
Barber-Kirino reunion in LA!

 So, I have been ignoring this blog for ages.. but Yukine told me that she just checked it for her school assignment or something. It’s a good reminder that I should restart this!

Last post was when Yukine was 17 yo, which means it’s been at least 2.5 years.. Time flies indeed! During the time, Yukine was graduated high school (Shorewood Highschool) and now she is a junior at University of San Diego. She is pursuing nursing career. There are some challenging ahead but she loves the school and doing very well. I’m always very impressed how much effort and dedication she put in her school work. She is working very hard! She is thinking her future life plan very seriously, not like her parents lol 

Kanata is now also a junior at highschool. He is playing baseball with full speed. He is playing very well that he earned many achievements, such as Wesco (Shoreline -Snohomish county all conference) 1st team, State ranking 39th and more. He is hoping to get in D1 baseball team at a college. 

So, back to today’s topic, Kanata was invited to the PBR (Prep Baseball Review) West Coast Game, which is a college recruiting showcase event for all high performed uncommitted players. He is one of very few 2026 grad. We are so proud of him! Anyway, Seattle Barner-Kirino crew are traveling to LA for this event, so we called Yukine to come up from San Diego. Now we, Barber-Kirino family, is back together in LA! I’m so happy ☺️

It’s weird feeling but I am a happy and so proud mom here, looking back those past blog posts sometime funny and other times struggles about the kids. Now both of them are ecame great young adults and are working so hard toward their dreams! Can’t wait to see what they are going to do! 









奏大14歳 Kanata 14 years old


喜音 17歳 Yukine 17 years old




I’m trying to keep writing this blog even each 



At the time when this picture was taken, we didn’t how deadly the Covid-19 was… 

We had no idea at the time that the world would be completely a different place after we came back from Japan in January 2020…,

Covid hit the world in Feb 2020 and it caused countries shit down. Everyone stuck in the house for the next year and half..

There were so many things happened during the time.

We bought a trampoline, a boat, started a house renovation…..

I changed my job twice lol

It’s definitely good and necessary changes but challenges, of course. Hopefully I don’t have to find a job sometime soon…

The kids had been on remote learning for a year and half. From Sep 2021, they finally went back to full time in person but there are still many adaptations, like wearing masks, keeping social distance, and limiting events..  

We started getting vaccinations from March 2021. However, vaccination rate is not as high as we would like to be.. 

In the world, many issues have been arose as well,  Black Lives Matter, Asian hate crimes, political polarization, and more.

It’s been hard for all of us, but in the difficult situation, we found fun things too. One of the  is fishing. Kanata started being really into fishing. He started watching fishing YouTube. We took him to lakes and piers. Brit got our first inflatable boat and electric motor. Then both Brit and I got into it.finally we bought a used fiberglass boat. Definitely covid shopping. We met with great fishing friends. They taught us a lot of tips and tactics. From we fish mostly non edible fish to trout to finally we fish salmon!!! Pinks, sockeyes, and cohos! I had never imagined that we would eat salmon that we fish! 

I also started baking sourdough. It’s my new normal. Nowadays I bake at least once a week. 

I haven’t seen my mom and Brits mom for more than year. I miss spending time with my mom.. 

Brit’s company costume online party. Far Thor. I think this is pretty good!




Summary Jan- March 2020

もう本当にここ3-5年、ただただ忙しいのか、めんどくさいのか、FacebookとかInstagramで終わらせてしまってて、ブログを全然書いてないな。でもやっぱりFacebook とかとは違う良さがブログにはある。多分、誰かのために書いてるっていうんじゃなくて、本当に思うのまま自分の思っていることをつらつらと書いてるからなんじゃないかな。



 For the kids' Japanese class assignment, I was looking for the photos from the Ise-Shima trip in 2008. Looking back the time reading my blog brought me back those memories very vividly. I was forgetting details and the blog reminded me of what we did, people who we met, the hospitability we received. This made me think that I need to write blog more often. I know I've been telling that to myself once a year at least every year but time just indeed flew by so fast and it ends up passed more than year since I updated....

I will summarize what happened in 2020 until Oct now. It started fun with my family in Japan, and then the pandemic, it has been weird, crazy time for sure.

