We went to Vancouver last weekend as my Birthday present :) We were not sure which is best destinations between Vancouver and Portland, but after all we decided Vancouver because our friend, Chiaki who came over our place last week lived in there and she suggested us that she would take the room for us for special price at the hotel she worked. We were not supposed to stay a day, that's good deal :)

Everywhere is Christmas decorations! Yukine was sooo excited!

Japan doesn't connect to other countries by land, so I always feel a little strange when I come the land border.

Unfortunately, it' s rainy in there, (whenever,now is bad time to trip in North-west area tho:p) we didn't see anything at all. This picture was taken from Stanley park, usually you can see the vancouver down-town from there tho....very dark and foggy.....

For dinner, we went to the famous south-asian restaurants in down-town. Foods were so delicious! Especially, I liked the coconuts milk soup with rice noodle, it was soooo good! I ate almost.

After that, we walked around there looking for the desserts ;)
We found the cup cake shop. I love the shop! So cute!

Finally, Yukine decided that she wanted to eat ice cream. The way to order at this shop, at first you can choose type of ice creem, and then, you choose toppings (depends on the price) and then choose the corn. There are tons of stuffs you have to choose, so it's hard to decide. I took long time :p
Yukine chose strawbeery ice cream. and rinbor sparkling and rinbor sparkling corn :) Very sparkling!!