
年末 (End of the year) 2007年12月31日





We're trying to see poeple we want to see as long as we can before Hidemitsu is born.

Hidemitsu is now 37weeks, and he is about 2750g, so about 6lb. He can come outside anytime if he wants :), but I think he is still upper of my stomach,so maybe he won't be born yet, maybe.
I'm tired that I am "a pregnant",so I want him to come outside :p

Anyway, we met many our friends who haven't seen for a long time and not. Friends are our one of possessions :) We have really cool friends!! I'm rucky.
We all are living in different places or countries,but we have been keeping in touch each other. That means we can visit many many places!! haha! (I don't think about the cost and time tho :p)

Thanks for coming to see us, everyone, and if anyone who didn't see us yet, Let's meet!!!





Yukine suddenly became Thomas big fan, so I took her Thomas fair held in good time in near our place. She doesn't know about story of Thomas so much, but she is memorizing character's names really fast! I was amazing kid's memory skill :o Speaking of Yukine's memory skill, she can understand two thirds of Japanese alphabets (hiragana), and she is tring to write them with the Hiragana drill book which I bought in 100yen store before. I didn't make her do it, she has been interesting in this by herself:) I think that's important point for kids to learn about something. I hope that she could memorized Japanese character as long as she can before we move.



今年、このKobuta Newsに付き合ってくれたみなさん、本当にありがとございました!!!

Oh, I have many many things I want to write in this blog, but I don't have enough time!
Anyway, we were very busy in this year!!!! and very happy too :)
Thanks for reading my blog even my English is terrible!

A happy new year!! 2008


MERRY CHIRISTMAS!!!! 2007年12月25日

It's a really tiny chiristmas tree tho, It might be better than none :p
To Barber in IF: Thank you soooo much your presents for us!!
We couldn't prepare any presents because, you know, we don't want to add stuffs before we move. so,these helped to make chiristmas atmosphere for our really small chiristmas. :)

I cooked lumb chops for the dinner. We love lumb chops so much. It was soooo good :)
and mashed potates in the shape of a chiristmas tree.


喜音は一ヶ月前くらいからずっとサンタさんにプレゼントをお願いしていた。子供用の雑誌(よいこ、とかめばえ とか。)の裏に載っていたトーマスの水でおえかきできるセット。「サンタさん、トーマスのくれるかな~??喜音いい子にする!」って^^ アンパンマンじゃだめらしい、絶対にトーマスのじゃないと。

だから間違わないようにネットで探して、トーマスの欲しいヤツを用意した。(スポンサーはうちの母w 母親だと絶対に分からんし、お金を送ってくれた、本当にありがとう!!!)










Probably, It's the last christmas we will spend in Japan. Actually,for me, It's the first time to spend a christmas and new year in Kyoto!

Anyway, Yukine was really looking forward to coming Christmas this year, she had wanted the Thomas graffiti sets for a month more. She always said that she would be good for chiristmas present. It's not really tho:p So, my mom gave us some money for Christmas presents, I looked for Yukine's tomas graffiti sets on internet.
After Yukine slept at the night of christmas eve, we prepared presents under ? next? the tree. I was really exciting to do it :) I was looking forward to see Yukine's surprised face the next day!!

In the christmas morning, she awaked, and she wanted to go pee, so I took her downstirs, and she found presents, and she said " There are presents!!!! Sant came to our house, mom!" :) But she couldn't see Tomas box because It's wrapped the paper, so she said " But, Sant didn't give me the thomas graffiti sets, maybe you yelled me yesterday."
so, I said " oh, he didn't?? are you sad??" and she said" No, I will live with it.":O I was really surprised to hear it!!! Can kids who just 2 years old say that??? She makes my heart skip a beat sometimes!

After she did pee, we opened our presents. She loves her gloves, and I like mine and socks too!!!! Thanks you very very much!! And of course, she was really happy to find the thomas Graffiti sets :) She is playing with it everyday!!

We had a wonderful christmas day :)


And, at the christmas night, Yukine and I went to see the famous illuminations in Kyoto. These are held by the one of big company in Kyoto, I have known this for a long time. but I haven't been there. Maybe, this year is the last time we could see it, so I went, I didn't want to go outside tho. These were really pretty!!! It's worth it :)


Baby Jazz Christmas version☆ 2007年12月22日

photos by Takami
ずーーっとやりたかったBaby Jazz。もう前回から1年以上が経ってしまった。。。本当に時間って早いな~。。。今までもっと時間があった時があったはずなのに気がつけば、臨月間近の年の瀬となってしまいました^^:


子供たちは音楽に興味がある子、譜面台に興味がある子(笑)それより、カーテンで遊んだり、外に行きたがったり、音にびっくりしたり、いろんな反応があったけど、それでいいと思う。別に音楽はただじっと座って静かに聴く必要はないと思う。むしろ、BabyJazzはそういう堅苦しさを無くしたいためにやっているのだから! 集中して聴けなくたって、子供がギャーギャー騒いでいても、気にせずに親が楽しめる、そんなライブであったらいいな。

また年が明けて、ヒデミツ(仮 まだかって感じですよね^^:) が落ち着いた4月くらいにもう一度できたらと思っている。今更ながら本当にもっともっと頻繁にできたらよかったのにな~・・・


We Love Pizza !! 2007年12月16日





We had Pizza party with my friend's family! My friend has two kids, one girl who is 4 years old, and one boy who is two years old and his birthday is very colse to Yukine! We started to make pizza dough. They haven't made a pizza, so they were exciting :) Kids were doing well to make dough, and to put the pizza source on it, but they were good at snitching some toppings more ;p hehe.