We had one of best Japan trip this year. The kids got bigger, they wanted to go other places more than just staying at my family's place in Nagano. We, included the kids involved in planing the trip and Brit and I made sure that we would go to places and do things that the kids wanted to this time. 
Yukine's first choice was Team Lab in Odaiba Tokyo. 
Kanata's was the fishing restaurant "Zauo" in Osaka. 
Both were actually very fun and I enjoyed them very much. Those demonstrated many aspects of Japanese culture perfectly.
I wanted to go to Asakusa and Kyoto. Brittain wants to go back to Kansai badly.
The kids are still talking about the trip how fun it was. I stayed with my mom for extra 4 days after Brit and the kids went home first. I am glad that I did.


Kanata and I made trips to the mountain for snowboarding quite often the last season. Kanata got a lot better this year, so he finally started having fun and wanted to go more and more. When the pandemic hit hard and when people realized the virus was not just a flu, all of ski resorts in WA shut down. We went the very last day at Crystal mountain. It was a beautiful amazing day. We were lucky.
Right after that, our life changed indefinitely (as of Oct 2020, we are still living in the pandemic life style.) The school got canceled for an week and then switched to online classes but the district was not preparing for that so from March to May, it was almost deserter. Majority of businesses were closed. Restaurants were also closed. People started wearing masks even though we (Brit and I were making fun of Japanese who wears a mask all the time.)


Homecoming 2019

 Homecoming (hoco) is a tradition for high schools in the United States. (Maybe other countries too.) All those dance parties are new to me. It’s very interesting. First I couldn’t understand why high school kids dress like adults and act like adults. I thought that they should enjoy the youth, not trying to become adults sooner, but then Brittain told me that it’s natural that the kids want to experience adult celebrity life. Yeah, that’s right. I wanted to dress fancy and go to parties with friends and a boyfriend. I thought Yukine’s choice of dress was too adlutish and too showing. But you know, it’s a party! When I started this blog, there was no way I would know if this day was coming. She is a still baby Kobuta (little big) but she is certainly  a beautiful grown up lady. I can see that she enjoys her high school life. She made many new friends, studies hard for her future, and is having fun all those events. She shares all stuff that happens to her. I feel I am
very lucky to have her as my daughter.

Summer Memories with Chuba and Aunt Chieko 2019

Peace Arch: Canada 🇨🇦 boarder

The Butchart gardens in Victoria B.C 

I know the timeline is messed up but I definitely wanted to write this memory here so bear with me. At least, I have some more energy this year to write new posts in this blog so could have been worse. That also tells me that the kids got older and more they grow, more we have free time lately.

Anyway! Grandma Kirino AKA chu-ba came visit us with her older sister aunt Chieko this summer in July. Main reason was that Chu-ba wanted to show aunt Chieko Canada this time, especially Victoria B.C. Originally my brother Toshiya, was also planning to come, but he’d got a big commitment at his job and he could take day offs. Alas, Japanese salary man... we booked hotels back in January before he knew he couldn’t make it this trip. Despite that unfortunate, we had great time in Canada! On the first day, per chu-ba’s request and as tradition, we stayed at Casino hotel. Brittain and the kids spent time at the pool and the ladies tasted the casino atmosphere. Both chu-ba and Aunt Chieko are patrons of pachinko (Japanese game machines kind of like pinball games) so they enjoyed the casino here, even though they didn’t understand what’s going on because they can’t read any instructions. I, on the other hand, hardly played those games over there or here, BUT odd enough, I won the slot about 100 Canadian dollars! So I treated breakfast for everyone next day :) it worked perfectly! Next day we stayed near Vancouver downtown. We went to Capilano suspension bridge and Granville island. I
was a bit surprised that chu-ba decided to go to the bridge, because she never liked heights or those scary things. She said she had to have any new experience before she dies. She is a tough woman! On. The third day, we took ferry to Victoria. I always enjoy Victoria. Many flowers, beautiful European style of buildings, and lots kind of different yummy food! This was maybe 4th time in Victoria for me? But we went to The Butcher’s Garden the first time. It’s expensive but it’s worthwhile! Man! Beautiful! Breathtaking amazing gardens there. They were just beautiful!
It was a quick 4 days trip but so much fun! Other thing that aunt Chieko loved in the United States? Thrift stores! Lol They almost lived there. They certainly visited every one of thrift stores in our neighborhood. :D
この夏、うちの母、こと中ばぁと中ばぁのお姉さん、千恵子おばちゃんがシアトルに来てくれました!今回はカナダにも行きたいと言う事で。当初は、うちの兄も来るはずがどうしても仕事を休めず仕方なし断念。女二人ではるばる来てくれました!いやー、英語喋れないのに、二人だけで海外に来てくれるガッツは本当に尊敬。というわけで、シアトル観光は喜音、奏大に任し、Uber で色々回ってくれた。大きくなったもんだなー。
Tillamook creamery 
Annndddd, Chu-ba came alone again in August! I begged her to come and stay longer because we couldn’t spend time much together last time she was here. I really really appreciate her generosity to come again. She did A LOT to us: making food, cleaning house, and cleaning yard (by the way, aunt Chieko also worked our yard, even tho she stayed only 10 days...Japanese people, you guys are working too hard!)
Seaside OR. Seafood over there was so fresh and good!


