夜 には家の前のプライベートビーチ(琵琶湖っす 笑)で高校生達がバーベキューしてた。そんな時期だよね。一緒に「はないちもんめ」したり、喜音は大人気 でパシャパシャ写真撮られてた、いつも思うけど、喜音を撮った人たちって何ヵ月後か、「これ、だれ??」とか思わんのか??と。
It's so hot in Kyoto recently...I have lost my motivation to do everyting :-( , so I didn't update my brog.
Anyway, on saturday, we went to Wani Nobuko's place :-) Just as we went to there, there is an international student from Seattle. We were eating good foods all the time, and we played in the Biwako lake, and played with local high school students who were cooking over a barbecue in the shore. we had good time with Wani family:-) You know, They are so kind people!

Aunt 友野がお久しぶりの遊びに来てくれた。彼女は多忙な院生で大変そう。今日はイングリッシュマフィンを焼きました。(普通のパンにコーングリッツを まぶしただけってうわさもあるけど。)焼きたては最高!なかなか美味だった。久々の友野ちゃんに会えて、喜音は嬉しかったご様子^^
Aunt Tomono was coming to play with us in the long time. She is so busy recently. I baked English muffin for our lunch.

Yukine is too close, and not cute face :-p

On sunday, one of my friends when we were high school , Mayumi came here. We went to the park in front of our place.
The girl who are rideing on the red tricycle in the last puicture is our neighborhood. Her name is Chihana. Her house is in front of ours, so they helped us many time:-) They are also kindly. Chihana is 2years and six months old, so I'm always told about child care by her mom. Yukine's shoes now is the same as Chihana's. I bought them becouse her mom recomended them :-)