Kanata became 1 month old. In Japan, we take thier 1month old babis the shrine to pray their healthful and thier growth. It's "Omiya mairi" and also, we went to the shrine near the house. When Yukine was so, we did too.It's really cold day and much much snow, probably Kanata was surprised of this cold world :o

Yukine loves fish eggs sooooo much :D
奏大の一ヶ月祝い(2月7日)、喜音の3歳のお誕生日(2月9日)、中ばあ(うちの母)の誕生日(公開していいのか、還暦のお祝いも兼ねて 2月7日)、そしてこの日は両親の33年目の結婚記念日(2月10日)でもある。すごいな、ここまで記念日が集中するなんて!!!
we had the party at that night.This party was for several aniversaries, Knata's 1month day(7th Feb), of course Yukine's birthday(9th Feb), and my mom's birthday(7th Feb), and my parents's 33th wedding aniversary(10th Feb)!!!!
We went out to eat dericious sushi place :) I was soooo happy to eat out because I hadn't gone out to eat about for 2months.
We brought the birthday cake too, so we sang the BD song and then Yukine blew out candles on the birthday cake:) She likes to do it. It's sooo happy day for everyone:)

アイダホ出身のぶり豚は久しぶりの大雪に喜んでた^^ ソリ遊びをさせたかったけど、買いに行くのもと思ってたらお父さんがそこらへんからビーチチェアーを見つけてきた笑 喜音は屋根つきソリに満足してたみたいだけど^^:笑
Brit always miss a lots of snow in Japan. In this year, It's heavy snow in Nagano, so we played with snow a little bit:)