Second day of school

Why is it “second day of school”, not the first day? Because we forgot to take a picture on the first day of school. lol  We barely keep up our schedule every day... I don’t know how we survive everyday...
Anyway, Yukine is now in 9th grade, a freshman in high school and Kanata is in 6th, the last year of elementary school. After Kanata, we will be completely done with the elementary school. That’s crazy!!!
If Yukine was in Japan, she should have been in the last year in a middle school but here, it’s 4 years of high school. I can’t believe that we are parents of a high school kid. My heart is still in 20’s though!





Europe Trip 2018-2019

Europe had been on our bucket list as a family trip destination for a while. Especially for Yukine. It started when she was around 5 year-old, she was very interested in Queen Elizabeth I and the history around Europe. (Maybe "history" is too strong word.) She lost the interest later on but once she got really serious about ballet, her interest switched to France. She is taking French as a second language at school. Also, the D.C family trip in 2017 made me want to see the root of this country - the arts, architectures, and histories with my eyes. Another big reason that I personally wanted to visit Europe was to re-union with one of my best friends for the first time in a decade. I don't know what Brit and Kanata was thinking about Europe but they wouldn't say no to visit new places :) Brit and I thought it could be the last big family trip together, if we didn't do now, we wouldn't be able to do this forever, since the kids' activities are getting busier and busier every year, it is getting harder to find the dates that everyone is free. I am so glad that we did this trip. It is definitely a core memory for us as a family. And I hope the kids will remember this trip for rest of their lives. Anyway, there are so many things that I don't want to forget and want to write down here... but there are limit of space so, here are some highlights.

First Meal in Europe. Dutch breakfast. The little round ones were dutch pan cakes. Those were yummy.

Amsterdam. Indeed we are in Europe!

This was definitely my highlight! Meet with Eri for the first time in over 10 years! We have known each other since preschool. I was so so happy to see her and her family in Germany.
英理との再会。これは私にとってこの旅の ハイライト。本当にあえてよかった。そして、泊めてくれて本当にありがとう!!!
At downtown Düsseldorf. The winter market was still up. 

Der Koln Dom. Massive, incredible Cathedral.
Construction started August 15, 1248. Most are rebuilt after WWII but still amazing and beautiful architecture. Brit told me that those small towers like things are called "Flying buttress" which support the heavy walls so that the cathedral can have a beautiful main vault.
ケルン大聖堂。第二次世界大戦でほとんど焼けてしまったから今のものは再建されたもの。それにしてもすごい迫力。中のおおきな大聖堂を作るため、Flying buttressという周りにあるこのいっぱいの塔みたいので壁を支えてるらしい。

Another winter market in Koln Germany. Kanata wanted to eat the salami (?) stick. He said that was the one of best salamis he had in his life. We are lucky here again that we missed the European Christmas, yet we could feel some of the mood :) ドイツの町、ケルンでの冬のマーケット。かなたはこのサラミが人生で一番のおいしいサラミだったらしい。他にもがレットっぽいもの?いろいろドイツならではのものがあった。