Anyway, we could make delicious pizzas!!! Pizza is sooo expensive in Japan if you order the pizza shop, so you should make it at home. ( And they have so strange toppings (Ex.Mayonnaise, popates, corns, Teriyaki chikens, rice cakes, sea weed ....and so on) for American Brit complains always...I like some of them tho.) we always make the pizza. To making pizza is easy, and so good :)

Two big pizzas disappreared so quickly ;)


ヒデミツ(仮)報告 (Hidemitsu(temp) report) 2007年12月12日

ヒデミツ(仮)の検診に今日行ってきました。喜音の時は次の検診が楽しみで楽しみで待ちきれないくらいだったのに、この子は忙しさにかまけて、おろそかになりがち^^: 体重測られるってのも億劫な大きな要因ですけども。

先生は、安産間違いなし!!と太鼓判を押してくれました^^v 初めは流産しかかったりとどうなるかと思ったのにね~無事ここまできたわけです。
今では、自転車も乗りまくってるし、ヨガにも週一のペースで行ってるし、東京行ったり、イベントを企画したり、生まれる前に会える人になるべく会ったりととりあえず毎日走り回ってます!そんだけ元気な妊婦ってこと^^ ありがたい!あと、少しになってちょっと出産の怖さも正直あるけど、どんな子なのかって考えるとすごく楽しみ♪早く会いたいです!!

I went to the prenatal care today. Hidemitsu(temp) is really fine:) He seems to be about 2213kg which is about 4.9lb now. The docter said that it's really normal weight. He is well positioned for a birthing. I hope that he would come out very easily :)
I'm also really good, I'm often tied, my tummy is very big, and I can't sleep well everynight though. these're natural things for a person late in pregnancy, so oh well. I can do maternity yoga about one time a week or two weeks, so I'm really happy. it's really interesting!


でも、ささやかながら、10月28日に誕生日を迎えた絵里と、今年は何もすることができなかったぶり豚の誕生日と私の誕生日をケーキでお祝いしました^^ 不二家のケーキ、これでミートホープのステーキでもあったら最高なところだけど(笑)まぁまぁ、でもおいしかった♪♪

My friend, Eri came to our place last weekend. Yukine suddenly threw up again in that afternoon :o so, we couldn't do anything special so much, but I bought the birthday cake for everyone in this year. Eri's BD was 28th Oct, I could do nothing for Brit's BD, and my BD was 20th Nov, so we celeblated everyone's (except Yukine) BD :) This cake was made by the company fudged use-by- date, or used old ingredients or many many things about 1years ago ,hehe :p Probably, they are making thier products very carefully now! haha. Actually, the cake was good :)


久しぶりの試験(I had a test.)


さて、東京に行く前、私は貿易実務検定という試験を受けた。試験を受けるってことはもうかれこれ学生時代以来だから、4年ぶり!?こんなお腹が大きくなって、ビザの準備なんかもあって年の瀬になにもやらなくてもって感じだけど、やっと受けることができた。久しぶりに机の前での勉強、興味のあることだからってのもあるだろうけど、結構楽しんでやっていた^^ 結果は1月半ば。ヒデミツ(仮)と同じくらいだ。どうなったかな~??結構自分では頑張ったと思うんだけど。。また結果を報告します。

It's the picture which I took when we were in one of my best friend's place in Tokyo. My friend Yoko has 3kids, two boys (The biggest son is 7 years old and second son is 4 years old.) and a yongest girl who is 2 years old. she said she wanted one more baby : O I respect her deeply! I think that Yukine and Hidemitsu (temp) are enough for me.....Actually, Yukine is enough for me now :p But, but, she wants 4kids!!!!! However, you may think that her kids have been so good or really easy children, It's wrong! (Her first boy is really mom boy and he was so diffcult baby when he was a baby. he didn't sleep well, he cried all night, even now, he is mentally fragile, her second boy is better, but her little daughter is terrble twos now :p) That's amazing! I can't believe it!!

Anyway, she is a really nice mom and I like her approach to rise her children. Everytime I went to her place, I always learned many many good things for children. Yukine also likes Yoko's children, especially, two boys can play with her and they took care of her, so she was soooo happy :)

By the way, I had a test before we went to Tokyo. It's the Proficiency Test in Trading Business. I haven't studyed for a test for a long long time! since I was a student. I should have taken this test earlier, when I didn't have a big tummy like now :p But I enjoyed to study. I hope I would pass this test, and I would use for some job or something after we move to the state.


GCと東京 (my Green card and Tokyo) 2007年12月3日~6日

This picture is in Asakusa Tokyo.

This is " Roppongi hills" which is the big business park.
A giant spider and big buildings.We both like this statue, but we had no idea that who made it, and for what?? :p

There is a japanese garden inside Roppongi hills. Many trees turned red. they were pretty:)

Christmas illuminations and Tokyo tower.








We went to Tokyo to apply for my green card last monday. I really worried that we could make sure it just one time,because Brit is sometimes goofy so :p But we seemed do it well :) We had almost missed the airplane in Kobe, and we were late for the appointment to apply my GC slightly though. However I have to say the same thing, we always need to run to something when I travel with him....: ( I wonder we would be same forever.
Anyway, we finished another thing to do, yeah!!

We booked the unconvenient date for us to apply for my GC by mistake, so we didn't have so much time to go around in Tokyo :( We went to Asakusa before we went to the enbassy and we bought some plastic foods :) and then, we went to Roppongi hills after the enbassy.There is a giant spider statue. It's really funny that there are many beautiful tall buildings AND " spider". we don't know why :P

Brit had to go back to Kyoto 3th night for his work, so we parted after walk around Roppongi hills, and then, I and Yukine had been to my best friend's house in Tokyo for 3days. I wanted to see many friends in Tokyo before Hidemitsu comes!