昨夜から仕込んどいた、タンドリーチキン、BBQソースチキンを筆頭に、焼きました、焼きました。初めはなかなか火もつかなくてちょっと悪戦苦闘、雲行きも怪しかったけど、いや~~~!!!!いいね、BBQ!!!!めっちゃおいしかったし、めっちゃ楽しかった♪ お外でみんなでご飯ってそれだけで楽しいけど、BBQ楽しいよ!今回はみんな初ってこともあって不慣れだったけど、次からはガスコンロ持ってきてパエリアとか、パン生地持ってきてナンみたいの作ったり、ピザとかもできるね~~♪なんて色々なイディアが浮かんできて、また早くやりたいって話してた。
"Golden week holidays" which is one week long holiday stated from this weekend in Japan. We planed a BBQ as the first event :) Actually, I decided it suddenly because Brit has had a barbecue grill for 7 years without using !!! When he moved to this house, we found it, and he keeped it for someday, and then it has passed for 7 years :o So, we decided to try out it.
As soon as we dicided to do it, we asked people to join us randomly. Finally, 9 people came( plus Yukine) :)
We went to the side of Kamogawa river by bicycle. At first, Brit and the missionaries couldn't make a fire with charcoal because the charcoal was diffarent from America's, and they haven't done for a long time, so wemen felt an increasing irritation with hunger :p
After we can cook, we really enjoyed BBQ! It was a nice weather too. We talked that what we want to do next time and so on :) we understood the way to do it this time, so we will do better next time :)