Aachen Cathedral in Aachen. The town is located between Germany and Belgian. Such a little cute town. It's apparently famous for hot springs too. We just hopped off the train before the transit and walk to the cathedral for about 30 mins from the station. It was too early in the morning so that we could not go in to the building. Alas... It is claimed as one of the oldest cathedrals in Europe and was constructed by order of the emperor Charlemagne, who was buried there after his eath in 814. It was too short to see all of them.. The town also seems to be interesting. Ahhhhh we needed more time! We definitely have to come back to Europe again!!! なんとこれはカール大帝(742-814年A.D)が立てたとされ、彼の遺体が壁に埋められているというアーヘン大聖堂。アーヘンというドイツとベルギーの間にある小さな町にある。なぜこの今では何もないところにこんなすごいものが建っているのか不思議だが、実はこの町、温泉でも有名らしい。ブリトンがこの大聖堂を見たくて、電車の乗り換えの一時間半の間だけの下車。行ってみたものの、まだ朝早すぎて、(11時開門らしい。)大聖堂の中には入れず。。もっと時間あればな。。絶対またヨーロッパ戻らなきゃいけないよね!!

Behold! Here are Belgian Waffles in Belgium! It seems like there are many kinds of Belgian waffles. The most famous are those two: the Brussels waffle and the Liège waffle.Liège waffle is the one people thinks it's the Belgium waffle - a richer, denser, sweeter, and chewier. Both are super good of course. ベルギーで本場ベルギーワッフル。みんなが思っているベルギーワッフルはLiège waffleという種類らしい。他にもいろいろな種類があって、全てが重くて甘くていわゆるベルギーワッフルと思っているものでもない。

Parc du Cinquantenaire. We visited Royal Military Museum and passed the
Arcade du Cinquantenaire. Beautiful peaceful park. Since it's cold winter, not many people out there but it must be a great fun gathering spot in summer. ブリュッセル公園。大きな凱旋門があったり、他にもミリタリー博物館や、美術館などがある。私たちはミリタリー博物館へ。

Grand Place with the Christmas lights. It was a breathtaking. I never seen such those fine beautiful buildings before. I just wanted to be there for a long time and observe those each architectures. For people who don't know about Grand Place, the central square of Brussels. It is surrounded by opulent guildhalls and two larger edifices, the city's Town Hall, and the King's House or Breadhouse building containing the Museum of the City of Brussels. This is definitely MUST- SEE spot.

Manneken Pis - Well, if you are in Brussels, you have to visit this little guy. It's significantly small. If you don't pay attention, you will easily miss it. ベルギーにいるならば、やはりみておかねば、小便小僧。

Here we are in Paris! First bread in Paris. It's just a bakery near our hotel but everything was tasty.

The building behind us are Conciergerie,  formerly a prison but presently used mostly for law courts and other court houses and stuff. The river is the Seine.

Notre-Dame de Paris. We are very fortune to see the original building before the tragic fire...Inside is also majestic as well. We did not have a chance to climb up the towers.
ノートルダム大聖堂 あの悲惨な火災がある前のオリジナルな建築を見れたことは本当にラッキーだったと思う。素晴らしい、本当に神秘を感じる大聖堂
The Sainte-Chapelle - The Royal Chapelle. 
It's just awe inspiring! Incredible! Cannot describe with words how awesome those stained glass windows are! This might be my best of all in Paris. You will have to go and see them. You will not be disappointed. Human made so many dumb stuff and are hurting this mother earth but people who made this building should be recognized forever in the human history. セント・チャペル -ステンドグラスが世界的に有名な教会。ロイヤルファミリー用のチャペル。さすがだ。言葉もでない。こんなステンドグラスみたこともない。一日ただ。ずっとそこに立って眺めていられる。細かさ、光の芸術に本当に脱帽だね。

