理している間にちょっとの隙間からごま油を出してきて、気がついたら油まみれになっておりました。相変わらず素晴らしいいたづらをしでかしてくれます。。。(ごま油まみれの奏大を写真に納めようか一瞬よぎったけど、こっちではごま油がかなり高いのでそれの方がショックで動けなかった。 笑)
Kanata just became 1 year old today!!! I can't believe it! How fast time goes by! I thought he was just born, I thought he just sat up by himself....Now that he can walk, he can understand what we say, he can climb up and down stairs!! I can't believe it!
Anyway, we had a small birthday party tonight. I made the cake he can also eat, that mean not so sweet, not so oily. I made it from cottage cheese and yogurt, and drew the picture of monste.Inc's Mike. I think it was good :) It's not enough sweet and heavy for Brit though. Kanata ate too much before the dessert, so he didn't eat so much, but I and Yukine enjoyed it :p
I suppose to light a candle, but we don't have any fire at the house, I didn't think about it at all, I tried to use the stove, but it didn't work, so we gave up to light the candle :( That's too bad. Kanta didn't care about it though.
I'm really happy that we could cereblate his birthday together, and he is really hearthy and happy boy, and he likes Yukine and Yukine likes Kanata :) Sometimes I was tired and mad about him,but I love him so much.
Our birthday boy was playing sesami oil while I was cooking at the kitchen, and then I noticed him, he was all covered with the oil........ but still I love him :p
Happy 1th birthday, Kanata!!!
私:え?ほんまに??? 。。。じゃあ、もってくよ? ありがとう。
By the way, I got 13 dollers worth of the grosaries for free today because the salf casher computer freezed ;p The store's person said " Oh well, you can take it, otherwise you have to line the casher again". When I heard it, I thought he said just kidding because it's never happened in Japan, Never! So we got free foods today :) oh, Speaking of free foods, the other day, we got free foods from the guy. He said that he went to the food bank, but he couldn't eat all by himself because they were too much for a person, so he asked Brit why he doesn't work weekday (It was Monday or Tuesday) and Brit answered he is a student, he gave us a bunch of foods!
These seem very american I thought!!! Haha~
More Christmas pictures

Christmas dinner. Brit's dad and mon cooked. All of them were soooo delicious.
Thank you so much for your hard work, Dad and Mom.

Grandma Barber and Uncle Dave came visit to us on the next day of Christmas.
I was glad to see them again :)

Our opening Christmas presents day was 26th because Brit's sister's family was arrived at 25th evening, so we wanted to do all together. Kids were sooo excited! Yukine and Kanata also got lots of presents!

We went to the Idaho falls's museum to see Ginger bread cake house exhibition. I really wanted to make a ginger bread house by myself, but finally we were too busy and we couldn't. I'm still try to make it sometime soon. maybe, after Kanata's birthday I think.
We went to the Idaho falls's museum to see Ginger bread cake house exhibition. I really wanted to make a ginger bread house by myself, but finally we were too busy and we couldn't. I'm still try to make it sometime soon. maybe, after Kanata's birthday I think.

お父さんだって、ノリノリでしちゃいます♪笑 一番下のモルガンの服を借りてヒップホップ・ダッド!Yeah!笑
We discussed about the award, and then everyone started to show up in sasquerade.
Dad wore Morgan's clothes, and he became like Morgan! It was sooo funny! hahaha.

The member of this family discussed who is most normal in this family though, I think nobody is who's normal in this family!!! :p

私たちが帰る日に家族写真を撮りました。みんなちゃんと正装して。結婚する前にぶり豚に連れてきてもらった時のクリスマスにも家族写真を写真屋さんでちゃ んと撮ってもらっていていました。その時、実はまだただの彼女の身分で私も家族写真に参加していたのです。今考えれば、結婚して過去の人にならずよかっ た〜苦笑
We took the family picture. This was my second time of Barber family picture. The first time was when I went to there with Brit before we were married. If I wasn't married with Brit and the people saw the picture, people would think who was she?? I'm really really happy to join this family as the one of member :)

Well.... Nobody is who is normal in this family!!!!!!! NOBODY!!
but I think Big family is wonderful!! Brit's family are really close family and very funny :) I bet mom and dad had hard time when the kids were young, but I think it's worth to have them :) I can't think about another baby again though for now :p
I was really enjoyed the holiday. but it was too short time! We couldn't meet all of friends who we want to see ; (
Well.... Nobody is who is normal in this family!!!!!!! NOBODY!!
but I think Big family is wonderful!! Brit's family are really close family and very funny :) I bet mom and dad had hard time when the kids were young, but I think it's worth to have them :) I can't think about another baby again though for now :p
I was really enjoyed the holiday. but it was too short time! We couldn't meet all of friends who we want to see ; (
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