French Crapes - their crapes are much different from Japanese ones. There are so many variations from savory to sweet. But those are indeed a full meal. I've gotten hamburg one. It was delicious and fill you for sure. You use utencils to eat those, not like walking around and eat with hands. Also, there are so many kinds of skins, like made by buckwheat etc.フランスのクレープ。日本とは違ってちゃんとしたご飯ね。本当にいろいろ入ってるし、メインディッシュ系からおやつ系まで。フォークとナイフで食べるし、持ち歩ける感じじゃない。皮もいろいろ。そば粉とか。

I still can't believe that I would go to Louvre... I cannot believe that I stood in front of the glass triangle. As I've heard from many people. it's a massive museum. HUGE! We went to a night. No way you can see all of them in a day. This is one of 'have to come back some day" locations for sure. ルーヴ美術館 -変な話、まさか自分がルーヴ美術館に行く日がこんなに早く来るとは!なんとなく、20代の頃、ヨーロッパは引退した後かなって思ってたから。聞いてはいたけどでかい。すごい。絶対に全部なんて見切れない。。ここはまた来なくてはリスト決定。

You know what it is.. Mona Lisa. Kanata had no interests in arts what-so-ever. Even though the kiddo was impressed by it and felt lucky that he could get to see the real actual Mona Lisa!

Since when I was a kid, somehow I really liked this picture.

Hotel De Nord Our hotel. We fell in love with the tiny, super cute guest house type hotel. The kids got a room and the parents got another room. It was an attic suite room. Oh and their breakfast is amazing! Bread is absolutely yummy! We would love to go back next time when we will be in Paris! Highly recommended!

The Palace of Versailles - A bit away from the Paris downtown. Took a train for about 45 mins. You will definitely need a full day, maybe  two days if you want to explore the gardens. Yukine and I had sooooo much fun over there. Kanata? He slept on the benches in the building most of time there... Poor Brit had to stuck with him... Sorry. This is the another "need to come back again"items in the list.You can tell that this whole entire place was spend countless amount of money in them. Building, Architect, furniture, garden...everything is just beyond impressing! No wonder working middle class people complained and eventually it lead the French revolution.... ベルサイユ宮殿ー広い、綺麗、きらきらしてる!!!中はさらにすごい。本当にでかいし、全ての調度品が見るからに金がかかっている。さらに今のように電気やら断熱やら、機械やらがない時代。そんなときにこんなものを税金で作り、毎晩のようにパーティしてれば、市民も改革起こしたくなるわな。。。

You will get the best bread anywhere and everywhere in Paris. They never disappoint you. My sandwich was very new to me. It had some kind of raw beef.

The Palais Garnier - Opera House. Yukine's favorite. She was super excited to see this in Paris. There was no show because of the new year season. But she was still pretty happy to see inside of the building. Before we headed to this trip, we watched the movie "The Phantom of the Opera". That was a good idea we did. It was more fun to see some of feature at the opera house, like the phantom's room or so. オペラハウス オペラ座の怪人で有名なパリのオペラハウス。世界三大バレエ団の公式会場のひとつでもある。喜音にとっては夢のような場所。この旅の中で一番楽しみにしていたところからも知れない。ヨーロッパに来る前にオペラ座の怪人の映画も見てきたため、いろいろな場所がなじみがあり、それもよかった。建物の建築だけでも見事なもの。

The Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile: We couldn't go inside and top of the Arc because there was the yellow jacket protest going on. The Arc was surrounded by tons of police cars, the atmosphere around the area was very strange...Most of stores and boutiques, restaurants on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées were closed or more like barricaded with ply woods... It might be lucky to see the historical moment and real Paris issues, not only the beautiful side of the town.凱旋門ー本来なら、上に上ることのできる凱旋門だが、私たちが行ったときに限って黄色いジャケットの人らによる抗議運動がおこなわれていたため、閉鎖。シャンペリゼ通りもほとんどの店などはしまっており、板でバリケードまで作っている異様な雰囲気だった。残念だったけれど、この芸術、歴史に満ちた街にもいろいろ綺麗だけではまとまらない問題があるのだろうと感じた。住むのは大変なんだよね。

The Eiffel Tower I am not sure if it's always lighting up or it was just during the holiday season but every 30 mins, the tower is brightening up with lights. It was stunning. You feel Paris when you see this tower. I didn't go in the park or the tower but even only seeing it from a bit of distance, it has its power to attract people all over the world.